Muslim Virtual World Coming Soon


New member
Jun 22, 2008
hubertw47 post=7.74921.851510 said:
Quest No.1; go to place x and bomb it.
Quest No 8; go to place x and bomb it.
Quest No 48; go to place x and bomb it.
Quest no 129; go to place x and bomb it.

DLC; go to place y and bomb it.
The great muslim game!
*Sigh* Another troll slipped in....there goes the neighbourhood.


New member
Dec 12, 2007
I think it's a decent idea, if it's well implemented. Online gaming can get pretty rough going sometimes, so I think it would be a little haven for Muslim gamers who want to escape the experience of being called a terrorist or whatever and find a place with like minded gamers in it.

That said.. they're gonna need some kinda GM's to keep things in order. After all, there's a shelf full of cans full of worms that might get opened if the developers aren't careful.


Level 80 Legendary Postlord
Dec 4, 2007
cainx10a post=7.74921.852568 said:
I love trolls. Let's be friendz.

Other than the teddy bear incident, and maybe, the danish islamophobe cartoon, who else got admonished, arrested, and executed for linking the name of this particular prophet? I really would love to know.
There was an Iranian journalist who lost his job and was put in jail for criticising the uproar after the danish cartoons, and I remember that the Taliban burnt books and killed teachers after their takeover of Kabul because of some "inappropriate dealings with the prophet" and I'm sure there are hundreds of undocumented cases. But admittedly I can't find any proof on the internet. These days, searching for related keywords on Google produces alot of static.

I usually enjoy having arguments and discussions about things, especially controversial topics. But I really don't like your condescending, self-righteous style, so I'll simply be ignoring you from now on.


New member
Dec 21, 2007
Its not segregation really, people form groups over the internet based on shared traits, tastes, hobbies, whatever. To be honest, i think its a massive marketing opportunity. The irony in bringing in companies like Coca-cola is that in many (hardline) Muslims' ideal world, the evils of western style capitalism are restricted to the western part of the world. The doctrine of the faith itself denounces materialism, and this game may amount to little more than virtual fantasy materialism.

Redlac post=7.74921.853152 said:
I think it's a decent idea, if it's well implemented. Online gaming can get pretty rough going sometimes, so I think it would be a little haven for Muslim gamers who want to escape the experience of being called a terrorist or whatever and find a place with like minded gamers in it.

That said.. they're gonna need some kinda GM's to keep things in order. After all, there's a shelf full of cans full of worms that might get opened if the developers aren't careful.
I expect a lot of racists trolls are going to sign up for this game just to get kicks out of it. Will require careful moderation. I also expect that the whole 'war on terror' bandwagon will provoke the tabloid newspapers and racist hack journalists (that seem to populate so much of the media) will devote hours of time trying to paint a picture of as an elitist, exclusive club, where young muslim males will be indoctrinated into Radical Islamist beliefs. I also expect MI5 and the USA's NSA to tap this game.

The reality is, of course, that nearly every group, club or mini-society on the net is elitist to some degree. For example: the stargate sg1/atlantis fan forums dont want people who *dislike* the stargate franchise to be members - will you accuse the stargate fans of segregating themselves from the wider tv-viewing audience? Forums such as this one demonstrate the commitment of individual forum posters by giving them a rank based on number of posts, and little 'awards' for various things. What is that if not a little bit elitist?

Everyone who joins an internet community does so out of the perception of shared or common values between themselves and the group they join. Everyone on this website likes to think of themselves as a slightly-more-intelligent-than-average gamer, that is why you are here; yet within this community you see elitism of another sort: the 'pc gaming master race' and the 'console tards'. I think a lot of the people who have posted in this thread need to take a long look in the mirror before they accuse of segregation or elitism.


New member
Sep 13, 2007
Eugh... People, stop with the hate for Muslims, please. It annoys the hell out of me.

As for the game; never been into that kind of stuff really.


New member
Jan 13, 2007
thisbymaster post=7.74921.850727 said:
i thought the whole point of video games was to shrug off the bordom and yoke of society. Then go and do whatever you want. Why would you play a video game that is just like what you do during the day? Because you like living in a oppressive society that tries to rule over every moment of your life, and if you do why are you playing a game? Go outside and enjoy it.
If they do, half of them will either die because of car bombing, lost bullets or be kindly encouraged to shut the hell up, and wear some large piece of tissue if they happen to have reproductive organs inside.
One can only hope for the game to be more libertarian and moderate on the religious stuff.

Talk about untapped markets.


New member
May 10, 2008
Whats the point of playing an online game where everyone plays male characters?, cause i seriously doubt anyone would want to pretend to be a muslim woman seeing as their religion isnt really the most female-friendly one out there...


New member
Sep 27, 2008
I really don't see this as a good thing. It's yet another unnecessary division of humanity. Why can't Muslims just play Second Life? Why do we all have to be in the company of those who agree with us constantly? It's hard to think freely when you're only exposed to one idea.


New member
Dec 12, 2007
Interesting in principle, but I have to wonder how many people who aren't fond of muslims will create accounts just to flame the regulars, or if it will take off at all.


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
Putting the most fanatical, trigger-happy people on top of the richest, most necessary resource in the world makes me think a few things, theologically speaking:

1) The Muslims are right and they're Allah's chosen people and oil is his gift to them to use as a weapon against the infidels;

2) God/the gods/insert-your-religion's-supreme-being has a sadistic sense of humor;

3) The atheists are right and the whole thing happened by chance.

Choose your favored explanation.

On-topic, I'm all in favor of things that allow people to find common cause and build a sense of worldwide community, but I'm direly afraid of what the douchebags at 4chan will do with it.


Smart AI
Oct 25, 2008
Azeban said:
I really don't see this as a good thing. It's yet another unnecessary division of humanity. Why can't Muslims just play Second Life? Why do we all have to be in the company of those who agree with us constantly? It's hard to think freely when you're only exposed to one idea.
Then we should erase all the forums on the internet and replace it with one mega-forum where there are no sections or divisions. Otherwise there would be an imbalance of opinion.

There's nothing wrong with organisation.
Nov 13, 2009
I think it's good that Islam really modernized itself here, and showed the world it's not just another crazy extremist religion intent on "blowing up the infidels." It puts that message out to the media saying "We're not all here to blow you up."
I just hate the way that The Media portrays Foreign culture sometimes.
(Btw I'm not a Muslim myself, so this is a none bias opinion)


New member
May 6, 2010
TheDean said:

Muslim-world? WTF, we don't need crpa like this. And no, i'm not being anti-muslim here. We don't need ANYTHING EVER thaty is only for certain people. EVERYONE shjou8ld be allwoed in everything. I hate creaitng divisions like this.

Your viewpoint aside, I would find it much easier to take you seriously without the random typos, acronym, and numbers scattered about, and also without the shouting. I can hear you from all the way over here. Also the Epic Fail. Whenever that phrase is uttered, I lose all ability to take the speaker seriously.