Most Overrated Movie and Why


New member
Apr 4, 2011
Ti said:
Sidenote: Leona Lewis did the theme songs for both FFXIII and Avatar. Hm...
FFXIII was single greatest disappointment I've ever subjected myself too... If Leona Lewis is the problem, then my mission becomes clear:

Leona Lewis must be eliminated...

As for the OT, I'm gonna say "The Hangover." Moments that had my wife bursting into laughter just had me staring at the screen going, " that supposed to be funny? Cause it's just random...and not 'random funny,' more like 'random stupid'."

Maybe it's because I cut my teeth on "ridiculous out-of-context random humor" with Aqua Teen Hunger Force years ago. The Hangover is a kiddie pool of "ridiculous out-of-context random humor" when compared to the likes of Aqua Teen's full-sized swimming pool.

Regardless, I think it's an overrated bucket of "meh."


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
funguy2121 said:
FalloutJack said:
The answer is 2012. But instead of ME explaining, I have a pinch-hitter for me. Take it away, Dara O'Briain!

That guy is hilarious. Here's to Brit comics!

Why does almost everyone seem to be picking critically acclaimed blockbusters from before they were born and only offering "it bored me" as an explanation? "It bored me" is not an assessment of a movie. "It bored me" with no characterization of how/why the film bored you makes it apparent that the something the movie offers has passed him/her by.
Oh, I can answer that. They're overrated people.



New member
Jan 21, 2008
Hmm. I'd have to say Gone with the Wind.
Severely overrated. Either that or the Sound of Music. Both were... just terribly over-rated from both a cinematic perspective and an acting/plot perspective.
note: I'm not a KI major or anything so meh. imho.


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Oct 20, 2009
elbrandino said:
Inglorious Basterds. Tarantino has made nothing so far to show me he's as good as people say. The main thing I disliked about the movie was that it was advertised as a comedy and everyone said it was hilarious, and it was not funny at all. That and I don't like watching characters talk in languages I don't understand about a plot I stopped caring about 10 minutes in, all while reading subtitles.

Avatar is also up there. It's a gorgeous movie, but sometimes the plot just broke the fourth wall so hard. Examplse: unobtanium; predictable plot. I enjoyed watching it, but I don't think it's a phenomenon, and it's one of those movies I'll only watch once.
I loved Basterds, but it's not my favorite Tarantino film. The language/subs issue is a taste thing. It was well done. It's funny you should mention Basterds, because it relates to what you said about Avatar...

Warning: I'm going to be a huge nerd here and correct you. I hope this doesn't sound condescending. Fourth-wall breaking is a specific form of meta-fiction. It refers to, and only to, a character addressing the audience directly, as in the Bloodpool comics and the horrific (don't waste your time) Funny Games. Calling the sought-after material "unobtainium" isn't even really metafiction. Even if it weren't based on an engineering term, referring to something in this way isn't 4th wall breaking or metafiction. Metafiction is when a character addresses or acknowledges that he/she is a character. Stranger than Fiction is a fantastic example of this, as is Inglorious Basterds, specifically the very first scene, wherein the fantastic Christoph Waltz tells the farmer that he's exhausted all of his French and asks if he can finish the conversation in English. But Tarantino doesn't stop there - he didn't do it just for a dumb joke. He then uses that literary device to the story's end. The English is used to conceal from the Jews hiding under the floorboards that Col. Landa knows they are down there, and is about to kill them. It made the scene all the more gripping.

Two things struck me harder walking away from Inglorious Basterds than anything else: the first scene involving the title characters takes for ever but never ceases to be entertaining or stops serving the story, and proves that quite a bit of story can be pulled out of one scene, and the movie itself is a statement about the power of cinema. OK, and the standoff in the bar was one of the scariest things I've seen in a theater since the OD scene in Pulp Fiction.

Speaking of, go find a copy of that movie. Now. It'll change your view of Tarantino.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
FalloutJack said:
funguy2121 said:
FalloutJack said:
The answer is 2012. But instead of ME explaining, I have a pinch-hitter for me. Take it away, Dara O'Briain!

That guy is hilarious. Here's to Brit comics!

