Movie Defense Force: Jason X


New member
Apr 6, 2010
In a series about an (arguably) undead mountain man wearing a piece of sports equipment who murders horny co-eds with gardening tools, there's really no boundaries on how silly you can get. Jason Goes to Hell is the only film in the series I actually hate, mainly because Jason only has about 2 minutes of screen time (in his own body) for the whole thing. It's the reason I also enjoy the remake; as long as we've got Jason Voorhees doing his thing and the film never takes itself too seriously, then I'm a happy camper. I openly admit that every single one of the Friday the 13th movies are dumb, goofy, and virtually plotless. And I love them. Not in an "Iroooooooniic [/pretentious voice]" way.
Now, at the bottom of it all, I tend to gravitate towards Freddy Krueger and his films, due to them having unlimited creative potential when it comes to kills, and having an antagonist who is simultaneously malicious and evil yet endearingly campy, but Jason is still way up there.

Mr. Q

New member
Apr 30, 2013
Back then, when I heard of Jason X, I was seriously wondering what New Line Cinema was smoking to come up with that idea. Oddly enough, it was suppose to be a placeholder for them to keep the film rights since Freddy vs. Jason was in development hell. These days, a lot of people are saying that this is definitely one of the better sequels and its mostly due to it being a slasher with comedic elements with Jason playing the straight man.

I hope one of the movie channels is going to play Jason X this October (uncut and uncensored, of course). Would be great to appreciate it in an non-ironic way.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
The Great JT said:
I love the cryo-kill with the liquid nitrogen. That is my rebuttal.
This. That scene usually ends up on 'best kills in horror movies' lists because it's amazing.


New member
Apr 11, 2008
perfect final scene to leave it on good sir! thats the one thing that always stuck with me from this movie lol


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Oddly enough, I never thought the Über-Jason design looked stupid. But maybe that's because I was never terribly fond of the raggedy-hockey-masked standard Jason look.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
I always though this was one of the more innovative and interesting of all jason movies. this movie definatelly deserves more recognition than it gets. it was self aware, fun and still kept to spirit of Jason.


New member
Oct 12, 2011
I always defended Jason X for being an alright sort of ending to the series. Oh yes, the remake train rolls through Slasher Town on a regular basis, and most of them give a big middle finger to the ongoing plots (what there is of it) of these series that have been going on for decades.

Halloween gets special mention for that because H2O would have been an alright sort of ending, but Resurrection is not. Just can't win. Hellraiser at least had the decency to film the ending years before the series actually ended. It was in space too oddly.

But Jason X was a great ending. Jason was killed in the most awesome way possible, and may or may not live to continue his killing spree on a new world, The End. It was perfect.

I can only hope the new Childs Play movie wraps up the story before Remake time flushes the old continuity.

Stabby Joe

New member
Jul 30, 2008
I always remember that liquid nitrogen face smash as somewhat amusing in that Sub-Zero fatality kind of way.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
Oh, Jason X, you magnificent bastard. You can't really hate this movie, if you look at it as a comedy. Half the time it doesn't even try to explain things. Like how Jason does manage to get anywhere without everyone knowing? He just does.

kailus13 said:
Was that a clip of Jason beating up someone in a sleeping bag, with another person in a sleeping bag? How can anyone take this movie seriously after that?

I might have to buy this movie if I ever see it.

Is there an actual reason the people in the movie decide to rebuild him?
Kinda spoilerish, but nothing that will ruin the plot of the movie. Just about the scene with the two sleeping bags.

The scene with him beating up one girl in a sleeping bag with another girl in a sleeping bag is probably the best scene in that movie. It's hilarious. In order to distract him, they create a hologram of two dumb girls who want to smoke pot and have premarital sex. Cut to the scene in question, which is followed up by someone commenting on how fast he killed the two girls and stating that "he is good."


New member
Dec 6, 2007
I remember seeing this and thinking very little of it, until near the end with the virtual cheerleader girls in the sleeping bags. That was so over the top and stupid I laughed so hard and finally understood what i was watching, it was never meant to be taken seriously.


New member
Feb 9, 2010
Am I the only person in the world who finds Jim Sterling infinitely more tolerable when I don't have to see him on my screen?

No, seriously, I actually agree with the majority of his comments and sentiments. I like his thought-processes. However, as much as I like his reviews and Movie Defense Force, I find it almost impossible to watch Jimquisition.

It's almost painful.


New member
Sep 22, 2010
This movie was probably one of the best Jason movies in the franchise. Personally, I thought Melyssa Ade, as Janessa, had some of the best lines in the movie.

One of the most amusing easter eggs that I saw in the film is that, during the scene where the soldiers are hunting Jason throughout the ship, I recognized one of the guns they were using as a Nerf gun that they have painted over. Then again, given how well the soldiers did, they might as well have been using Nerf.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
I've only actually seen part of this movie, but I really have to disagree. The whole movie is so obvious and formulaic that I found it so boring I fell asleep. There are only so many times one can watch the same thing and have it still hold your interest.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
chiggerwood said:
You skipped over Peter Mensah, he was the best thing in that movie, outside of the cybernetic super soldier/fuckdoll.
Well the thing is that Jason X had a number of surprisingly good people in it who wound up going places, typically series where their ability to camp it up was an advantage. The "fuckdoll" as you put it was none other than Lisa Ryder who want on to do Andromeda as Beka Valentine (pretty much Han Solo as a girl), the "other" girl in this was none other than Lexa Doig who also went onto Andromeda. Their roles in Andromeda were reversed though where Lisa played the "bad girl" and Lexa was playing the sexy robot... and they helped carry that show for 5 years. Peter Mensah later on went to do "Spartacus" and he does tend to know how to steal a scene. albeit if I remember he had pretensions of being a "serious actor" and while he did okay, to be honest if it wasn't for Spartacus I'd probably be sitting here going "who?"... going back to the campy stuff was probably a good move.


Notably Neutral
Jan 12, 2010
Jason X is an absolute blast and I fucking love the film. It's so stupid and fun and silly... I can't hate this film at all. It truly is not bad, it's not poorly paced, it's not TERRIBLY acted, it's got some seriously cool over the top violence and sheer absurdity that it seems to be enthusiastic about.

The movie seems to be having fun so I have fun watching it.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
There are actually people who don't love this film? I am shocked.

C'mon, man, if you don't laugh until your head falls off at the "happy campers" scene, I don't know what species you are. Not human, that's for certain.


Lurker in the shadows
Feb 3, 2011
Thank you for ending with one of the funniest scenes I have ever seen in a movie. Jason killing holodeck women with the sleeping bags has to be his best kill.