My Experience with MW3 on PC So Far...


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Well, it's official: I'm not getting this overpriced piece of stupidity.


Don't ask, or you won't know
Mar 16, 2011
I'm not at all surprised at how bad MW3 is...

I mean, they've been recycling the same game for years now, nothing can bring back the "wow" factor of what CoD4 was... And now that everyone else knows how to build what essentially is a modern "clone" of cod4, it's harder and harder to make the same impact...

mw3 went no-where, so, maybe Infinity Ward will learn something from this and actually update the game before releasing a new one...

although I highly doubt it... since fanboys of any series will viciously defend it until the day the company dies...


New member
Nov 23, 2010
Caramel Frappe said:
JochemDude said:
And this is why I never get games for my PC. Not that they suck or anything, but with the expectations, the gamer card requirements, and all this 'complex' functions that the computer has to adapt to... I figured that games of today are more suited for consoles overall. Not saying they're better, but that's my guess.

Also very good read, usually when people vent or rant they just don't like minor concepts. You however, stated such flaws of the game it makes me want to hesitate getting MW3 for Christmas, but I know that since I shall be getting one for the Xbox 360, that I will enjoy it anyhow. But props to you no doubt, I appreciate your honesty along with respecting what us gamers are into. (Will be spending my money more wisely now thanks to you though.) :}
I'm flattered really, didn't expect people to actually like my little 'review' that much :D. I might make a few more in due time, if the reception is this good.


New member
Jun 19, 2009
You know I am a BF3 fanboy. I remember when every one was bashing the BETA. I am not going to lie I was a little disappointed in the campaign just because it was supposed to be a realistic view. Yet here we are going after [INSERT TERRORIST NAME HERE]. Now why do I bring this up in a COD forum? These two games were the hype of the last 6 months. If your going for single player then this is just disappointing in both games (from my view at least) Now I was really let down by BF3 this time around because of the lack of free roaming in campaign and the destruction physics isn't as present. Now in MW3 case there is a lot of recycled buildings, and terrain. I have been watching videos and its mind blowing how much actually is recycled. I did expect a little bit more out of both games. /sigh. Ah well back to dark souls.


New member
Jun 22, 2011
To think that I was considering buying this at some stage in my life. It seems better to burn the money I was going to spend on this game. Thanks for te heads-up.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
And yet it will probably sell a billion + 9001 copies, and be hailed as the messiah of gaming 2011. And then Activision will realise that people will buy CoD games even when their complete trash, why copy-paste a game and spend time making it slightly different but still enjoyable, when you can just copy-paste it, open it in notepad, mash the keyboard a bit, save, and distribute it for massive profit.


New member
Nov 23, 2010
mr. awesome said:
JochemDude said:
mr. awesome said:
Volf99 said:
so..... how was the zombie portion of the game?
There is no zombies in MW3.
Although, there is spec ops...
Yes, spec ops... Works with the same level unlock system. Wanna play the next mission, sorry you can't grind the previous ones some more.
how is survival? looks like a blast in the trailers!

Also, like eternal taros said, you can turn off the pc aim assisr, right? RIGHT!?
Yes, but people are gonna leave it on, then it suddenly becomes an aimbot.
Survival mode is basically just that level in campaign that every CoD has had, defend this place and camp up a storm.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
The only thing I cared about in all previous CoD games (including the MW series) - and liked a lot - was the singleplayer campaign/story/atmosphere. So, how is that?

Josh Horton

New member
Apr 6, 2011
My brother informed me that the sniping is the same as it was in CoD4, that is probably the most dreadful thing about the game, you'll have people like zzirGrizz joining a game with a sniper rifle and rack up the kills like its nothing...


New member
Sep 27, 2010
I just wish I'd waited a day later instead of pre-ordering it and blowing £40 on a 4 hour campaign and the worst multi-player I've ever played.

