Moviebob's Text Review of Batman v Superman and oh boy he is ANGRY!!!


New member
Aug 2, 2015
JimB said:
Samtemdo8 said:
I have seen many clips of these two characters in trailers and so far I have not thought there was anything wrong with their bodies that would make it look ridiculous.
Okay, I guess. He disagrees, and personally, I'm apt to take the word of someone who's seen the movie over the word of someone who's seen clips. I personally think the visual designs are pretty crap myself, though Batman's costume isn't bad. At least it's not made of blue raspberry-flavored Twizzlers.

Samtemdo8 said:
It's been awhile since I have seen his old reviews of the previous Marvel movies.
Then I think you ought to refamiliarize yourself, because you are misrepresenting his stance in order to justify your own.

Samtemdo8 said:
But from what I can remember he was very forgiving of Iron Man 2 even though its universally considered the weakest Marvel movie of the lot.
He says in later reviews he went too easy on it. I disagree, though, because I like that movie more than I like Iron Man. What can I say? Character is the most important thing of a story for me, and I had a blast with all the characters in Iron Man 2.
A. What about Superman's costume? And I am going to see this movie myself in theaters. I have always said, In Zack Snyder I Trust To Make Awesome Action.

B. I hated Iron Man 2. I was so bummed from that movie. I do not want to come off as guy that hates Marvel movies because I like DC only becaused I have seen a majority of Marvel movies in theaters and DVD even I watched Deadpool. So let me rank my thoughts on them for you:

1. Iron Man movies, extremely mixed bag. I prefer the first one more because I found the Origin portion of the movie really well done, the later 2 movies are weak sauce with 2 being the worst of all.

2. The Increadible Hulk movie of 2008, Hulk is my favorite hero of the Marvel universe, but the movie is at best decent and at worst unremarkable. Which makes me sad because I want more Hulk movies. And I am not fond of Mark Ruffolo's Hulk, the actor just does not look like how I see a nomral, weak looking man that suddenly turns into a Giant Musclar Angry Man.

3.. Thor movies, I admit I have not watched them because I found the Thor as a character rather lame, mostly because he is more or less the litiral Thor.

4. Captain America, so far he is the only one making consistanly good movies of the bunch. Probably because he is the easist character to write because he has no powers. His movies were good movies, but I think he too is suffering from Batman syndrome.

5. Avengers movies. The first 1 is great but I was a bit dissipointed in Age of Ultron and I HATED Ultron as a villain, or at least Joss Whaedon's interpretation of him.

6. Guardians of the Galaxy, Ooh boy I am going to get flak for this but honestly I just found that movie unbelievably Corny, In a Bad way. Many people laughed at this scene while I just cringed so hard at Star Lord making a fool out of himself when he danced infront of the main badguy.

7. Ant-Man, never seen it because like Thor I just found him to be a lame charcater.


New member
Mar 10, 2016
MarsAtlas said:
Samtemdo8 said:
MarsAtlas said:
Ihateregistering1 said:
I never read it, but apparently his "Super Mario Bros 3" book had parts where he talked about his childhood, and how he would fantasize about living in the Mushroom Kingdom, and would hide in his car playing Gameboy so he didn't have to interact with his family.
Isn't that just basic escapist fantasy? You know, the very thing that most people here do? The thing that this site is named for, that escapism?
Judging from how that part of the book was written I think he takes his escapism WAY too seriously.
Yeah, nobody ever had a shitty childhood or some other reason to seek escapism or anything.
There's a difference between seeking escape, and then slamming the hatch shut behind you and writing, "NO GIRLS" on the wall. Metaphorically speaking that is. Given how Bob acts now, it's pretty hard to imagine that anything unfolded in a healthy manner with his childhood. Escape can be adaptive, or it can be maladaptive.


New member
Apr 1, 2012
Samtemdo8 said:
What about Superman's costume?
I think it looks terrible. I think it looks like it was designed by a BDSM enthusiast with a Twizzler fetish.

