Multiplayer that is ruined by hackers/modders/cheaters.


Jun 5, 2013
Strazdas said:
but noone plays vanilla one anyway.
I do. Quite often. But I have my own private server, so griefers aren't an issue.

Anyway, CubeWorld. It's only in alpha, but there's plenty of hackers running about. Not a big deal though considering it's co-op, and all they're doing is modding their level.


New member
May 14, 2011
Since a few years back I've refused to play online multiplayer with strangers, and on the rare occasions I've felt like giving humanity another go I've immediately regretted it. I guess that speaks volumes to how much of a problem this is.

Happiness Assassin

New member
Oct 11, 2012
In Dead Island literally the first time me and my friends grouped with a random, we were instakilled out of nowhere. God I hated that fucking game.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
GTA IV. There are people setting you on fire, blowing you up, teleporting you around, have infinite ammo and health. Some even spawn hippo suits and take your weapons, so you can't even fight back.
After much thought (and frustration) on the matter, my friend actually flashed his Xbox disc drive and downloaded a mod which allows him to kick anyone he wants from the game. He uses it whenever he finds someone using cheats to annoy the other players.
I don't really see cheaters otherwise. I really only play Battlefield and Halo online. It seems to be pretty tame on those games.


New member
Jan 20, 2012
The7Sins said:
Team Fortress 2.

Before it went free to play I encountered all of 2 hackers. A noclipping Huntsman Sniper and a super fast immortal Scout.

Post free to play I encountered at least 1 hacker a day that would ruin the game for everyone. It has gotten to the point I have given up on this game and uninstalled it sadly. An act I never saw coming even a week before the change.

Team Fortress 2 before free to play was my favorite multiplayer game of all time and a serious contender for favorite game ever.
I still have not forgiven Valve for ruining a great game. Fuck you Valve. Fuck you.
The same thing happened to the 360 version quickly after valve "abandoned" it. Every other game was a hacked game with clipping, invincibile players or all crit shots. Some were funny like giant characters others not so much like blocked doorways.

A shame, it was one of my favourite multi games too!


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
Dark Souls has a problem with lag backstabs being made from the front while you'e blocking.
I'm told on the PC version that cheaters are a huge problem.


He who speaks words from mouth!
Dec 6, 2010
Raziel said:
I'm less and less interested in multiplayer every time I play. And people don't even need to be cheating or griefing.

Lag screws the experience up about 70% of the time all on its own. And since my schedule is widely erratic I don't even try to maintain friends lists. And random people ruin gaming about 75% of the time.

The stupid ones, the ones who say such stupid things you have to mute them, the ones who leave their mic open so you hear everything going on in their houses, and pros (people are head and shoulders better then every other player every single match).

I can remember a time when I used to stay online all night gaming. Now I cannot remember how long its been since I played 3 matches in a row before shutting it off.

Thank god for single player.

I think the preview for The Division looks incredible. But not in my wildest dreams do I think the experience will be anything like that once its filed with random people.
You know what else has led to this? The killing of dedicated servers. Online matchmaking has made it difficult to find an online environment suited to you. I would dump endless hours into CS:S and COD4 due to being able to play on my club's servers. I knew everyone online (most of the time) and we were all around the same skill level. This led to interesting matches and great conversation. We were also very vigilant against hackers, trolls, and rude players. If someone was ruining our fun (outside of just being good, we allowed that of course) we would warn them, kick them, then ban them on the third offense.

I am with you though, most of the time I tend to avoid online gameplay. I do play quite a bit of multiplayer locally though. That is just because it is usually much more fun (to me at least). If you don't have a group of friends to play with, I would recommend you do what I did when I moved. Find a local game store (or a gamestop if you don't have a locally owned one) and start talking to people. Find some people interested in your genre of choice, and start setting up meets. For example, I love fighting games, but I don't have the time to dedicate to being competitive online. So I found a group of players who also enjoy fighting games. We meet up once a week to play locally. There are a few guys who are awesome and able to compete online, but most of us are around my skill level (average to weak). The great part is, I am getting better because the game is more fun to me now. I've actually managed to take down a few of our better players now (though I still hold to it being luck).

