Most Unlikable Anime Character?


New member
Dec 1, 2010
*bites tongue* Must... resist... urge to curse... people out and.... defend... precious anime!!! *gasps*

In any case, I can guarantee I like just about every character mentioned here except for the ones I have yet to watch (Soul Eater, Reborn, Evangelion, etc.) And except for most bad guys and the ones you were supposed to hate 'cause they were bad guys. I was just about to say that it was likely, there wasn't a charrie I truly disliked...

But then, I spotted this:
vato_loco said:
Mother.fucking.Emiya.Shirou. Not the one from the movie, mind you, but the one from the series and in a bigger way, the one from the visual novel. Seriously, what's up with that guy?

Just let Saber fight, you piece of shit! You can't do fuck for yourself, don't get all cocky just because you can harden a piece of wood or something. She's a woman, sure, but she's a frickin' hero that murdered thousands and participated in countless battles. You? You're some kid who can give boners to things that usually don't get boners. Get over it.

To those who read that spoiler, I apologise for the rude language, but the guy has the ability to get on my nerves. And that's even considering that Fate/Stay Night is one of my favourite anime.
And I suddenly remembered my hatred.

Thank you so fucking much! I swear to God, he was the most stupid, sexist being on the history of anime! Seriously!

It only got a little more bearable and understandable when it was revealed that
He was in love with her.

That at least made sense. Because everyone knows that's supposed to make people stupid. But before that, I wanted to strangle him. Badly. I half wished he'd have died and that's something 'cause I'm not usually like that for protagonists. Main charries are supposed to live.


Elite Member
Jun 27, 2009
United States
Shou FREAK'N Tucker!
there are more cosplayers for satan than this guy because in their words "why would I be him, he's just too evil"
for those of you who aren't familiar with fullmetal alchemist
to keep his job he turned his 5 year old daughter into this
and she was mercy killed by a serial killer because he realized that her mere existence caused her pain
No one is more evil!


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Simone from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan after Kamina died.. He became the most annoying damn character in the history of anime. Soooooo emo! And before that he was still a whinny little *****! I love TTGL, I love Kamina, and I love grown up Simone.. But him going threw that time and even before that was just horrible for me..

That and Naruto's dub.... BELIEVE IT!


Elite Member
Jun 27, 2009
United States
Shemming said:
Excalibor from soul eater. He/it will make you want to kill someone. And most of the other charcters from Soul Eater as well come to think of it. All of them a very whiny and have very annouying personality traits, im looking at you Kid.
well his job is to annoy, I mean they couldn't have him act completely normal and still have everyone hate him.
I'm sorry Excalibur is one of my favorite characters, especially in the manga.


New member
Jan 28, 2008
Black Star from Soul Eater. He's so unendingly loud, so ridiculous and over the top, and he wins a prize for being the worlds largest egocentric douche.

Viking Incognito

Master Headsplitter
Nov 8, 2009
Misa in Death note, she was probably intended to be that way but still, not only was she an idiot by anyone's standards but the way she was malevolently clingy reminds me far to much of my ex-girlfriends. (also Near but that is because he was an arrogant prick for a ten-year old or however young he was)

Then there was that little ***** that grew up with Mugen in Samurai Champloo, not Fu, I'm talking about the pirate girl
She betrays his trust, has her brother killed, then when Mugen kills her boyfriend that she was going to run off with she breaks down and cries pathetically like she suddenly isn't a sociopath path

Then there is Ichigo. WAIT STOP DO NOT DECIDE THAT YOU HATE ME BEFORE I EXPLAIN! What I mean s that he is constantly surrounded by bodacious babes (Orihime, Rangiku, Lisa Yad&#333;maru (the visord with the school girl outfit), Yoro..*wipesdrool* Yoroichi) and yet he never even attempts to make a move on any of them.


New member
May 24, 2010
game-lover said:
But then, I spotted this:
vato_loco said:
Mother.fucking.Emiya.Shirou. Not the one from the movie, mind you, but the one from the series and in a bigger way, the one from the visual novel. Seriously, what's up with that guy?

Just let Saber fight, you piece of shit! You can't do fuck for yourself, don't get all cocky just because you can harden a piece of wood or something. She's a woman, sure, but she's a frickin' hero that murdered thousands and participated in countless battles. You? You're some kid who can give boners to things that usually don't get boners. Get over it.

