Most Inaccurate Lessons You Were Taught in School

May 6, 2009
Datalord said:
Lord Monocle Von Banworthy said:
Datalord said:
Ygfi said:
Datalord said:
Ygfi said:
Monkeyman8 said:
Communism is a totalitarian regime with a command economy, and has been shown not to work by the former USSR. This in a college class on government.
this is one of the most perpetuated lies i hear. i also hear so much crap about communism when people are talking about socialism, not to mention the abuse of the word anarchy.

OT: nuclear energy is completely safe....
i'm pritty sure radioactive waste, the defilement of landscape, nuclear reactions them selves, a few other things are completely harmless.
Nuclear energy IS safe, just not the level we have achieved yet, if we could obtain complete nuclear fission, we would be left with non-radioactive isotopes of elements, extracting all possible energy from actinides and lanthanides,
i'm pritty sure soaking up too many gamma rays will give you 'sunburn' at the very least. (cancer useually takes a while after exposure)
AAAAh, but the whole purpose of a nuclear reactor is to take the alpha, beta, gamma, and less common radioactive particles and use them to spin a magnet around a wire, if the reactor was perfected, the radiation escaping from it would be trivial compared to sunlight
I thought I'd get through the whole thing. Damn.

You need to study more. Nuclear reactors use radiated HEAT to make STEAM to turn turbines. They're just like coal plants except we get our heat from a different place. It's not like the Enterprise's warp core where we somehow harness the radiation itself to do our techno-magic.
If a leads to b, b leads to c, and c leads to d, than a leads to d, if only indirectly. So, yes, the radiation heats water, which turns to steam, which turns a turbine, which spins a magnet to generate an electric current, so the radiation turns the magnet to form an electric current
You're going to stick with that story? Because you very clearly referred to the "particles" being used, not the heat. Also, care to tell us what some of the "less common radioactive particles" are? Or how the "particle" is radioactive? I thought the isotope was.

There's nothing wrong with being mistaken, but backpedaling to try to justify why you weren't after all is not a mature thing to do. There's a lot of that in this thread.
May 6, 2009
You guys really NEVER use any kind of math in your lives? You never try to figure out how much gas you need to put in your car to go on a trip, or figure out what your share of a restaurant bill is? Never had to cut something to fit something else?

Most of the math I use in my daily life is of the old +-*/ variety, but I don't go a day without having to put numbers to something.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
I went to a private school, and they basically said ID has more validity than Evolution. That mad me sad.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
captainwillies said:
Demented Teddy said:
captainwillies said:
Demented Teddy said:
"Fascism is bad"
It may be mocking my choice of government but it's still fucking hilarious.
the idea of Fascism ain't all that bad its true flaw is that it doesn't allow space for the "individual" to grow and projects the ideals of one onto many. were as its polar opposite Anarchy allows all the space for an individual but as a system of society having no structure means all efforts of said individual goes to waste. i truly believe there is a golden balance in between these to but by all means if there was "one" who was born who could project good onto many without damaging the individual fascism would work wonderfully! :D
communism is sometimes a halfway inbetween. like any democracy, the minority is at risk of being ignored, but that's democracy for you. my problem with fascism is that it can be a minority abusing a majority, which is worse. and you're completely mistaken about anarchy. anarchy means no standing government, not no law. anarchy is the opposite side of the scale to totalitarianism, so really, a middle ground is not far off what we had, but it's what end of the middle ground you're talking about (anywhere on the communist/socialist/capitalist scale) with no real deviation to either side of anarchy/totalitarianism (have a look at a cross chart) absolute middle (socialism) is the easiest to run, but i'd still much rather collective anarchy.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
also, about the whole 1812 thing, americans, listen up. there is this thing called the commonwelth. australia, canada, new zealand and lots of other countries were all part of the brittish empire. you were fighting the commonwelth, so naturally the brits got involved, and being canada, they weren't gonna pick you guys over them. now days all the commonwelth is really good for is the games, and an excuse to bag on everyone else!


New member
Feb 17, 2008
Ygfi said:
communism is sometimes a halfway inbetween. like any democracy, the minority is at risk of being ignored, but that's democracy for you. my problem with fascism is that it can be a minority abusing a majority, which is worse. and you're completely mistaken about anarchy. anarchy means no standing government, not no law. anarchy is the opposite side of the scale to totalitarianism, so really, a middle ground is not far off what we had, but it's what end of the middle ground you're talking about (anywhere on the communist/socialist/capitalist scale) with no real deviation to either side of anarchy/totalitarianism (have a look at a cross chart) absolute middle (socialism) is the easiest to run, but i'd still much rather collective anarchy.
well if not Anarchy then Objectivism(eeh even though its more of a philosophy) would be the polar opposite. and yes i agree with what you say. if only humans were better....Also! have you seen this?



New member
Apr 14, 2009
Quick Ben said:
killer-corkonian said:
Acromatopsy said:
killer-corkonian said:
megasamus1 said:
funguy2121 said:
I can't believe no one's said this:

"Marijuana is a gateway drug."
Wow, I remember this happening 2 years ago, in my health class.
My teacher told us that we were starting a "drug unit", things just went downhill from there.

