My DnD group!

The Stonker

New member
Feb 26, 2009
Hey guys, I need some advice and I was wondering, but first I have to tell you a story.
Me and my friends (1 guy and 4 other girls) decided to make a DnD group, where he would be the DM and I would be the leader of 4 other girls, who wanted to be elves! Sure for that.
Well it turns out that I am a stout dwarf who has voices in his head and nobody really trusts me, even tho that everyone follows me because we're stuck in a labrinth because we did horrible,horrible things, such as throw a old lady into the see only to be devoured by piranah's.
And just generally disobeying the law.
Even tho that the dwarf ( who I play ) got in there because he thought it was halloween and he went into a bank, dressed up as a bank robber.
But the thing is that I feel like a dwarf really doesn't fit.
IS there any way to change my race with a interesting plot twist? I mean not just rewritting it all as " and now he's a female dragonborn" POOF!

P.s.How do I get my friends to hit the goddamm minotaur and not just stand behind me....
Even if I'm not the tank xD


Plop plop plop
Sep 28, 2009
I'm guessing one hell of a Polymorph spell could do the trick. You using 3.5 or 4?

As for how to make it so that they don't stand behind you when the minotaur shows his hairy ass: Break wind and set it on fire a lot?


New member
Jan 16, 2009
As a DM, I know that if my players talk to me about things like this, I'll try to make it work. If your friend-DM would be open to talking about a few interesting variations to your character, try these:

1) The voices in your head are actually your character. The dwarf was some ancient spirit that managed to use your body to come back as himself, and you need to free yourself.

2) As The Gentleman said, a polymorph spell of some sort. Maybe a "curse" or magic item that will allow you to change to another form over time. Instead of a "Poof! You're a female dragonborn!", you will slowly morph into one due to some magical effect. (Maybe have the other players think it's a disease and try to stop it?)

3) An old-fashioned "rescue" quest, where you willingly go to a wizard/archivist/mad alchemist to be changed, and your friends think you were kidnapped. If they succeed, I'm sorry for your misfortune.

Note that, as a DM, I look for interesting ways to create dramatic tension in the party that are capable of being resolved. It might not be good if your friends haven't played before. I hope this helped.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
A wizard did it.

Why? Because he hates you.

Why? Well, apparently you've done a lot of bad things. You've probably pissed off a wizard at some point.

It's pretty clichéd though, I'm sure there's a better option. A Lich could try to jump to your body to possess you and in doing so, fundamentally change its form. Once the Lich is removed, you can't/don't want to change back.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
I like COBOL's #1. Its got good flavor.

The solutions im coming up with are:

1) Straight reroll. Die a glorious death and make a new character. This results in shoehorning a new leader into the group which can be pretty stilted storytelling.

2) Reincarnation. Do you have access to a powerful druid NPC? This is much more flavorful than rerolling, but there are specific rules to deal with.

3) Retcon. You were an elf all along, but were under the effect of a cursed signet ring (or whatever). You were told by an evil wizard that it was a family heirloom. If you and/or you DM is familiar with the rules for legay items, this could be a good segue. Maybe the voices are the voices of you true ancestors (i.e. the item's omen), and the Dwarves are their sworn enemies etc. The first ritual would involve breaking the curse, and continuing to use the item.