Why does almost everyone seem to be picking critically acclaimed blockbusters from before they were born and only offering "it bored me" as an explanation? "It bored me" is not an assessment of a movie. "It bored me" with no characterization of how/why the film bored you makes it apparent that the something the movie offers has passed him/her by.
Oh, I can answer that. They're overrated people.

Double tap to the splash (muted). Back to Metroid (Prime, you dolts. I do have taste).


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Kraj said:
Hmm. I'd have to say Gone with the Wind.
Severely overrated. Either that or the Sound of Music. Both were... just terribly over-rated from both a cinematic perspective and an acting/plot perspective.
note: I'm not a KI major or anything so meh. imho.
Speaking as a person who loves cinematic music (well, cinematic music from after the likes of John Williams were bit by the Gustav Holst bug and before everyone tried to be Hans Zimmer), did no one at any point during the post-production of Gone With The Wind tell the orchestra/conductor/composer to shut the fuck up? The fuckin' music just never stops.

Also: worst. ending. ever. Everything falls apart, asshole boyfriend slaps her and leaves her, she's left crying on the floor because she couldn't find her Victorian fucking fainting couch, but "It'll be better! You'll see! Tomorrow is another day!" Yes, Scarlet, and wherever you go, there you are. *****.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
Scott Pilgrim vs the World, everyone told me it was the ultimate nerd movie and yet I didn't find anything special about it. IT was okay and the references were pretty cool but the overall movie just felt meh.
Sep 14, 2009
lukemdizzle said:

the story is overdone and predictable (yes even for the time), the acting is pretty bad, and the cinematography is mediocre at best. yet it is considered one of the best movies ever made

also the way the most under rated movie ever is Requiem for a Dream.
someone who agrees with me on this!

holy shit!

honestly most of those old movies have just NOT withstood the test of time, and everyone who honestly tries to compare movies *especially like casablanca* to newer modern movies and say they are shite compared to it need to get beat across the head.


to add my own in i'll say...

The notebook (this is a more in real life thing) I can't get girls to shut up about that fucking movie ever, nor (this is not a stereotype, its just alot of the gay guys i know love the movie too, and i'm not making a sweeping generalization) but they also gossip the shit out of this movie and it literally comes up at least once a month ever since that damn thing has come out, and i finally watched it a few years after it came out as my girlfriend at the time forced me to sit down and watch it and i still think its unrealistic horseshit, that is more science fiction bullshit than half the movies i watch on syfy all the time.

Panda Mania

New member
Jul 1, 2009
My father adores Lawrence of Arabia . And a lot of other people consider it to be one of the greatest movies of all time. Personally, I'm willing to concede that:

-its visuals are sweepingly impressive; the cinematography is very appreciable
-the score is magnificent
-Peter O'Toole is a wonderful actor

but would definitely stop there, since I found it to be waaaaaaay too long (and any modern-day editor would cut it to pieces, in a good way), with much pointless dialogue and an aimless, exasperating main character and plot. 'Course, some like all that stuff. But I'll take a tightly-focused story any day over Lawrence of Arabia's meanderings.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
SckizoBoy said:
Off the top of my head:

Enemy at the Gates

1. Joseph Fiennes' character - no political officer was ever that idealistic.
2. Ed Harris' character - no German officer of his seniority would ever have been a specialist sniper
3. Shitty graphics
4. Rachel Weisz's character - do I really have to explain?! this is a war film not a damned romantic drama, get the fuck on with the killing already
Enemy at the Gates is overrated? I thought it was universally despised (and rightfully).


Goodfellas. The plot just seemed to meander around with absolutely no point. I guess you could say it was about the protagonist's rise and fall to power in organized crime, but if I wanted to watch that story I'd turn on Scarface and at least be entertained.

I would also have to say The Departed. Sick movie, weak ending.