6v6 on maps that are slightly too big, so it takes a good few minutes before you actually find someone to kill it's just ridiculous.

But dammit I'm going to play it because I'm not having my girlfriend yell at me for wasting my money instead of buying her shoes.

Mr. Mike

New member
Mar 24, 2010
Have you by any chance watched Total Biscuit's "WTF is" video on Modern Warfare 3? Your rant and his video is uncannily similar, did you by any chance see this video? Or ARE you Total Biscuit? Obviously, these concerns are quite prominent, but some phrases you've used are extremely similar.

For those interested, the video I'm talking about:


Another Regular. ^_^
May 22, 2008
JochemDude said:
Eternal Taros said:
Aim assist on PC?
Please tell me this is some kind of a twisted joke.
Nope, it's there alright. And people will leave it on.
It's just like... Seriously?

Ugh, I've hated where the CoD series has been going since after CoD 4. I mean, I freaking owned at that game, because I played it in almost all of my spare time, to the point of getting into a pretty good clan and playing competitively. And not because I was addicted (I don't really get addicted to any games, can give examples but this isn't really the place), simply because I honestly loved playing that game. It was amazing.

And then, every game following in the series has left me feeling like it might be a return to what CoD 4 was like... followed shortly by disappointment.

There was already only a small chance I was going to get this game, but after hearing these bad things about it (not just from you, mind, however you've put your points forward really well, even if I can practically see the hate dripping from my monitor. So, kudos for that :p ) I don't think I will be getting it. At all.

Anyway, yes, I did read through all of it. Thanks for another useful opinion on the game. :)

Now, as for you, mister:
scarfacetehstag said:
I kinda just have the need to tell you that you have an awesome avatar... Even if I like Fox better.
Animals of Farthing Wood forever!


New member
Jan 9, 2010
JochemDude said:
The sound is just bad, rarely has a triple AAA title surprised me in the sound department. ( Battlefield 3 sounded reasonable )
Have to disagree, I actually thought the sounds were ok, the weapon sounds in particular being a vast improvement over MW2. My main gripe is the tiny, tiny maps. They really don't cater for (real) sniping / stealthy gameplay.


New member
Oct 7, 2010
JochemDude said:
Camping spots are carefully handpicked to give the person behind the bar/in the corner/in the bushes just that edge they always wanted.
Speaking of which.
(embedding wasn't working :/)

I bought MW3. It hasn't been downloaded/installed yet (via Steam). I'm going to wait a bit. Skyrim and BF3 come first.

I was thinking, perhaps its time CoD is given a rest for a bit. It needs to be built from ground up again - given a fresh start. The formula worked well, its just becoming overdone. Its kind of like a beautiful young women, who has now gotten old and is pumped full of botox to help her fit in with her younger, more attractive competitors.


New member
Nov 23, 2010
Monsterfurby said:
The only thing I cared about in all previous CoD games (including the MW series) - and liked a lot - was the singleplayer campaign/story/atmosphere. So, how is that?
It's gotten very over the top, Michael Bay Hollywood style. Wether you like that Hollywood style of campaign is up to you.


New member
Aug 7, 2011
JochemDude said:
*Well I just played a few hours of MW3 and this is inspired by the strong influence of rage that has grasped this game for me.
If you don't want to hear anything negative about MW3... I don't even know why you're reading this then.

FOV: You can't change the FOV. It's locked on 65. Are you kidding me? Why not add this basic piece of functionality? Oh yeah because the design platform are consoles and due to the horrific optimization they just use a goddamn narrow FOV because they don't need to render the shit outside it. Then just decided not to change anything in the gruesome port that is the PC version.

Killstreaks, as feared, are back to fuck you over. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Camping spots are carefully handpicked to give the person behind the bar/in the corner/in the bushes just that edge they always wanted.

Guns, I really haven't come to that because dedicated servers are not ranked. You have to use the fucking lagspiking/broken fucking peer2peer method that includes every horror you don't want playing a FPS. To top that the NetCode is ridiculously badly written, really such a "What the fuck were they thinking" moment.