Baron von Blitztank

New member
May 7, 2010
The7Sins said:
Team Fortress 2.

Before it went free to play I encountered all of 2 hackers. A noclipping Huntsman Sniper and a super fast immortal Scout.

Post free to play I encountered at least 1 hacker a day that would ruin the game for everyone. It has gotten to the point I have given up on this game and uninstalled it sadly. An act I never saw coming even a week before the change.

Team Fortress 2 before free to play was my favorite multiplayer game of all time and a serious contender for favorite game ever.
I still have not forgiven Valve for ruining a great game. Fuck you Valve. Fuck you.
Really? I can't say I've found any hackers at all in TF2. Then again, I tend to play on a certain group of servers which constantly have mods patrolling them so that may be why.

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
I remember the few times I tried to play Gears of War 2 online there were tons of cheaters. There would be times when I would unload an entire Lancer clip into an enemy and they would still be standing. They also gave their shotguns better range all while weakening ours. The fact that the back of the Gears of War 3 box made a point to have a blurb that said "fast and fair multiplayer" suggests that they knew it was easy for cheaters to hack.

I just avoid online multiplayer in general now, too many bad experiences with trolls, griefers and jerks in general for me to want to play anymore. Even mute options can't save you from getting tea bagged in Halo.


Wearin' Steam Badges
Jul 19, 2013
I've come back to PC gaming with single player being my key focus. The only multiplayer game for me (anti-cheat servers) is Rising Storm / Red Orchestra 2, though I'm not very good.* I fear the day single player is just a quick add-on for every super duper, massively-fun hackfest MP game that hits the market.

*I'm working on that. :)


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Hackers ruin games for everyone but themselves, imo. I gave up playing a CoD game because of my issues with hackers in MW2, Almost every game I would have someone either aim botting, wall hacking, or just plain invincible.

Another game that is co-op, that I felt was ruined for me by hackers was Dungeon Defenders. Me and a friend bought it and played the first two worlds. I leave for lunch and come back. He now has gear that every piece gives him 10000 tower damage, health, and whatever other stats. All he would have to do is place one of his fastest towers next to each of the crystals and he could solo any level without the help of any of the other players.

He also called my bad since I refused to hack the game, and a threw away any non-legit item he gave me. This is also the same friend who called me a cheater for installing a respec mod in Torchlight 2... I don't even...


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Minecraft, because there's pretty much no anti-cheat system. Even then, griefing is still incredibly easy to do, and most ways to limit griefing cause overly restrictive servers (which no one likes to play).

Otherwise, I can't think of anything. I would say Battlefield 3 because Punkbuster is incredibly easy to get around, and because EA-DICE refuses to even mention the game's name anymore, they aren't going to fix it. But even then, most hackers are once every thirty-some hours and usually get shut down through votekick pretty easily.

The7Sins said:
Team Fortress 2 before free to play was my favorite multiplayer game of all time and a serious contender for favorite game ever.
I still have not forgiven Valve for ruining a great game. Fuck you Valve. Fuck you.
Aren't you just the cutest little thing?


New member
Dec 6, 2011
If you've played MW2 lately on PC (not 4D1 mod), it's just constant explosives spam from everyone with infinite ammo hacks and grenade launchers, and if that's not happening, someone's probably running some sort of aimbot or wallhack.


Lord of Infinite Grins
Jun 30, 2011
I must be lucky, out of about 500 hours on the PC version of dark souls, I haven't had trouble using the keyboard and mouse controls like everyone else seems to, I haven't come across many hackers (I think about 4 or 5 total) and I don't seem to lag that much either despite my internet being a pile of shit. Only laggy people I encounter are from japan or australia or some shit like that.