New member
Dec 16, 2009
Tdc2182 said:
AssassinFisH said:
I am legend.....basically a very bad job of ripping off 28 days later.
It's a remake of a movie in the 60s....
Based upon a book of the same name.
However the fucking ending is pathetic, and don't get me started on the goddam butterfly!
In the book the main character is the last human, and spends his days hunting vampires, so he is their bogeyman, the one who comes when they are sleeping and kills them.
The ending(in the book) is actually VERY GOOD.
It's not a bad book, but film just messed every good thing in the book up, or ignored it and instead did a lame goddit ending :((.(There was zero religious crap in the book).

ocurnar calling

Tim Mazzola

New member
Dec 27, 2010
I'll say Shaun of the Dead. Before you all flame me, yes I get the joke. It's just a really bad joke that doesn't make up for the fact that it's a ridiculously depressing movie all around.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
and no i wont use pocahauntus, dances with wolves, ferngully, atlantis, the exodus, heart of darkness, ect as an argument...because thats not why this is my most hated movie.

The plot as derivative as it was for 15 years carries why too much convenience and simplicity.
example; The Navi being in perfect harmony with nature? bullshit, not even the native Americans loved nature so much they would refuse a clean water filter...or guns (seriously.
The simplicity of the military got on my nerves, the 'evil corporation' was painful to consider because of how little motivation it had. Speaking of motivation, the unobtainium (to the films credit it IS a scientific term used for unnamed objects that are hard to come by) was given little to no explanation, and for every one about to say "superconductor", it was not in the original cut of the film. thats the one i watched and if they wont bother adding valid info during the first release...fuck em.
On top of that the plot was really easy to call, WHO DIDNT SEE THE GIANT FLYING DINOSAUR PLOT POINT COMING?! no on, because it was introduced so bluntly it felt like a damn brick.
speaking of un-subtle "Fight Terror with terror?" yeah that topical line may have made better sense if it was actually written in the proper context to where you could call both sides terrorist, but wasn't

The Acting:
mediocre and unconvincing except for Weaver's character. NEXT!!!

The characters:
Jake Sulley is a selfish bastard, not only is he unnecessary, seriously why couldn't his brother do all of this? because he was a scientist? No i'll tell you why, because what do you get when you have a crippled guy whose brother died? INSTANT HEART STRING PULL!!! but here i go...what motivation does he have to help the Navi?....Sex? that it? doing the right thing but risking court martial and a treason charge for going against superiors? yeah, i don't think you can love someone in 3 months quickly enough for that bullshit. If the Navi were the bugs from district 9 he'd have them nuked by now. (p.s. district 9 is actually really good...if not also a little derivative...but well executed)

The Navi lady:
BLAAAAAANNNNDD!!!!! No personality and no motivation for boneing jake.
let me show you something; she about kills jake then stops when she discovers he "has a strong heart" *pukes*, teaches him for 3 months, has an affair with him (forgot about her other lover didnt you?), then when he lets a cat out of the bag he's working with the humans (fucking durr!!) she HAS HIM READY TO BE PUBLICLY EXECUTED!!! fucking one dimensional *****! understanding peaceful race my ass!

the bad guys:
somehow i like them more because they have motivation, character (as over the top it was) and they werent fucking hypocrites! they knew what they wanted and they went for it and they KEPT THOUSANDS EMPLOYED!!!! ever think about that? how about the people whos live depends on this company in an economic crisis they keep telling us about? oH! i'm sorry, we have to help the un innovative Navi worship a fucking tree!!

the science:
ok let me point this out for anyone writing sci fi.

if its not in our galaxy it's ok to go into science fantasy no trouble.(star wars)
if its really close (500 years in the future of this earth) your in SCI FI (star trek, halo, half life)
when in science fantasy in earth future, you can't half ass explain it, you explain it or break it. by break it, i mean establish that regular science has no ground or basis. which this doesn't.