To those who read that spoiler, I apologise for the rude language, but the guy has the ability to get on my nerves. And that's even considering that Fate/Stay Night is one of my favourite anime.
And I suddenly remembered my hatred.
Sorry about that =D

Also, you didn't watch Evangelion? GET ON IT!

I just thought of another one.


Episode 1: awesome down-to-earth Naruto-like ninja anime, sponsored by Square Enix.

Episode 14: homosexual non-ninja bitchy anime, with shitty writing and shittier animation, sponsored by Square Enix.

To hell with that anime.


New member
Aug 24, 2008
bahumat42 said:
Phoenixlight said:
For me it's Edward Elric from Full Metal Alchemist, I tried to like him as he was the main protagonist but he contradicts himself so many times and he seems to like someone one minute then turn into a completely different person and hate them the next. His irrational hatred and anger just doesn't make sense and sort of kills the immersion for me.
what seriously you have never met anybody who flies off the handle for no reason? im jealous of your life because theres a fair amount of people around who are like that.
Not really lol, I probably wouldn't stay around people like that though.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
For me it's either Sakura from Naruto or Mahiro from Buso Renkin (the main character's sister). They're both so annoying, but in different ways. Sakura is just too much whine and not enough action, while Mahiro is just that typical vulnerable, naive girly-girl with an annoyingly high-pitched and droning voice, and who only exists as a way to tie the main character down for the purpose of conflict.

Au Naturel.

New member
Apr 4, 2010
Queen Michael said:
Jazoni89 said:
Shinji bloody Ikari (End topic)

He is such a whiny little ***** and he gets on my nerve's so much. He alone is proberly the reason why neon genesis evangelion isn't my favourite anime. If the anime didn't have such a crappy excuse of a main character it would of been the god tier of anime's shame really.
Like I said earlier, I disagree. The great thing about Shinji is that he's human, and feels the way a real person would feel in his situation. Oh, and it's spelled "nerves", not "nerve's"
Thank you! I see a lot of people whine about Shinji's character. I have only seen three episodes of NGE before I bought it (I'm waiting for it to be delivered), but from those three episodes that I did see, the situations he was put in are genuinely terrifying. Honestly though, here, pilot this mech, you'll figure it out, go kick that terrifying "angel's" ass.
Picture seeing from the cockpit, what he witnessed during the first episode. That's terrifying.

OT : I don't really have a character that I don't like. Fortunately.

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
Au Naturel. said:
Queen Michael said:
Jazoni89 said:
Shinji bloody Ikari (End topic)

He is such a whiny little ***** and he gets on my nerve's so much. He alone is proberly the reason why neon genesis evangelion isn't my favourite anime. If the anime didn't have such a crappy excuse of a main character it would of been the god tier of anime's shame really.
Like I said earlier, I disagree. The great thing about Shinji is that he's human, and feels the way a real person would feel in his situation. Oh, and it's spelled "nerves", not "nerve's"
Thank you! I see a lot of people whine about Shinji's character. I have only seen three episodes of NGE before I bought it (I'm waiting for it to be delivered), but from those three episodes that I did see, the situations he was put in are genuinely terrifying. Honestly though, here, pilot this mech, you'll figure it out, go kick that terrifying "angel's" ass.
Picture seeing from the cockpit, what he witnessed during the first episode. That's terrifying.

OT : I don't really have a character that I don't like. Fortunately.
First of all, thanks for agreeing with me. Second of all, I posted this 3½ months ago and people still keep quoting me! =D Dang, that's a long-lived post.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Naru Narusegawa.

This girl is the type of person who would, if your shoulder ever so lightly accidentally bumped hers, go absolutely overboard, scream 'Pervert!/Creep!/Rapist!' and then precede to beat you half to death.
If a Love Hina beat 'em up game was ever released, I'd buy it just to beat up Naru.


New member
Aug 14, 2012
AbsoluteVirtue18 said:

I was told by some punk during a discussion about anime that Berserk is overrated and that Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan was much more well written.

Now it has the honor of being one of the few anime I hate, along with Eiken.
Yes. I fucking hate that series. Who actually finds this funny aside from people that get amused by stabbing cats?

Haruhi Suzumiya- This woman is a manipulative, extorting, obnoxious rapist.

Kogoro Mouri from "Detective Conan"- This guy is an egotistical asshole and a child abuser.

