Most Overrated Movie and Why


New member
Dec 12, 2010
OMG! You Ninja'd my topic! Good job!

OT: AVATAR. That was utter bs. It might as well have been called James Cameron's Final Fantasy. Way too familiar. Creature design was a freaking copyright infringement. Na'avi= Ronso, etc. Story sucked and I've never even seen Dances with Wolves. Only people I know who like it are old and/or unimaginative. Rented it from Redbox for a buck. That was stupid of me. Best part of the film was the freaking tree.

Sidenote: Leona Lewis did the theme songs for both FFXIII and Avatar. Hm...


Elite Member
Jun 27, 2009
United States
Ekonk said:
SirBryghtside said:
2001: A Space Odyssey. I watched it and was bored out of my skull, but I was genuinely interested in why people thought it was good. A couple of reviews later, and I find out the answer was because it's really good art, and anyone who says otherwise just doesn't 'get' it.

I think 2001 is amazing, although it's also really boring.

Same goes for Tarkovsky films, they're all masterpieces but so incredibly slow. But that's part of it, I guess. I can't imagine a fast-paced 2001: A Space Odyssey or Stalker.
then this is for you.
I love 2001, and sadly if this was real, the American public would see it. I'm going to go to the corner now and weep for humanity.


New member
Jul 7, 2008

the story is overdone and predictable (yes even for the time), the acting is pretty bad, and the cinematography is mediocre at best. yet it is considered one of the best movies ever made

also the way the most under rated movie ever is Requiem for a Dream.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
SckizoBoy said:
Off the top of my head:

Pearl Harbour... not sure if this is overrated or anything, but hey

1. The entire fucking film & its continued existence.
2-100. See (1)
To be fair that film wasn't overrated, it was critically panned and I can't remember if it made all that much money.

I don't like the use of terms like overrated and such however if I was to use it... I'd say Unforgiven. Now I know I'll get flak for this but I don't know... This film is often said to be the best Western ever. While I didn't hate the film, I mean its not a bad film... Its pretty damn good actually. However I honestly didn't think it was quite up there as the best ever.

I thought The Proposition was the better film. That and For a few dollars more.

Edit: Seems Pearl Harbor was the sixth highest grossing movie of 2001 so I guess you've got the whole commercial thing right... Though honestly I don't believe commercial success counts as being overrated, I think that's based entirely on critical success. Which is why I roll my eyes when people put Avatar up there as being overrated... despite that fact that it got mostly average ratings and most the internet has turned on it to the point that its almost in underrated territory.


Elite Member
Mar 25, 2010
Jamboxdotcom said:
Avatar. Ok, it's pretty. That, to me, is not sufficient validation for a film. And the allegory is far too heavy-handed to be taken seriously, so any merit it might get for its "message" is lost because it's delivered so obnoxiously.
/thread. The only reason it was hyped so much is because of the "revolutionary" technology they used, which most people don't even realize they don't care about. And judging by everything except the visuals, it was pretty underwhelming. Like The Force Unleashed 2. It might've been the best looking game I've seen on the 360 before Crysis 2, but everything else sucked. I guess gamers have higher standards seeing how that was reviewed.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
Zenron said:
The Godfather for me. It's considered legendary by most people but the film is like 3 hours long and I was bored of it about half way through.
Very much so. I never could finish it.

For me, it would have to be Napoleon Dynamite. I hate that movie with a passion. High school was filled with people repeating "Gosh!" and "Numchucks" (it's nunchucks, thank you, or nunchaku). The movie was not funny, and I hate John Heder now because of it. THe only thing I liked in the move was the karate sensei.


New member
Oct 31, 2009
Ekit said:
Juno. It just isn't funny, clever, original or endearing.
It really is a foul peice of shit.

For me it would be anything Christopher Nolan has directed. Dark Knight and Inception being the worst offenders. Memento following closely.


New member
Feb 17, 2011

It was boring and the idea has been DONE TO DEATH in so many other places. Hell, even Batman the Animated Series tackled a lot of the dream points in an episode. Sorry, the acting wasn't that great (especially when DiCaprio was playing the SAME role from Shutter Island which came out only a few months prior to Inception) and while the effects were neat, it wasn't enough to keep me entertained.

Also, Grease.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the songs and the dance scenes are great...but god I hate pretty much everything else. And of course, it was pretty much ALL my sister wanted to watch during the 90s, that and Gone with the Wind. Ugh.


Elite Member
Jun 27, 2009
United States
Ti said:
OMG! You Ninja'd my topic! Good job!

OT: AVATAR. That was utter bs. It might as well have been called James Cameron's Final Fantasy. Way too familiar. Creature design was a freaking copyright infringement. Na'avi= Ronso, etc. Story sucked and I've never even seen Dances with Wolves. Only people I know who like it are old and/or unimaginative. Rented it from Redbox for a buck. That was stupid of me. Best part of the film was the freaking tree.