Samtemdo8 said:
I have always said, In Zack Snyder I Trust To Make Awesome Action.
I've never found his action scenes to be anything more than bloated and self-important, with his fast-slow style taking precedence over making an actual statement about anything the camera captures. About the best I can say for his ability to shoot action sequences is: They're competently framed and I am generally aware of what's happening in relationship to where.

Samtemdo8 said:
I hated Iron Man 2.
You're allowed to.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
JimB said:
Samtemdo8 said:
What about Superman's costume?
I think it looks terrible. I think it looks like it was designed by a BDSM enthusiast with a Twizzler fetish.

Samtemdo8 said:
I have always said, In Zack Snyder I Trust To Make Awesome Action.
I've never found his action scenes to be anything more than bloated and self-important, with his fast-slow style taking precedence over making an actual statement about anything the camera captures. About the best I can say for his ability to shoot action sequences is: They're competently framed and I am generally aware of what's happening in relationship to where.

Samtemdo8 said:
I hated Iron Man 2.
You're allowed to.

1. My reaction to that statement:

2.Thats the thing I love about his way of making action scenes. The slo-mo and fast parts makes it memorable. Take that part in 300 with Leonides in the field fighting soldiers I remember every single move he did I can recrate it myself.

3. So nothing to say about that whole list of what I think of the Marvel Disney movies?


New member
Apr 1, 2012
Samtemdo8 said:
So nothing to say about that whole list of what I think of the Marvel Disney movies?
Nope. It's very far removed from the original intentions of the thread and of the conversation, and in any event I don't feel I have a lot of business judging your personal preferences. You can like a list of unrelated movies relative to one another by whatever standards you like.


New member
Mar 10, 2016
JimB said:
Samtemdo8 said:
So nothing to say about that whole list of what I think of the Marvel Disney movies?
Nope. It's very far removed from the original intentions of the thread and of the conversation, and in any event I don't feel I have a lot of business judging your personal preferences. You can like a list of unrelated movies relative to one another by whatever standards you like.
If people don't understand that taste is truly, really relative, nothing, but time will teach them. "De gustibus non est disputandum." People got this thousands of years before he was born after all.

Sep 9, 2010
far be it for me to miss an oppurtunity to write: FUCK MOVIEBOB (yes, I know it's petty. Let me have this.)

God my stomach is in litteral knots over this movie, because I want to like it so much and I'm so afraid it's going to suck. However, I put off watching Man Of Steel for so long because I heard everyone tell me how bad it was, and I just watched it the other day and I fucking loved the damn thing. Everyone kept calling it dark and edgey, how? It felt real, or real as real can be with Superman powers. That's dark? Sin City is a dark edgey movie, man of steel is not.

so I'm hoping that bolds well for me going into this. I think so many people want these DC films to be like the Marvel films, completely oblivious to the fact that wouldn't be a good thing.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
inu-kun said:
Can't quote since I'm on my phone, but funny he says he wasn't that angry since Transformers, apparently he forgot about new Spiderman 2.
Maybe because Spiderman 2 didn't make him angry; but depressed. He even said it was better than the first movie.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
At least going off this thread, I won't watch it until after I've seen the film. But judging by his drastically inconsistent opinions on "Man of Steel", "X-Men: Days of Future Past" and "The Dark Knight Rises" I'd probably be best watching it before his hyperbolic hate leaves me with a taste of sick in my mouth regardless.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Gennadios said:
My problem with the "don't listen to reviews, make up your own mind" argument is that you might waste your own time and money on the same petulent garbage the reviewers tried to warn you about.
Unless you like petulent garbage. Well, maybe not even in that case; because then the reviewers can point you towards where the best petulent garbage is.

lord canti

New member
May 30, 2009
So haven't watched the review yet,but how many times does he insult anybody who pays to go see and likes this movie?


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Samtemdo8 said:
JimB said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Not only did he change his avatar, he also made a post about it.

