Most Intoxicated You've ever been...


New member
Apr 24, 2010
I er... I got carried home and midway through had to stop to simultaneously puke, pee and poo myself. Was pretty much my most drunk, and only cost me £50


New member
May 11, 2010
Last December, went to a christmas party thrown by a university society I was part of. Played Rong of Fire before leaving, got through several bottles of Desperados along with some various shots. Don't really remember too much after leaving the house, have a few flashes from the actual event, but not many. No idea how much I drank whilst there, but I was reliably informed the next day that I worked my way through several shots and a lot of double SoCo and lemonade

I genuinely can't remember the vast majority of the evening, apparantly I passed out in the bathroom for several hours when I got home, and puked a lot. It was the scariest night out I've had, cos anything could have happened and there would have been very little I could have done. I actually haven't been drunk since, it scared me that much


New member
Aug 5, 2010
I think I had about a case of beer in a matter of hours. I say I think, because I don't remember from halfway through the case (but there was no one else around so I think it was a fairly safe bet). Before you say I'm a lightweight, I had also given blood the day before and was both dehydrated and hadn't eaten that day.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
Back when I was still in the military I went to a base bar and ended up drinking 20 or so double rum and cokes (about the equivalent of a 40 ounce bottle). I was so drunk that I got into my head that it would be a good idea to walk over to a bunch of German soldiers stationed on the base and call them a bunch of krauts...I felt entitled because my family is mostly German. Needless to say one punched at me...missed because I fell on my ass before it connected and accidentally hit on of my fellow Canadian soldiers in the back of the head. He turned around and punched him back. This started a general brawl which caused the German and Canadian MP's to show up, both of which started cracking heads with batons. I watched all of this on my ass covered in vomit laughing my ass off. After all was said and done I thought this was such fun that I wanted to walk over and do it again. Luckily a friend of mine escorted me back to the barracks. When I woke up I was in the wrong room on an empty bed covered in vomit (mine) and blood (don't know whose)...I was basically sick for a week and swore off alcohol in all forms...a week later I went to the bar with some friends; I guess I don't learn very well.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
there are two nights that come to mind the first was me and all my friends were camping out and I killed a 1/5 of vodka in about an hour then started downing beer. The next thing I know I wake up the next morning with a weird taste in my mouth i guess I drank a cup of motor oil by mistake.
the other time was with vodka again, i ended up choking this girl (not very proud of that, but me and her are cool and actually we were cool the next day kinda weird) and then waking up in my bed not knowing how i got there.


Resident Morrowind Fanboy
Aug 10, 2008
New years I had the majority of a bottle of Jaegermeister, and a good crate of beer. Few other spirits, the odd can on top of that, and I can't remember most of it. Still getting told about things I did now...


Ace Defective
May 1, 2009
Uh... I sucked some helium out of a balloon once. Yeah.
Probably being deprived of sleep and finding everything funny is the closest I've been to being intoxicated.

... holding in that much laughter just feels like you're going to burst something.

Red Albatross

New member
Jun 11, 2009
Was at a party and had 2 Irish car bombs, and probably a dozen shots over the course of the night. I drank a lot of water and I ate a crapload of food, so it's not as much as it sounds like, but I was still pretty sloshed. I found a picture of Ben Franklin in a Cracker Jack box and decided to eat it, then shouted to everyone that I inherited his superpowers of freedom and lightning.

Also, we had a Dora the Explorer pinata that got smashed with a pink dildo between games of flip cup.

That was a great night.


New member
Nov 8, 2008
Swny Nerdgasm said:
a few years ago on new year's i drank a 1/5 of scotch about 3 six packs of guinness and a bottle of cognac that was laying about, wound up sleeping for about 12 hours in the trunk of a Honda Accord, i think i threw up a few times, but i don't remember much
^On a similar occasion to this man. i drank 2 bottles of (70cl) Of raseberry sambuca, and a 12 pints of carling. i only remember going to the party, making out with some girl. and then waking up in a grit box with my friend sleeping on top of it, near a skatepark with some bikes.
So obviously we stole some bikes and rode that park. because we dont know whos bikes they are
I also checked into a clinic to see if i had alch poisoning. becuase i puked for a solid 48 hours after.


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2009
When I woke up from being put out at the hospital, I didn't know what was happening.

Oh, from my own doing?

Never happened.


New member
May 11, 2009
Went out one night, completely unplanned, started out on doing the top shelf and it all went downhill from there. By the time we got past 20 we were on tequila slammers and sourz concoctions (mix all the flavours together, down four shots worth at once, gets you wasted), and I'm fairly sure (from the money I spent, I can't remember much after about 30) we must have done close to 50 shots. Yeah, I woke up with unexplained wounds and found I was banned from a couple of clubs. On the plus side, it was a thursday, so friday night at the pub cured it all. Good old hair o' the dog.