Sidenote: Leona Lewis did the theme songs for both FFXIII and Avatar. Hm...
I for one am sick of people who use the dances with wolves/Pocahontas argument just because it's bandwagon.
Avatar sucks not because of unoriginality but because the plot completely falls apart when you realize that the "hero" causes every problem, the avatar program clearly doesn't work, and the "Bad guys" actually seem to have a point.
Humans use technology to survive so we need to use the planets resources, the Na'vi on the other hand were just born with the entire planet under their control, they didn't earn anything and don't follow any form of societal advancement, meaning they are destined to die out anyway. because they are an inert species.
So why does the movie seem stuck on the idea that the na'vi are a superior race?
That's why it's not a good movie. So please, everyone, make your own reasons instead of bandwagon.
at least it was pretty.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
Ekit said:
Juno. It just isn't funny, clever, original or endearing.
Oh my god this. Juno is the most poorly written film ever to win an oscar for writing. The scene where she tells her friend she's pregnant has a line so bad they took it out of the dvd release.

JUNO: I'm pregnant.
JUNO: No it's Morgan Freeman, do you have any bones I could collect?

It's a very awkward reference to The Bone Collector. It's awkward because a) Its a reference to The Bone Collector, and b) Denzel Washington was in The Bone Collector, not Morgan Freeman. If you're going to fill your movie with pop culture references, at least get them right.

Shock and Awe

Winter is Coming
Sep 6, 2008
Apocalypse Now, it is so over dramatic and so pretentious that its not funny. If you want to critique the Vietnam war you don't do it like that. One that did it right was Full Metal Jacket, it was an amazing movie that is likable by hawks and doves.


New member
Dec 12, 2010
Drakmeire said:
Ti said:
OMG! You Ninja'd my topic! Good job!

OT: AVATAR. That was utter bs. It might as well have been called James Cameron's Final Fantasy. Way too familiar. Creature design was a freaking copyright infringement. Na'avi= Ronso, etc. Story sucked and I've never even seen Dances with Wolves. Only people I know who like it are old and/or unimaginative. Rented it from Redbox for a buck. That was stupid of me. Best part of the film was the freaking tree.

Sidenote: Leona Lewis did the theme songs for both FFXIII and Avatar. Hm...
I for one am sick of people who use the dances with wolves/Pocahontas argument just because it's bandwagon.
Well, bandwagon or no I think the story is much less than fresh. That story did not need to be told again. Especially not for $237 million. Thread asked for my opinion and I gave it. No need to get fussy. :/


New member
Jun 12, 2011
King Kong (the 2005 one). It's supposed to be epic, but I got really bored with it. Can't excactly remember why I got bored, but I can say that I have remembered it to be bad :p


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Drakmeire said:
Humans use technology to survive so we need to use the planets resources, the Na'vi on the other hand were just born with the entire planet under their control, they didn't earn anything and don't follow any form of societal advancement, meaning they are destined to die out anyway. because they are an inert species.
So why does the movie seem stuck on the idea that the na'vi are a superior race?
That's why it's not a good movie. So please, everyone, make your own reasons instead of bandwagon.
at least it was pretty.
Not to start an argument or anything but that's like saying
"The native american's didn't deserve their land since they weren't using it properly"
"Regular civilians that live in the middle east don't deserve to live there since they're not using the oil"
Just because one party wants the land for resources doesn't mean it's entitled to it. Plus the Na'vi don't need "technology" since lets be honest the whole planet doesn't follow standard evolutionary rules. (Two species being able to connect like the Na'vi and their flying horse things do)
Sure you didn't mean it like that but that's how it came across...


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
Avatar. This one should be obvious, what with it's heavy-handed message and cliched story.

Also, the Twilight movies, also for obvious reasons.


The Night Zombie
Sep 8, 2009
District 9 - I, for one, didn't like the main character at all (at least in the first half of the film), and therefore found it tremendously difficult to sympathize with him (which, I gather, was supposed to happen). As for everything else, I was rather underwhelmed. It was a good movie, yes, but I didn't understand why people (particularly people on this website) were so adamant in their assertion that it was a "brilliant" movie, or, as I saw many times, "one of the best movies ever". Stop.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
James Cameron movies. I loved me some Terminator and Aliens, but most of his stuff is lowest common denominator material. People crap on Michael Bay and Roland Emmerich for making dumb crowdpleasing blockbusters, but give Cameron a huge pass on Avatar and Titanic. Good movies, but with really easy choices in casting, characters, dialog, and story. Well executed, but not much more. Never had a need or want to ever see those two movies again.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Inglorious Basterds. Tarantino has made nothing so far to show me he's as good as people say. The main thing I disliked about the movie was that it was advertised as a comedy and everyone said it was hilarious, and it was not funny at all. That and I don't like watching characters talk in languages I don't understand about a plot I stopped caring about 10 minutes in, all while reading subtitles.

Avatar is also up there. It's a gorgeous movie, but sometimes the plot just broke the fourth wall so hard. Examplse: unobtanium; predictable plot. I enjoyed watching it, but I don't think it's a phenomenon, and it's one of those movies I'll only watch once.