I can't find the exact Twitter post, but basically he just wrote a description of him laughing in maniacal glee that Spider-Man is now part of the MCU.
And? How does that invalidate any of the criticisms he made about the Amazing Spider-Man 2? Does the movie's plot suddenly make sense now that you know he changed his avatar? Is his out of nowhere, never-established-but-totally-life-long friendship with Harry Osborne less reminiscent of one of Duncan MacLeod's multiple "Oh, we forgot to mention her before now, but here's a chick who was the true love of Duncan's life" girlfriends in a Highlander spin-off movie because Mr. Chipman wrote whatever you assert he wrote on Twitter? Is the universe-building less cynical and soulless because years after the fact, he celebrated that a movie studio which generally makes good movies can make a movie of a character he likes?
OK let me clear the air.

I am not invalidating his criticisms about Amazing Spiderman 2. I am not saying that Bob is the reason Spiderman is now in the MCU.

I was saying that I honestly think that Moviebob is a blind fanboy to the Disney Marvel brand. Becasue again when the Amazing Spiderman 2's performance went so bad that Sony basically surrendered the rights of Spidey to Disney/Marvel, Bob went estatic in Twitter.

Proving to me that he is just a overzealous fanboy.
I would act the exact same way if Konami gave the Silent Hill IP to Frictional Games.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
lord canti said:
So haven't watched the review yet,but how many times does he insult anybody who pays to go see and likes this movie?
None this time.

lord canti

New member
May 30, 2009
CaitSeith said:
lord canti said:
So haven't watched the review yet,but how many times does he insult anybody who pays to go see and likes this movie?
None this time.
That's.. kind of surprising actually. Bob has never really had an easy time with people liking things he hates so it's good to see he's not that unstable about the movie.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Parasondox said:
When is he not ever angry? Moviebob has the biggest fanboy quality about him that it's quite pathetic to see. If he hates something, he won't just say it once but will beat it to death for years to come.

I get it, you dislike something. Perfectly fine, but if you dislike something so much, do you need to focus on it more and shout about it for months and months and years even. I hate my job, it doesn't mean I have to scream about it day in and day out for years to come. Too much hate is unhealthy.

Now, with this movie, if you love it, brilliant, if you dislike it, even more brilliant. Why? Because not everyone is programmed to like the same thing no matter what critics and reviewers may or may not suggest. So if you enjoy something that people disliked, still enjoy it. If you disliked something that everyone loved, just be open and honest and move on to something you may enjoy. Just don't beat people over the head and abuse them just because they liked or disliked something you liked or disliked.

It's not the be all and end all of personal taste and opinions. We aren't hive minds no matter how much some dark and twisted people want us to be.

Free thought is good.
Ya damn right, Parasondox! I use to be a fan of him, but around 2012 or so he became whiny, annoying, and pathetic. If this movie is making him miserable then odds are I am going to love it even more. Whenever it's a movie he hates 95% of the time, I'll most likely enjoy it. It's vice versa if it's a movie he loves, then I'll most likely hate it.

Hades said:
I don't really like Bob's new way of reviewing. In reviews like this one and pixel he seems to just fill in half the review with him insulting the movie a lot . Its seems unprofessional. Just keep it at why the movies bad
You know how Blob gets; he can't just say the films are bad. Noooo, he has go above and beyond and insult the audience, you (if you enjoyed the movie or not), fans of a series, and anyone that does not agree with him or fits his mold. This guy suffers from a huge case of fan-boy immaturity and black-n'-white insanity.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
CaitSeith said:
Samtemdo8 said:
JimB said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Not only did he change his avatar, he also made a post about it.