Either that or the time we raced our way through downing wine bottles and flaming drinks. I still can't drink red wine to this day. Or my little bro's 18th, where me and my cousin did a bottle of rum and a 24 crate before we even left the house, and then went out on a pissup. That was a fun night.


New member
Jul 13, 2004
17th birthday house party. Lost memory since 7pm (After downing 1/4 a bottle of whiskey), when my memory starts working again (15 hours later) it turns out:

A friend of mine jumped off my roof twice.
The garage window was smashed in.
There was a clean hole punched in my bath-tub. (A big one too)
I now had a girlfriend (Lasted 3 years too!).
I'd hit two people and blamed Tom Morello (The guitarist of rage against the machine) for making me do it.
Thrown up everywhere etc.

Was hung over for a good 3 or 4 days after that. Think I may have gotten alcohol poisoning or something.


New member
Nov 7, 2006
There have been a couple times. one of the first times I smoked weed was with 5 friends in my buddies room, I had about 5 beers and three screw drivers. This girl i liked was there except she brought another guy and later that night i would find out she liked him. My buddy tried to cheer my up by rolling me a joint and we went to this local spot where stoners hung out. I smoked some weed, coughed profusely and then started walking around in circles, getting further and further away from the group as I did so. They were on the bench laughing and I could hear them getting furhter and further away until my friend comes to get me. The walk home sucked, she ended up running ahead with this dude and making out with him behind trees and the like. When I got home i was so smashed iw alked into the kitchen where my mom was and tried to pour myself a glass of OJ. Got half of it all over the counter and only filled my small glass up about a third of the way. When i got downstairs to check my cell phone it felt like the room was spinning, except forwards (as if i was doing front flips/somersaults). I ended up falling asleep on my washer and dryer with my head in the sink that night.

One time when I took some ecstasy in my room alone (I have no friends that would be interested in trying and i just wanted to listen to music) about halfway through my roll i felt that the music i was playing on my computer would sound better if there were no lights on in my room, so i turned the lights off but the LED fans on my computer were still pissing me off, so i threw my blanket over my computer (great idea right?) and tried dancing around some more, but the room still wasnt pitch black, so i took my t-shirt off, wrapped it around my head and danced what can only be described as a bell-end.

The best time of my life is when I went to a cottage party, split a 2-4 of Canadian with my best friend and smoked our faces off the whole night. Another friend of ours (the DD) took us home and we were throwing shit out the windows, smoking more weed and cigarettes all the way home, then when we got back into my town he took us into a field with his truck, threw her into 4x4 and started ripping around in the field, then we went to the high school and did the same thing there. Went to my buddies house, smoked some more, made a "nest" on the ground in front of the t.v then we played skate 2 until we passed out. I woke up the next morning, there was a bong already packed infront of me and a lighter in my hand, wake and bake, had 3 beers a smirnoff ice, 3 bowls of cereal, puked and then went to work an hour later.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
The worst I had like 3 or 4 beers to start the night a half of bottle of Captain Morgan Private stock. The my friend made me like 3 or 4 mixed drinks, with ice from the cooler the beer cooler. He Called them tropical Tonys you could only drink them with dirty ice he kept saying. I was puked it was 4th of July and like 95 degree's I was shivering and while retching I said to his wife "hold my hair". When saying my hair was less than a quarter inch of hair on my head.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
I'd say that would have to have been my 21st birthday (December 30th, 1999). I remember that my mates and I started drinking and watching 80s action flicks about 2pm on my b'day, then I have no memory of anything that happened between going out at 9pm that night and waking up around 4 in the afternoon on the 2nd of January on my couch, wearing a toga and traffic cone with my girlfriend passed out on the floor and my best mate snorin' his arse off, sprawled over the letterbox where he'd apparently been spewin' his guts up.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Spacefly said:
Baldry said:
And I've once been hot-boxing in a tent. Suffice to say I got pretty high and got told to suck a guys dick (I didn't) and ended feeling up every women in the tent, its also the reason I got a girlfriend!
Hotboxing tents is awesome. Although I've never been told to such a guys dick. Thats a bit... odd.
Yeah well most of the people in the tent were people who get horny-high, which at times can be good!


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Biosophilogical said:
Your spelling is astounding for an intoxicated individual.
Oh believe me; I was trying really hard.

I made a few posts after this thread in which I butchered the English language, and then I made a post about my drunkenness on Facebook.

I think next time I should stay away from the computer.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
first time i got drunk i vomited on the pavement outside the bar then it took us like 40 min to make a 5 min walk. Got to the parking garage and an other friend threw up in the corner, then some one dont know who drove me home. When we were at my door i told them it was the wrong door so we drove around longer untill they rang my cousin who came found us and took me home. Then they carried me upstairs and dumped me in my bed. all in all took us about 2 hours to get home instead of the 15 min walk. We have all sworn silence on that night.