Also, I've had a couple of teachers who say that communism doesn't work, socialism isn't used effectively in any "modern" country, and capitalism is the most effective modern economy.

1. In reality, "true" communism CAN be kept stable (no corruption, capitalist "values"), but most likely not as a large country, maybe in a small independent town.

2. ever heard of Europe?

3. don't get me started on capitalism and it's shortcomings... (depression, our current "recession", etc.)
What about Europe? Communism isn't used here. Neither is Socialism.
How is not socialism used here? Well, ok, I have to admit I don't know about the rest of the europe but in finland one of our three major political parties is the social-democratic party. We also have the ..uh, I'm not sure how to translate this.. the Left union, a major party which "identifies with socialism but resigns from "the totaliarism related to it".
I know we have a smattering of Socialist parties here and there, but how many countries actually have Socialism leading them?
Well, Norway at least is currently led by a coalition made up of the Workers Party, Socialist Left-Party, and the Centrist Party... That should count as Socialist...
Eh... It's socialist on paper, but I wouldn't really call Norway a socialist country


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
In a business studies lecture on Boom, and Bust. That modern economic controls means that major recessions are a thing of the past. This was about 3 years ago.

Quick Ben

New member
Oct 27, 2008
chstens said:
Quick Ben said:
Well, Norway at least is currently led by a coalition made up of the Workers Party, Socialist Left-Party, and the Centrist Party... That should count as Socialist...
Eh... It's socialist on paper, but I wouldn't really call Norway a socialist country
Yea you're right there. I wouldn't really call Norway a socialist country either. But you got to keep in mind that lots of the more right leaning in the world (especially in America,) would call even parts of the Norwegian right-side socialist. So it really depends on the viewpoint. I was thinking more of the general tendencies in international politics which have been leaning towards the right for quite a long time now. So in comparison, Socialist, stand-alone, no.


New member
May 12, 2009
Mimsofthedawg said:
Julianking93 said:
[b/][Search Bar Approved. At least up to the 3rd page of search][/b]

We've all had them before, when was a time where you were taught something in school and the teacher said it with the upmost sincerity and confidence, yet you either instantly knew it wasn't true or you later found out it wasn't true?

For me, it's a tie between when my 1st grade teacher told me the Sun rotates and revolves around the planets simultaneously with everything else, (I instantly called her out on that and I was 6.) and when my 8th grade American History teacher told the class that the founding fathers of America wanted it to be a strictly Christian nation. (once again, I instantly called him out on it and even quoted Benjamin Franklin when he said this would be a much better nation without religion.)
I've actually seen this thread before, but I won't call search bar on it because the last one I saw was in June... and it wasn't exactly the same (same idea, but not restricted to school... like, it included what urban legends you thought were true but found out they weren't). Just funny how you can search it and there's almost ALWAYS another thread like it somewhere.

Anywho, one of my super conservative teachers taught me that CE and BCE meant, "Christian Error and Before Christian Error". It doesn't. It means Christian Era and Before Christian Era. One could argue that it's still "wrong" they took out AD, or year of our Lord, but even then, it's not the same as saying "Christian Error".

I was also taught that America went to war with Spain in the Spanish-American War solely for Imperialist reasons. Although there's no doubt that played a role, to say that was the only reason is STUPID.
You are both wrong actually, CE stands for Common Era, and BCE stands for Before Common Area, why would a term created to be a more scientific and easier approach have anything to do with Christianity?


New member
Nov 1, 2009
we had a re lesson onece where we were ment to be learning about what happens in a wedding but instead he told us that other cutures can have multiple husbands and wive and babbled on about it for the whole hour lesson he also asked my friend (who is male) if he wanted four husband then when he said no he said "Oh so one husband will be enough for you then"


New member
Oct 20, 2009
On what grounds are all people not equal? Are we not capable of the same things, or are we not all of the same value?


New member
Oct 20, 2009
coxafloppin said:
Money isnt everything.

It seriously is, its the only reason people do anything.
Money is a necessary evil in a trade/barter society (which most in the FREE world would argue is the only just form of government). However, it is far from the only reason anyone does anything.

Ask anyone returning from Iraq and Afghanistan if they were there to strike it rich. Ask Ron Jeremy if he only does it for the cash. Resurrect Gandhi and MLK and ask if their motivations included greed.

I just entered a field of medicine where there is a lot of money to be made. By my third year, I may be making six figures. While most of the people I know in this field are pretty happy, there are plenty who are constantly chasing ways to make more, more, more. And these people are very unhappy. They thought by the 10-year mark that they'd be making a lot more money, and they never really loved the work even though they had a talent for it. They thought they would pay their dues, then "get real paid," then they would have happiness.

Very very rich people become drug addicts, sex predators and murderers, just like the poor and the ever-shrinking middle class. Middle aged white men commit suicide at a higher rate than teenaged girls, and this is the wealthiest segment of the populace.

So say it with me now...

"Money is ev-"

No, no, no,

"The love of money is the root of all evil."

Other reasons people do things... love, sex, approval, the love-sex-approval of a beautiful woman, duty (sometimes misplaced), power, revenge, anger, mental illness, desperation, empathy, and progress.