Everyone in "Highschool of the Dead" except for Rei and Arisu- Takeshi is generic, Saeko has no personality, Shizuka is functionally retarded, Kouta is a dense moron and an insult to the creator of "Hellsing," and Saya is a whiny, condescending know-it-all. It's funny that people hate Rei the most when she's the most human character, and the only one with any common sense. Seriously, she's the only one who knew that Shido was evil, and it was so fucking obvious.

Minami Shimada from "Baka and Test"- Every time this ***** appeared on screen, I just scream at her to shut up. She is inhumanly violent to the protagonist for stupid reasons. She doesn't want to be called a man-lady? Maybe she shouldn't act like one.

Hideyoshi from the same series- Don't want to be mistaken for a girl? Try not dressing like one, you androgynous ******!

InuYasha- This guy is a terrible hero. He's verbally abusive to all his friends, and physically abusive to Shippo.

Rukia from "Bleach"- It irritates me that her fans seem to turn a blind eye when she does all the things Orihime gets despised for. She's an overrated Mary Sue.

Kon from "Bleach"- You think hearing Orihime scream "Kurosaki-kun" gets annoying? Try listening to "Nee-san!" every time he sees something with a vagina. He's an ungrateful prick to Ichigo. Ichigo offers him a body and a home, and he tries making Ichigo's life hell. Not to mention he's completely useless to the plot other than comic relief.

Ragnarok from "Soul Eater"- The way he bullies Chrona. What really made me hate him was when he lifted Maka's skirt, blamed it on Chrona, and got his ass kicked for it.

Kyo Sohma from "Fruits Basket"- Specifically, the anime version. He was so whiny at the start, but the anime didn't last long enough for his character development to take place.

Akito from "Fruits Basket"- This abusive asshole has nearly killed so many people, it's amazing he isn't on Japan's Most Wanted. (Yes, I read the manga. That last post was written that way as not to spoil it)

Anna from "Shaman King"- I hate her 'all-about-me' attitude when it comes to Yoh being "Shaman King." She pretty much admits that she wants it for selfish purposes. She wants it so badly, why doesn't SHE fight in the Shaman Tournament?

Renji from "Bleach"- This guy is like the Yamcha of "Bleach." Orihime only fought a Hallow, but at least she actually won. You know that's pretty sad when the Aquaman of anime won more fights than you.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
likalaruku said:
If there's anything I hate, it's a helpless wimpy delicate maiden oozing with emotional baggage.
Well then, you're definitely not gonna like Shiratori Kuu from Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora (aka Shattered Angels).

Back on topic:

Haruhi Suzumiya - The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
If you looked up the term "Spoiled Brat" in the dictionary, chances are she'll be pictured right next to the definition. Man, what a tool. If she turns out nicer, or if the Brigade realizes what a dick she is and left her, of even if the story deliberately sold itself as a Kafka Comedy at the beginning, I might tolerate her, but, as it is, I can't see it happening.

Chris - Sonic X
Here's to the guy who makes Shinji Ikari seem tolerable. That, and shoving characters like Tails in the background.

Seto Kaiba - Yu-Gi-Oh!), Sesshoumaru - InuYasha
In retrospect, I really don't see what so appealing about the smug, rich rival archetype.
(In a related note, I don't remember much about Domon from G Gundam, but a lot feel he's in the same ballpark has the above two. I haven't seen that show in years; I might go see it just to verify those claims.)

Team Twerp (aka Ash and company) - Pokémon
I remember my mom hating Ash and now I see why. Good gravy, are these guys annoying and preachy.

Sean Hollyman

New member
Jun 24, 2011
Frieza from DBZ.

He's a sadistic transvestite who enslaved then blew up a planet because he got a bit scared of them.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2009
Drakmeire said:
Shou FREAK'N Tucker!
there are more cosplayers for satan than this guy because in their words "why would I be him, he's just too evil"
for those of you who aren't familiar with fullmetal alchemist
to keep his job he turned his 5 year old daughter into this
and she was mercy killed by a serial killer because he realized that her mere existence caused her pain
No one is more evil!
You win.
Yes you fucking win.
Everyone else can go home, this guy has taken the cake.

And to think that only yesterday I was entertaining myself with remembering the scaries imagery I have ever seen...

AND THIS is what I came up with.

I guarantee you, you will feel all the feels.

Now I shall need large amounts of ice cream.

And chocolate fudge.

Oh, the chocolate fudge.