I can't find the exact Twitter post, but basically he just wrote a description of him laughing in maniacal glee that Spider-Man is now part of the MCU.
And? How does that invalidate any of the criticisms he made about the Amazing Spider-Man 2? Does the movie's plot suddenly make sense now that you know he changed his avatar? Is his out of nowhere, never-established-but-totally-life-long friendship with Harry Osborne less reminiscent of one of Duncan MacLeod's multiple "Oh, we forgot to mention her before now, but here's a chick who was the true love of Duncan's life" girlfriends in a Highlander spin-off movie because Mr. Chipman wrote whatever you assert he wrote on Twitter? Is the universe-building less cynical and soulless because years after the fact, he celebrated that a movie studio which generally makes good movies can make a movie of a character he likes?
OK let me clear the air.

I am not invalidating his criticisms about Amazing Spiderman 2. I am not saying that Bob is the reason Spiderman is now in the MCU.

I was saying that I honestly think that Moviebob is a blind fanboy to the Disney Marvel brand. Becasue again when the Amazing Spiderman 2's performance went so bad that Sony basically surrendered the rights of Spidey to Disney/Marvel, Bob went estatic in Twitter.

Proving to me that he is just a overzealous fanboy.
I would act the exact same way if Konami gave the Silent Hill IP to Frictional Games.
Amnesia is overrated and I have a right to say it because I did played it and beaten it. And I am using the proper term for Overrated.

I just found that game rather bland and forgettable. The monster designs were rather unremarkable and I found the Sanity mechanic badly utilized.

And it is responsible for all these clones of what I call "First Person/No Combat Horror games" that ended up being youtube fodder for the likes of Markiplier and others.

I mean who in their right would actually pay real money to play Five Nights At Freddy's considering how shallow and basic that game is.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
Not sure if I want to watch the review or read it. It says there are major spoilers. On the other hand, I've also heard that if you say the trailers, you pretty much know the whole movie.

Samtemdo8 said:
I'm still going to see the movie to make my own opinion at least. Anyone that says "this is a BAD game/movie" to me is questionable unless I see it for myself and form my own opinion on it.
Why do you even care about critical reviews, in that case? If you're not going to listen to them and "form your own opinion" why do they even matter?

This is always the problem I have with this mentality. Why draw attention to critics if you don't care about them? Why go read the reviews of critics you think are poor critics? I don't care about the Oscars or the Academy Awards and I never talk about them.

Anyway, I do find some of Bob's reviews to be a bit too angry. There have been a few I watched where he went into a rage. Hell, go check his Pixels review. I actually enjoyed the movie for what it was with a friend, but when I watched his review of it, I couldn't help but think he felt like the movie was trying to insult him personally. Like he looked at a character and said, "The movie thinks this guy is me" and came away angry about that. That's actually part of the reason I don't really look at his reviews.

As for batman V Superman, the reviews are mixed at best. It has a 46 on Metacritic, for example. The highest score is a 75. I've read a few reviews, and watched some Youtube reviews. None of them make me feel like the movie is going to be great, or even good.

Soren Andersen (Seattle Times) said:
Many decisions - the miscasting of Affleck and Eisenberg, such misguided rejiggerings of classic story elements as making Alfred (Jeremy Irons) less of a butler and more of a stubbly electronics expert who keeps the Bat gizmos running right, the decision to de-emphasize those cool gizmos (sparingly seen are the Batmobile and the Batwing), along with an unrelieved atmosphere of oppressiveness - make "Batman v Superman" a joyless slog.
That is a quote from a review. Not even the lowest score on Metacritic.

I may go see it this weekend, but not because I think it will be good. But because I want to know how bad it is. Is it better than Man of Steel, at least? That shouldn't be hard, but these reviews make me think otherwise.


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Saltyk said:
Not sure if I want to watch the review or read it. It says there are major spoilers. On the other hand, I've also heard that if you say the trailers, you pretty much know the whole movie.

Samtemdo8 said:
I'm still going to see the movie to make my own opinion at least. Anyone that says "this is a BAD game/movie" to me is questionable unless I see it for myself and form my own opinion on it.
Why do you even care about critical reviews, in that case? If you're not going to listen to them and "form your own opinion" why do they even matter?