Balancing is were it really get's fun. Saw that trailer with the noob? They aren't lying, anyone can play this game. It's easy, they're holding your hand every step of the way. Aim assist has been increased to the point where you are basically using an aimbot, seriously on mother-fucking PC. What balance in this game comes to is that you all gather in a giant pit of disorder and rage, and whoever plays the dirtiest wins.

The sound is just bad, rarely has a triple AAA title surprised me in the sound department. ( Battlefield 3 sounded reasonable ), but this sounds like random sound files without any sense of direction being thrown at you because of why? Fuck if I know, apparently Infinity Ward seems to think that because you can only see 60 degrees you can also only hear in that angle.

Weapon unlocks, yay we're back to the old system where for no apparent reason apart from making you clutch onto the game longer, you don't have stuff that doesn't make sense. Scopes for example, are just personal preference. I like holographic scopes for example. Why the fuck do I have to wait till level xx to get it? What was wrong with Black Ops system? That was a huge step forward in my book, but always one step forward means automatically two steps back.

Lazy and Ignorance are all over the fucking place, entire environments, buildings, textures, animations everything is just fucking copied. As I said NetCode sucks major ass. Also forget the 60 FPS they promised, I checked it in the game files it's max capped to 45 FPS. The little bit of what's left of Infinity Wards competent team that made CoD 4, well believe me they certainly left alright. They kept the PR team which is why they bloody well sell their stuff.

Seriously, if you're intending to get this on PC, don't, there's a reason review codes weren't given out for PC. If would've been bashed to shit. I can see someone with a console enjoying this, graphics are about as good as they get on a console. I'm not flaming consoles, I just mean that there is little to nothing that makes getting this on PC makes for a better experience.

Just run in blast away, get consistent pats on the shoulder assisted with epic metal riffs and guitar solo's, it constantly gives you candy for every 10 kills you make and that's fine, I see why people would be able to enjoy that.

Ofcourse there is stuff they nailed with this, custom gamemodes, theater mode and such absolutely brilliant and something I'm still waiting for to see in other games.

I don't hate CoD, I just don't, I've played loads of CoD 4 if I just want to have some dumb FPS action I'll still to this day put CoD 4 in. I'm not gonna hate you for buying/playing/enjoying this game, you're a gamer for fucks sake you can spend your well earned money and enjoy it however you damn well please.
(Editor's Note: I gained so much respect for you for this past paragraph.)
Just needed to get this of my heart guys, if any of you actually read through this all thank you for that.
Firstly, I apologize if my edit offended you or anyone else. It's a thing. Grammar mistakes bug me. Write how you want, but each error probably brings me that much closer to a brain aneurysm. (Hmm. Now how to use this to my benefit?)
Onto the topic of the actual thread, I thought that your speech was reasonably put together, and definitely worth listening to. Seeing as how CoD MW3 came out just recently, there are few personal accounts on the game's quality that I'd actually read and listen to. From what you've said, the PC version is far less enjoyable graphically and gameplay-wise.


New member
Nov 23, 2010
Tipatap said:
JochemDude said:
Firstly, I apologize if my edit offended you or anyone else. It's a thing. Grammar mistakes bug me. Write how you want, but each error probably brings me that much closer to a brain aneurysm. (Hmm. Now how to use this to my benefit?)
Onto the topic of the actual thread, I thought that your speech was reasonably put together, and definitely worth listening to. Seeing as how CoD MW3 came out just recently, there are few personal accounts on the game's quality that I'd actually read and listen to. From what you've said, the PC version is far less enjoyable graphically and gameplay-wise.
Thanks for the feedback I'll read it a couple of times before posting next time. I never really paid attention to my grammar and that shows here and now.

Or I'll just PM it to you for grammar check :D
Joking ofcourse.