Most Underrated TV Series


New member
Apr 30, 2011
The 4400, before it got cancelled after the Writer's Guild Strike a few years back. The following books were just "iffy".


New member
Mar 30, 2012
Mike Richards said:
I have to go with Stargate Universe. Even if, like almost all series, there are one or two missteps in the early days it does a fantastic job switching gears between big-ideas conceptual sci-fi and small scale human drama, which is a must for any show like this. It had a great premise that put the characters in a unique situation that offered up a lot of fascinating plot fodder, what was the ship built for, what do the blue aliens want with it, what is the universe like this insanely far out? Plus it's nice to see a series be this dedicated to survival and realism and actually manage to pull it off. It was dark enough to be believable given the situation and dramatic enough to be compelling but counterbalanced it with enough humor and mystery to stop it from getting completely dysfunctional. Topped off with solid writing, really impressive effects and direction, and some of the best set design I've ever seen in a show.

And, if you don't count the TARDIS, the Destiny is undeniably the coolest starship EVER.

Shame SyFy is being run by a pack of such phenomenal idiots these days. What kind of business sense does it make to cancel a show that's still making a profit, or apparently deliberately not counting digital ratings numbers that were readily available? It's not like they're hurting for time slots, they still had enough room to show all the wrestling and reality shows they want.

Also, Dollhouse. Now that I think about it, almost everything I about SGU can apply there too.
I agree, SGU was amazing, it started ok but as the series went on it just got better and better. It's quite sad we'll most likely never know how the story ends.


New member
Dec 24, 2012
anonymity88 said:
I loved Dirty Sexy Money. But now I associate it with my ex and much like everything else she has ever come into contact with, its irrevocably tainted. >_>
I know the feeling:p


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
Firefly and Big O,the latter got cancelled in the middle of the second season, so the writers had to scramble and write an ending. It's still the most confusing thing I've ever seen.


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
guyliam103 said:
Flight Of the Conchords
Both were really great and fun.
Don't know about where you are, but Flight of the Conchords is hardly under rated in New Zealand. Just letting you know my country seems to appreciate it lots, I've never liked it myself, but each to their own.

I'm going with Dinotopia, it seemed like a fun concept, although I don't remember a lot about it to tell the truth.

EHKOS said:
Firefly and Big O,the latter got cancelled in the middle of the second season, so the writers had to scramble and write an ending. It's still the most confusing thing I've ever seen.
I would hardly call Firefly under rated, I know a ton of people who like it and it is real popular, it got treated like crap by being cut short, but definitely not under rated.

As for Big O, completely agree on that... Still an awesome show though.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
Do cartoons count? Because I believe that Dan VS is the show that should be the major Hub cartoon, not MLP:FiM. It's lucky that the show has survived until the 3rd season, on any other channel it would of been canceled.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
Nice to see Archer mentioned, but it's far from being utterly underrated as it has top spots in viewings from legal streaming sites (Hulu, Netflix, etc.) the last time I checked.

Mycroft Holmes

New member
Sep 26, 2011
Are we doing underrated or under watched? Because most of these shows are (Archer 8.9 []) pretty (Rome 9.0 []) highly (Firefly 9.2 []) rated.

If we are going to just name shows that are less popular than they deserve then there's a ton of them. Community, Justified, the now canceled 30 Rock. They are all highly rated but not nearly popular enough, I blame the plebes with their CSI and their Jersey Shoreses.

For a lesser known show that I thought was canceled way before it's time, I would have to go with Human Target. It was very well done, and pretty much the only high quality action TV series from a 'major' network. The characters were interesting, the premise hadn't really been done yet(at least not in a way that was good.) I'm really not sure why it never caught on, or maybe it was just too expensive for Fox.

disgruntledgamer said:
Toaster Hunter said:
HBOs Rome. I still can't believe that a show as great as that got cancelled after only two seasons. A shame, they had to squeeze twenty plus years of history into a few episodes.
I thought Rome was pretty popular? Anyways yeah sucked for only having 2 seasons it was 100x better than that Spartacus serious that was obviously written by 13 year olds.
Was it actually 'canceled?' I thought the whole point of it was to tell the story of the downfall of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Empire. I figured it was always meant to be a short series.

Mike Richards said:
Shame SyFy is being run by a pack of such phenomenal idiots these days.
True, but for different reasons. They really started going downhill after they changed from the SciFi Channel to Syfy like they think we are retarded and need everything to be cutesy and simplistic.

Mike Richards said:
What kind of business sense does it make to cancel a show that's still making a profit
Pretty much every successful business in existence?

Let's say you have two employees at your fruit stand, one works the stand and the other buys product. You currently sell bananas but you can get oranges for the same price. Bananas net you a profit of 1.15$ for every 1$ spent. Oranges net you 3$ for every 1$ spent. Do you keep selling bananas because they are still profitable? Or do you get oranges instead.

You aren't competing in an empty market, so what happens if your competitor sells oranges, he ends up with a lot more money than you have, and suddenly he is able to hire another employee who brings in bananas. Then because he is making more on the oranges, he sells the bananas for cheap. Suddenly you're out of business, and your competition is welcoming you to laissez faire capitalism.

And now just switch out all the terms for networks. Employees become the cost of running a show, the fruit becomes different shows. Syfy keeps their show afloat and another network picks up whatever slack the Fyfy channel doesn't, then they box them out with a better even higher budget version of whatever show they want. More expensive actors, better director, better script. And soon Syfy is out on it's ass because it tried to have 'good' content rather than interviews with people who think they were raped by aliens. I am convinced the only reason HBO is able to have expensive production good shows at all is because of boobs.