This is always the problem I have with this mentality. Why draw attention to critics if you don't care about them? Why go read the reviews of critics you think are poor critics? I don't care about the Oscars or the Academy Awards and I never talk about them.

Anyway, I do find some of Bob's reviews to be a bit too angry. There have been a few I watched where he went into a rage. Hell, go check his Pixels review. I actually enjoyed the movie for what it was with a friend, but when I watched his review of it, I couldn't help but think he felt like the movie was trying to insult him personally. Like he looked at a character and said, "The movie thinks this guy is me" and came away angry about that. That's actually part of the reason I don't really look at his reviews.

As for batman V Superman, the reviews are mixed at best. It has a 46 on Metacritic, for example. The highest score is a 75. I've read a few reviews, and watched some Youtube reviews. None of them make me feel like the movie is going to be great, or even good.

Soren Andersen (Seattle Times) said:
Many decisions - the miscasting of Affleck and Eisenberg, such misguided rejiggerings of classic story elements as making Alfred (Jeremy Irons) less of a butler and more of a stubbly electronics expert who keeps the Bat gizmos running right, the decision to de-emphasize those cool gizmos (sparingly seen are the Batmobile and the Batwing), along with an unrelieved atmosphere of oppressiveness - make "Batman v Superman" a joyless slog.
That is a quote from a review. Not even the lowest score on Metacritic.

I may go see it this weekend, but not because I think it will be good. But because I want to know how bad it is. Is it better than Man of Steel, at least? That shouldn't be hard, but these reviews make me think otherwise.
Mostly to see if the critics are valid in their reviews.

I went to see Amazing Spiderman 2 after watching Critic's reviews and I ended up agreeing with them.

I went to see the Hobbit movies after seeing mostly mixed things against it (Looking at Red Letter Media) and I ended up enjoying all the Hobbit movies.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Samtemdo8 said:
CaitSeith said:
Samtemdo8 said:
JimB said:
Samtemdo8 said:
Not only did he change his avatar, he also made a post about it.

I can't find the exact Twitter post, but basically he just wrote a description of him laughing in maniacal glee that Spider-Man is now part of the MCU.
And? How does that invalidate any of the criticisms he made about the Amazing Spider-Man 2? Does the movie's plot suddenly make sense now that you know he changed his avatar? Is his out of nowhere, never-established-but-totally-life-long friendship with Harry Osborne less reminiscent of one of Duncan MacLeod's multiple "Oh, we forgot to mention her before now, but here's a chick who was the true love of Duncan's life" girlfriends in a Highlander spin-off movie because Mr. Chipman wrote whatever you assert he wrote on Twitter? Is the universe-building less cynical and soulless because years after the fact, he celebrated that a movie studio which generally makes good movies can make a movie of a character he likes?
OK let me clear the air.

I am not invalidating his criticisms about Amazing Spiderman 2. I am not saying that Bob is the reason Spiderman is now in the MCU.

I was saying that I honestly think that Moviebob is a blind fanboy to the Disney Marvel brand. Becasue again when the Amazing Spiderman 2's performance went so bad that Sony basically surrendered the rights of Spidey to Disney/Marvel, Bob went estatic in Twitter.

Proving to me that he is just a overzealous fanboy.
I would act the exact same way if Konami gave the Silent Hill IP to Frictional Games.
Amnesia is overrated and I have a right to say it because I did played it and beaten it. And I am using the proper term for Overrated.

I just found that game rather bland and forgettable. The monster designs were rather unremarkable and I found the Sanity mechanic badly utilized.

And it is responsible for all these clones of what I call "First Person/No Combat Horror games" that ended up being youtube fodder for the likes of Markiplier and others.

I mean who in their right would actually pay real money to play Five Nights At Freddy's considering how shallow and basic that game is.
Just a side note, overrated isn't a real criticism towards a game. It means "other people like it more than me, and that's wrong".