Most ridiculously adictive games you've ever played... especially stupid ones!


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Minesweeper. I just downloaded it for my phone, and spend at least an hour playing every night before I hit the hay.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
The Sims, Plant vs Zombies and Civilization are probably some of the most addictive games ever!


Plushy wrangler, die-curious
Sep 9, 2009
Zeckt said:
A little game called Heroes of Might and Magic III. Half an hour, 12 hours hours, time has no meaning with that game. If I were to play only one game for the rest of my life that would be it.
Hear hear! It's the original one-more-turn-before-bed-oops-it's-4-a.m. monster. The civilization games have a similar reputation but honestly they don't even come close.
Whenever I play it I set my alarm clock to warn me when an hour has passed. If I don't there's a real chance I may suddenly realize it's 8 p.m. and I've forgot lunch and dinner.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
Rock Band - Drums
Diablo 2
Puzzle Quest
Warcraft 3
Red Alert
Guild Wars

Unfortunately, no stupid ones in my list. Just games that were addictive at one time or another.

Mykl Klein

New member
Mar 10, 2012
Fallout 3 and New Vegas, ANY monster hunter game, Katamari games, Minecraft/Terarria.

I was writing a quick paragraph to describe why I play so much monster hunter (more than 2000 hours logged on MHP2G), when I realized it had turned into a full-out rant. If you're interested on my opinions on the best game ever made, check it out. Fellow fans, make yourselves heard!

Each one holds me for at least a few days at a time, even though I've played it for hundreds of hours before, but most of all is Monster Hunter, especially Monster Hunger Portable 2G. I would recommend this game over almost any other, if you still own a PSP. It's brilliantly done, very well paced - Other than that the learning curve goes from zero to sixty in the first hour or two, then levels out to a still tough but fair incline the rest of the game, mostly because at first you're just collecting pelts of small game, and then you jump right to dragons, since there's nothing really in-between dragons and not dragons, right? - the graphics are phenomenal, considering it's such an action-packed game for a handheld system. Sure, it's no cutscene from Crisis Core, but they're really good, and the design and style are fantastic; you never feel like all the weapons or armor pieces are even remotely cloned or repetitive. Along side a near-perfect combat system, the only flaw of which is that several styles rely on multiplayer combat systems, the monsters themselves are also incredibly diverse and unique, not to mention well designed and challenging.
This goes very well with a natural feeling crafting system for weapons and armor that takes all of five minutes to figure out if you ignore the tutorials; it isn't over-complicated, but nor is it over-simplified; it's both base and subtle enough that, if you want nothing more than better stats for attack and defense, then it's as simple as that; or, if you want to customize different pieces together for better or more diverse skills, this is available without too much hassle or simplicity. There are hundreds of items to use or combine, materials to farm from your environment, a feline companion that you can guide to be a fellow warrior, support, or even just monster-bait; the combat is tight, reflexive, responsive, and diverse enough to fit almost any playstyle, while still giving each style its own edge.
Overall, Monster Hunter Portable 2G is one of the most well designed and well executed games I've ever experienced. If ever you have the chance to play it, I urge you to do so.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Any main Pokemon game.
Harvest Moon Another Wonderful Life.
Fallout 3 and New Vegas.
Dynasty Warriors 3 and 7.


New member
May 16, 2011
Captive (By Tony Crowther), back in the early 90's, on the Atari ST. It was this huge, corridor/dungeon crawler, like Dungeon Master or the new Legend of Grimrock. Now DungeonMaster was cool, but Captive was more sci-fi - rather than finding armour, you'd buy yourself some new legs for your droids, instead of bows and crossbows, there was handguns, machine guns, rocket launchers and even lightsabres instead of swords. It was a very technical and challenging game, but addictive as hell. I must have clocked up about 1000 hours on that game, it really had no end - apparantly it would take 50 years of continuous play to get through every level.

Grimrock is fairly addictive but pretty difficult, been playing that recently, and I hope that we see more games like it, RPG games that are more tactical, and less about mindless slashing.

I spent a lot of time on Harvest Moon on the Gamecube as well, that's a pretty unique game, really feels like your part of a little community.


New member
Mar 27, 2012
Fallout 3 and New Vegas had me hooked for a good long time, I rinsed through all the DLC too. In a similar vein I loved Oblivion, although Skyrim never seemed to draw me in in the same way. Most recently though I played Deus Ex: Human Revolution and I just couldn't put it down until I'd finished! I love the original and while the second wasn't quite as good, it was still so addictive and satisfying :)


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Oblivion and now Morrowind :/.

Oblivion was great because it was one of the first games I played on the 360 and since I missed the XBOX/PS2 generation and I had no IDEA these kind of games could be possible. It was a summer where my dad left for 1 month in August for his work, so my brother and I were living alone ^^. Sometimes i played 2 days in a row. Hygiene was low :p. It was funny because my brother had to get up at 4 a.m sometimes for his work and I ended up waking him up ^^.

And 2 weeks ago i thought i'd give Morrowind a chance, modded of course... I fear for my exams in june now.


New member
Oct 12, 2011
I still play Phage Wars by Armor Games and have been for over a year, very addictive.
And Achievement Unlocked.. first time had me fall off my chair for giving an achievement for looking at the intro.. XD

johnnnny guitar

New member
Jul 16, 2010
Fallout 3 and New Vegas here aswell I just got sucked back New Vegas again
also pretty much any pop cap game you just start playing then you get addicted


New member
Apr 30, 2008
Dwarf Fortress is just about the most addictive game i've ever played. Seriously. I might not play it for weeks at a time but when i do it's for 3-4 12 hour stints each day.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Vegosiux said:
I'm also guilty of former WoW addiction. And the Hitman trilogy. Yes, trilogy. What is that "Codename: 47" you speak of? *glare glare* Diablo 2, too. And from newer stuff, I logged a lot on Dungeon Defenders. And older stuff, Disgaea.

As for the silly simple stuff? Well I give you Trigger Knight []
Got to try this and it is very fun, would be even better if it is an android app. Reviewing!


New member
May 1, 2012
Monster Hunter Freedom series for PSP. This game. My third period Geometry class my junior year of highschool consisted of sleeping and ADHOC Monster Hunter with a friend mid-class. Kill monsters, get mats, get gear!

Torchlight. I must've dumped at least 50 hours into that game the first week I had it. Felt like a more cartoony version of Diablo 2.

Diablo 2. There went my home/social life circa highschool. 'Nuff said.