New member
Jan 13, 2013
xplosive59 said:
Do cartoons count? Because I believe that Dan VS is the show that should be the major Hub cartoon, not MLP:FiM. It's lucky that the show has survived until the 3rd season, on any other channel it would of been canceled.
I agree, I am a fan of both show and while each are both wonderful show Dan vs just dose something better than MLP, it funner. Many episode of Dan Vs leave me in tears something MLP rarely dose, but disregard MLP and look on Dan vs. on it own.

Dan Vs. is a show with good writing, which at times is smarter than any "Adult animated show" on fox/any other Major network (a lot more then show like Allen Gregory), it like I said before; hilariousness and it pretty messed up time using a brand of dark humor most of the time . Dan vs only have two flaws for me being that outside of Dan and chris a lot of the characters are not all that funny and animation at time is weak (ex: no one driving any other cars in the background of the traffic episode) but it hardly hurts it and it should be more popular, plus Dan is basically the internet, being he angry at small unimportant things, likes cats and always correcting people grammar.

On the topic of the hub.

The Aquabats! Super Show! it really dumb, really really dumb but man do I love it being that it pretty creative but more so in child like way. The show know its dumb and plays with it a lot throw what ever weird thing it want out, it like the 60's batman show in away. It not hard to see why people wouldn't watch it being it look like some weird power ranger like show, but I say it got some pretty good moments in it worth seeing and a funny camp like charm to it.

Batman beyond/ of the future and Superman the animated series, most recall batman the animated series and Justice league which are great shows but they over shadows two very good super hero cartoons first being Superman the animated series. When I was young I too thought Superman was lame, overpowered and boring until I saw this show in short they took some of the best parts of the superman comics plus change quite a few things such as Superman, making he weaker so not to be over powered making villains a more credible threat and for the most part didn't start making up powers to solve every problem.

Batman beyond is really just batman the animate series in the future, but on the plus side it batman the animated series in the future. Beyond villains are no where near a lot of classic batman villains or where just carbon copies are them but there was a few that stood up and some are stories were well written, Terry the new batman grew on me over time in fact in some way I like he more than Bruce. Beyond is also the best are those double life high school show that were everywhere in the late 90's/ early 2000's as it didn't make dumb high school problem jokes as many shows did.

Archer, so much have been said here about it so there really no point in me doing it.

Megas XLR, Do you dig giant robots? yes or no. If yes watch this show if you haven't, if you seen it watch it again.

Really I could go on for weeks about underrated cartoons but I have already gone overboard with it.

Kenbo Slice

Deep In The Willow
Jun 7, 2010
Blue Mountain State! Thad Castle is the best tv character of all time, ever.


Sir Shockwave

New member
Jul 4, 2011
xplosive59 said:
Do cartoons count? Because I believe that Dan VS is the show that should be the major Hub cartoon, not MLP:FiM. It's lucky that the show has survived until the 3rd season, on any other channel it would of been canceled.
This, though on a similair note you could say Dan Vs, TF Prime and MLP:FiM form something of a Holy Trinity for The Hub. On the other hand though, it could use a few more nods to it's awesome over both shows (yes, even TF:prime could be Jumping the Shark soon given the Third Season's more toy-driven approach).

Back over the water though, most of Gerry Anderson's work. I'm serious - ask just about anyone which they remember, and odds are it'll be somewhere between Thunderbirds and Terrahawks. Most of the tributes to the man I've seen also revolve around those two shows in some fashion. The others - even the golden era shows like Stingray, Captain Scarlett (though this one at least had a (not very good) reboot) and Joe 90 are mainly forgotten about, and outside of England pretty much unheard of (UFO is lucky to get the odd reference every now and again, the most recent supposedly being in X:COM - Enemy Unknown).

While the other shows may not be able to hold much of a candle to Thunderbirds, taken into account the period they were made in and some excellent effect work, they're all decent shows in their own right.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
In its day Rockford Files was big. I know recently (a couple years ago) they were planning on rebooting it and making it present day rather than 1970's L.A. Fortunately it was scrapped. To me it belongs in the 70's.

I'd like to see Rockford repeated on TV again. James Garner put his heart into it and it's probably the most naturalistic private eye series ever made. It isn't gritty, it isn't cheesy, it told believeable stories without being stuck in a set formula - something almost every show on TV now can't grasp.

Plus the theme tune kicks butt. Props to Mike Post.


New member
Oct 12, 2012
Tron: Uprising

Its probably one of the best things to come out of Disney and the Tron franchise in a long while, and yet thanks to Disneys hopeless marketing (I myself only found the show after watching Legacy) of the show it has a very small fanbase even though its ratings are very positive.

doesn't help that they air it on Disney XD (which isn't even available in my country either) at 12am.
I have a feeling if they moved it over onto their main channel and put it into a good timeslot it would get the fanbase it deserves.

The Sanctifier

New member
Nov 26, 2012
Drawn Together. Hardly heard any mention of it at all, but damn was that show hilarious and over the top, especially with the fart jokes. I think it only got about two or three seasons though.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
-Better off Ted

Awake only lasted one season because of bad ratings. Better off Ted lasted two for the same reason. I thought they were great shows though.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
I'm gonna go with Community. It's one of, if not, the funniest, most interesting shows on television, but for some reason it constantly seems to be struggling just to stay on the air.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
I'd have to say the state.
And I'm guilty of not giving archer a chance. I just can't. I don't like the art style, I'm not into spies, and I'm sick of Jon Benjamin.