Movies you loved...but grew to dislike.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
sandykumar said:
In each and every movie there will be pros and corns when ur watching a movie take away should be pros and also we have to see how much efforts they are putting to make a full movie and what are the strategies they are following we have to feel that experience.

thank u
sandykumar, ok? Nobody actually denied this fact about movies having pros and cons. We were simply discussing movies that changed for you over time. My thread was about movies that you hated (or just disliked) at first, but over time became something you truly enjoy. This thread is about the opposite situation.

Neither of those subjects in any way negates the fact that movies will have pros and cons.

I do love how many people are listing V for Vendetta xD. As that's the movie that inspired me to make the original post about movies you hate then love. Fun to see how different things reflect different people.

I can't think of any movies that I loved, and now hate, or strongly dislike. I've tried for several days, and I just really can't think of one. I think the closest is probably the Star Trek reboot in 2009. I loved it when it came out, but I've kind of soured on it a bit. But, to be fair, I think part of that is that I saw it like 5 times in the theater with different groups of friends, so maybe I just had an overload. I remember thinking the plot had some glaring holes in it, even when it was new, but I didn't mind too much. It just didn't have the gravitas that the trailer had. Of course, One Step From Hell goes a long way to making anything awesome. xD



New member
Jun 28, 2010
For me that would be Sin City (the original) I thought it was amazing back then but kidnda okay nowadays.


New member
Feb 7, 2011
Pretty much all of the James Bond movies. A lot of Bond fans in my family, so I saw them all when I was pretty young. Finally had a chance to re-watch them all recently, and... well, let's just say I'm underwhelmed. (Two exceptions: Casino Royale is... passable, I suppose, and I never liked Quantum of Solace to begin with.)


Lord Fancypants
Jul 18, 2010
Pirates of the Caribbean. I remember liking the first one a lot, but each one that came out afterwards made me like the original a little less. Now I can't watch any of them.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
The Last Airbender

There was a time where I was praising this movie for, at least, being a good adaptation to the first book/season in the Avatar animated series... The fuck was I thinking?!

High School Musical 2

Still enjoy the first movie and the third movie I'm still indifferent about overall... But outside of one song that still stuck in my head, it was a very disappointing sequel in comparison to the other movies...

I can't think of any others right now... I think I might still be nostalgia blind or something...


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I remember liking Joe's Apartment back when I first saw it back in the early-to-mid 2000's but when I tried to watching it the other day I found it really hard to watch and really annoying to listen to. I still thought the random crimes in NYC jokes were kinda funny though.


New member
Sep 25, 2014
I would have to agree with the Dark Knight Rises. At first it was pretty cool, then the second and finally third time I saw it, the things I noticed started to bug the hell out of me. Alfred's whining really grated on me.

This conversation with Kevin Smith about DKR really brings up a lot of great flaws in the movie.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
Transformers, from 2007. I used to like it as a guilty pleasure, but now that I'm older, I just see how awful it really is. I still enjoy watching these big robots punch eachother, but better movies have come along since doing similar stuff (not the sequels, those were dead on arrival to me), and the characters and comedy are just so painful to sit through that I can't bring myself to like it anymore.

I also used to like Cars, but I've started watching more movies since, and I've come to realize just how formulaic it is. The story and characters are completely auto-pilot, with Paul Newman being the only good thing in it. The animation is decent, and even though it's not awful, it is a dumb idea. I should also mention, I refuse to watch the second one, as it doesn't have the only thing I still like about the first one (Paul Newman died shortly after the first one) and from what I hear, it's shit anyway, so why bother.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Quazimofo said:
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
bartholen said:
God it's so bad. I was a big fan of the graphic novels, and of Edgar Wright, so it was a particular aggravation for me. The timing is off on the jokes, the casting for Scott was abysmal (Scott is a feckless lady-killer, not a socially anxious nerd), certain side plots were pointlessly over-featured (Knives) and certain core elements were shamelessly lost (Scott as an unreliable narrator). Too many books crammed into too little film. About the only thing it DID capture was the pop culture and video game references, which were always window dressing. The entire heart of the story was left behind.

OT: I am ashamed to admit to this, but I saw Forrest Gump in theaters when I was like, 19, and absolutely loved it. I was on a date night with my first girlfriend, and we saw Lion King and Forrest Gump back to back, and I was enchanted with Gump. Thought it was Oscar Quality Material. Years later I found it less remarkable than I'd remembered. Years later still, I railed against it and pointed to its win over Pulp Fiction as symbolic of everything wrong with the Academy Awards. These days I can't even watch the fucking thing, it's treacly rubbish. I'm disappointed in 19 year old me.
Dec 10, 2012
It took me a while to think of something for this thread. I guess I might have said Star Trek 2009; the first time I saw it I tried to be skeptical but was just excited to see new Star Trek for the first time in years. Every time I've seen it or thought about it since it has gotten worse, and now it is nothing more than an affront to everything that makes me a Trekkie. Into Darkness, at least, is universally understood to be crap.

But I did think of a real example, and it actually makes me sad to realize. Superman is a bad movie. I did like it when I was a kid and since then kind of assumed that it was still the best Superman movie. I saw part of it recently and it does not hold up. I think the original charm of the film was from the advanced special effects, and it was one of the first movies to take superheroes seriously.

But it's just bad in so many ways. Outside of Christopher Reeve the acting is pretty awful. The dialogue is awkward and cheesy even for the seventies, the effects are naturally very dated, and Lex Luthor and his entourage are insufferable. Explain to me why the smartest man on the planet would surround himself with half-wits. The ending is preposterous, as we all know, but really, most of it isn't even interesting. Superman hardly even does anything aside from his confusing time-travel stunt.

Superman II is a far better movie. Man of Steel is a better movie. That's right, you read me.


New member
Jun 15, 2013
28 Weeks Later

I rewatched it the other day and you know what? The movie actually pissed me off. When I first saw it, I liked it, it weren't better than 28 Days Later but will fitting. Now, I just can't stand it. Why? Children. F***ing CHILDREN!! Why do so many writers have the children in many movies, create stupid, and I mean GOD AWFULLY stupid, decisions that puts everyone in danger, get everyone fucking hurt, killed and... time to calm down now. Simple, if they didn't do what they did, everyone in that movie would have been safe and not DEAD!