OT: DayZ got a bit ruined by hackers when it was at the peak of popularity, ruining your character by teleporting to you in a fucking tank and blasting your face off, causing you to start allll over again. Now with all the private hive servers it's stopped really, I'm gonna get back to playing it now that all my friends own it now from the steam sale :3


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Left 4 dead 2. Some people love being assholes in that game. I recall one time I jumped into a random game with an admin and 2 of his friends on my team (not knowing he was an admin at the time). They were basically just saying shit and being general assholes, so I told them to STFU or I would mute them, the admin say well here have a time out and my character instantly died, the next spawn I had was taken over (either by a different player or bot I'm not sure how it worked). He then says you had enough, I told him to fuck off so I got booted. I haven't played that game since.


This Title Will Be Gone Soon
Apr 13, 2008
I've played all sorts of online games. Team Fortress 2, Dark Souls, Modern Warfare, what have you. And the only hacker I've ever encountered was for that really old AvP2 game. He hacked himself a knife that fired an infinite stream of pulse rifle grenades during a game of last man standing.

Only time I've ever actually encountered hacks in an online game, and I play pretty regularly.

Phoenixmgs said:
Xukog said:
Does the ps3 not have an offline mode? if it does,why not do that instead of wasting peoples time? Or just flat out play without your ps3 connected to the internet. Hell,when people disconnect,my game freezes sometimes,then it feels like someone just screwed me over.
I said I liked the messages left and co-op part of the online, why would I then want to play offline? I get invaded just waiting for another player to summon me so I can beat a boss again, then I have to put my sign down and wait again. If you're a developer you have to limit (as much as possible) a player's ability to be an asshole because when in an online environment, people will be as much as an asshole as they can possibly be. The whole invasion system is bad because of that.
PvE fit? In Dark Souls? Never heard of it or anything like it. I always just equipped whatever gear I had that was the best. And yet whenever someone invaded my world I found it to be quite the joyful experience. Fights with humans were always the best, and the satisfaction of seeing an invading player driven from my lands was just plain wonderful. My thoughts are, if you don't want people invading your world then don't play Dark Souls. At all. It's part of the multiplayer experience, and the multiplayer experience is tied directly into the game itself. If you don't want someone killing you, then don't play the game.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
TheYellowCellPhone said:
Minecraft, because there's pretty much no anti-cheat system. Even then, griefing is still incredibly easy to do, and most ways to limit griefing cause overly restrictive servers (which no one likes to play).

Otherwise, I can't think of anything. I would say Battlefield 3 because Punkbuster is incredibly easy to get around, and because EA-DICE refuses to even mention the game's name anymore, they aren't going to fix it. But even then, most hackers are once every thirty-some hours and usually get shut down through votekick pretty easily.

The7Sins said:
Team Fortress 2 before free to play was my favorite multiplayer game of all time and a serious contender for favorite game ever.
I still have not forgiven Valve for ruining a great game. Fuck you Valve. Fuck you.
Aren't you just the cutest little thing?
My friends and I got around this by having our own server and just agreeing not to fuck everyone else over. Aside from the odd thing going missing, no griefing is really done.

James Crook

New member
Jul 15, 2011
Well, just about every game without dedicated servers and/or a kick function, whether by vote or by the host is doomed to suffer from hackers, modders, and cheaters.

On the PC, this kind of problem is usually found in games with Punkbuster (because it sucks), those that use Games for Windows Live for online play (GTA IV, especially) and just about any game with a hosting system like most recent Rockstar and Ubisoft games. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and Max Payne 3's multiplayer components are nigh unplayable.

Thankfully, since I moved back to Europe after four years in Southeast Asia, I've been encountering far less cheaters. And thanks to having a decent net connection (hooray inter-ISP competition!), I get less lag.
I'm not making a comment about some countries' players having a tendency to cheat in online games, but I'm just throwing it out there.

The_Tron said:
Left 4 dead 2.
I still don't understand why Valve didn't learn from the first game and make the server browser visible. Creating a lobby and using matchmaking to find a server is bloody stupid. You often, too often for my taste, get grouped up with gits.