Avatar is 150 years in the future and lays down science work....and doesn't explain. why? because plot holes come up!
the Avatars couldnt exist in actuality because the Navi may not share our chromosomes, genetic minerals, or even be carbon based, after all their MOON (thats right Pandora is a moon which brings up how it can constantly sustain a tropical climate and not freeze every other month.)also could they not do that with a dog? or another animal for science on earth?
the mountains...oh those mountains...even if it WAS superconductors, im not sure if they cause that.....ever....especially since they had FUCKING WATER FALLS!!!! and dont say "oh their was rain!" HOW MUCH FUCKING RAIN?!?! those mountain weren't THAT big! look, i love a good fantasy...but if its science based fiction set in a relatively near future...EXPLAIN!!!!

the releases:
this movie.....had FIVE releases in one year...James, you PROOVED you can top george lucas in being a only re released his stuff ONCE!!!

i also want to talk about the fact it was a money scheme and how it's offensive to tribal people (saying they live like they do because they dont WANT help...right...thats why American Indians own casinos) the basic plot holes and the factual errors it implys, the step in the wrong direction with excessive cgi and 3d, the claiming to be innovative even though it was done years ago....but i need some prozac...alot of prozac.
fuck this movie...fuck it all the way to hell.

so i leave this link to a funny man you doesn't hate this movie as much as I but still see's how underhanded it is:

p.s. the best visuals were in the 1940 film, Fantasia...absolutely beautiful hand drawn images.


New member
Mar 21, 2011
definitely avatar. people act like their eyes exploded when they saw it. yeah it had a amazing visuals but i found the story amazingly predictable and familiar.


New member
Feb 18, 2009
300, can't believe noone's mentioned this yet!
My friends all loved it when it came out, all I saw were repetitive fight sequences with a really horrible, fake looking background. People just seemed to love the muscular men doing big flashy moves. (which is funny because I'm a big wrestling fan :p)


New member
Jul 13, 2009
There's a few films that I really don't think deserved the praise they got:

Avatar - Not original in the slightest, but visually pretty.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Probably the worst film I have ever seen. The characters aren't likeable, the plot is pretty weak, and overall it just wasn't enjoyable to me.

Hangover - Had it's moments, but not the flash of comic brilliance everyone made it out to be(that and Zack Galahoweverthefuckyouspellit is a pretty bad actor and needs to invest in a fucking razor - seriously that beard is fucking disgusting, and I have a beard myself).

Titanic - It's a 3 hour movie and we know how it ends.

Sixth Sense - The cinematography is pretty well done, but I figured out the "twist" ending probably halfway through.

Pretty much any modern horror film - Whoo hoo, shallow characters and buckets of blood with flimsy plots!

Saving Private Ryan - Beautiful cinematography, but really wasn't all that interesting to me. Maybe I'm just jaded because I'm sick and fucking tired of WW2, but it wasn't the "end all be all of war films" that people made it out to be. Also; what kind of fucking moron storms a beach with a short range weapon like a Thompson Sub-Machinegun?

Panda Mania said:
My father adores Lawrence of Arabia . And a lot of other people consider it to be one of the greatest movies of all time. Personally, I'm willing to concede that:

-its visuals are sweepingly impressive; the cinematography is very appreciable
-the score is magnificent
-Peter O'Toole is a wonderful actor

but would definitely stop there, since I found it to be waaaaaaay too long (and any modern-day editor would cut it to pieces, in a good way), with much pointless dialogue and an aimless, exasperating main character and plot. 'Course, some like all that stuff. But I'll take a tightly-focused story any day over Lawrence of Arabia's meanderings.
The problem I have with this argument is that the film is based on a real dude, so they couldn't just up and cut out parts of his life. I love the movie, personally, and it's easily in my top 5. It gets extra points for being about the Great War.

I am noticing a trend here, though, and it's kinda' disturbing me: a lot of people are hating on classics because "they're too long." Now yeah I'll admit that 2001 drags at points, but so do all three Lord of the Rings movies. I still enjoy them. It seems like now-a-days if a movie is over 100 minutes people start shouting "It's too long! How can you expect me to keep a single train of thought that long?!" I'm, personally, sick and tired of how short movies have gotten. If you're going to spend $100+ million making a fucking movie then charge me $15, or whatever the fuck movie theaters are charging these days, then that movie had best be at least two goddamn hours long. 90 minutes isn't a feature length film; it's a fucking short film most likely made by college students for a class.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
OP: "Need I say more?"
well yes obviously, you got a warning for low content. That's just hilarious. As for the most overrated movie... hmm..... The King's Speech. Shout out to MovieBob :D