Its not segregation really, people form groups over the internet based on shared traits, tastes, hobbies, whatever. To be honest, i think its a massive marketing opportunity. The irony in bringing in companies like Coca-cola is that in many (hardline) Muslims' ideal world, the evils of western style capitalism are restricted to the western part of the world. The doctrine of the faith itself denounces materialism, and this game may amount to little more than virtual fantasy materialism.
Redlac post=7.74921.853152 said:
I think it's a decent idea, if it's well implemented. Online gaming can get pretty rough going sometimes, so I think it would be a little haven for Muslim gamers who want to escape the experience of being called a terrorist or whatever and find a place with like minded gamers in it.
That said.. they're gonna need some kinda GM's to keep things in order. After all, there's a shelf full of cans full of worms that might get opened if the developers aren't careful.
I expect a lot of racists trolls are going to sign up for this game just to get kicks out of it. Will require careful moderation. I also expect that the whole 'war on terror' bandwagon will provoke the tabloid newspapers and racist hack journalists (that seem to populate so much of the media) will devote hours of time trying to paint a picture of as an elitist, exclusive club, where young muslim males will be indoctrinated into Radical Islamist beliefs. I also expect MI5 and the USA's NSA to tap this game.
The reality is, of course, that nearly every group, club or mini-society on the net is elitist to some degree. For example: the stargate sg1/atlantis fan forums dont want people who *dislike* the stargate franchise to be members - will you accuse the stargate fans of segregating themselves from the wider tv-viewing audience? Forums such as this one demonstrate the commitment of individual forum posters by giving them a rank based on number of posts, and little 'awards' for various things. What is that if not a little bit elitist?
Everyone who joins an internet community does so out of the perception of shared or common values between themselves and the group they join. Everyone on this website likes to think of themselves as a slightly-more-intelligent-than-average gamer, that is why you are here; yet within this community you see elitism of another sort: the 'pc gaming master race' and the 'console tards'. I think a lot of the people who have posted in this thread need to take a long look in the mirror before they accuse of segregation or elitism.