My Game Just Screwed Me Over


New member
Oct 9, 2008

The Destroyer didn't even show up to it's own boss fight (I reloaded, went back and forth and everything), so I had to completely scrap my Lilith and lost 23 hours of gameplay.

ArchBlade said:
He was exploring a vault(Forgive me for not remembering which one)
That's vault 35.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
Fallout 3 and Fallout 3: operation anchorage.
it fucked the whole game up, and not because it was bad. first of all, the simulation is the funniest and most interesting thing i have ever played in a game for a long time, and it's very creativly constructed. but after you step out of the simulation it's just not the same.... because The Game is not as fun anymore because and now we are getting to it:

the chinese fucking stealthsuit, Hei Gui.

i'm not even fucking joking when i'm saying that you can, at 100 stealth skill, attack an enemy with a meele weapon, AND NOT BE DISCOVERED. it's like a stealth-boy, but more awesome.

also, the game is just awesome, but the second playthrough is just soooooo dull.

ALSO, it's so fun that some other games have become less awesome because it has themes close to it.

TL;DR fallout 3 is so awesome it's fucking itself up.

oh and OP, quicksave get. i locked it to , and . or z and x. be carefull and good hunting!


New member
Mar 16, 2008
ArchBlade said:
This wasn't my mistake, but it trumps every thing I've ever been screwed by in a video game.

My friend was playing Fallout New Vegas around the same time that the rest of us were, but he's the only one of us who never played it all the way to the end. Not because it wasn't a good game, oh no.

He was exploring a vault(Forgive me for not remembering which one) that was heavily irradiated, with the radiation getting more intense as you went down through the vault. Now, I should mention that my friend doesn't save like he should. Which is to say, he doesn't save at all and relies only on autosaves. You can see where this is going.

Getting to the bottom of the vault had robbed him of all of his rad-away and rad-x, so due to a personal error on his part, I'd imagine, he was almost completely un-supplied on the lowest, most dangerously irradiated level of the vault. Basically, he walked through the door and died two seconds later. And then the game reloaded him. Exactly where he was two seconds ago. To die again. And he had no other saves.

He promptly traded New Vegas in and to this day refuses to acknowledge his obvious chain of mistakes.
Woooooowwwww...that's....yeah. I don't know your friend so I don't want to say he's stupid but...yeah that was...ill-advised? That's like ignoring the flashing red lights and the female computer voice going "emergency, emergency."

But it makes for a humorous story. XD

TheIronRuler said:
Screamarie said:
So as I've mentioned a couple of times here on the forums, I'm currently playing Fallout 3. It's a lovely game, lots of fun, and it's really cool how it's blended lots of different genres and playstyles in a single game. just screwed me over.

This part contains spoilers, so I'll put it in a tag, but essentially a mechanic of the game has left me unable to continue.

So I had cleared out grayditch, paid Moriarty for info about my dad, the thieving bastard, and I had finished the first two chapters of Moira's survival guide. I decided to wrap it all up and get the third chapter of the guide finished and done with.

I had headed to Rivet City to find out about it's history. I had been told that if I wanted the REAL history I needed to head to the other side Rivet City, the broken half of the ship. Since I didn't have 100 at my lockpicking skill I was SOL and had to use an underwater doorway.
I quickly tried to swim down and into the water and to the door. In my opinion those swimming controls kind of suck, but that's just me.

Anyways I get through the door...and all of a sudden I'm running out of oxygen and I don't have enough oxygen to get to the surface of the water. It didn't say I was running out of oxygen before I hit the door and I admit I wasn't paying enough attention to the meter...but because the game autosaves every time I go through a door...the game has saved at the exact moment before I die...

I hadn't saved in a while simply because I hadn't thought to, I was in a groove, you know how it is, and so I had been forgetting to save...and now I've lost between 5 and 8 hours of work. Fuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkkk. So the game has screwed me over and now I have to start WAY the hell back at a much earlier save and I'm having a hard time getting up the gumption to find it worth it. -_- *sigh*

So let's talk about our gaming woes. When has a game screwed you over?
That's sad. I usually save too often, like five times every ten minutes.
Usually I save more often, especially for a game like Fallout, but I was just really in it and not paying attention. Not to mention I had spent quite a while running around Rivet City where there aren't any enemies, just talking to people so...yeah. Should have thought ahead of time.

But I continued again early this morning and I'm almost back to where I was.

razer17 said:
I also have a Fallout 3 related story, this time a bug that almost ruined my save. I rely on autosave too much in Fallout, I should learn to manually save more often.

Anyway, I almost lost over 8 hours of gameplay because of a massive glitch. Essentially, after I left a bulding, it would almost instantly crash. This means I was stuck in a loop of reloading the game, it would crash, and then reloading again. I tried everything: shooting as soon as it loaded, turning, quickly trying to go back through the door I just came through. Eventually I figured that in the split second between it loading and freezing I could enter my Pip-Boy, and realised that I could quick travel. That seemed to work, so I went on to complete the game.
Was this PC or console and do you remember where it is so many I can avoid this glitch as well?

Course knowing my luck I'd get the same glitch, open my pip-boy and it wouldn't let me fast travel because and enemy is nearby.


New member
Jan 7, 2012
Playing the Anvil of the Void mission on Dragon Age, I picked what sounded like a 'let's all just calm down and discuss this' option, at which point Caridin overreacted massively and tried to kill me, and since I was being a nice guy I had to replay everything from the encounter with the Legion of the Dead onwards.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
Screamarie said:
Was this PC or console and do you remember where it is so many I can avoid this glitch as well?

Course knowing my luck I'd get the same glitch, open my pip-boy and it wouldn't let me fast travel because and enemy is nearby.
Unfortunately I can't remember where it was. And it was on Xbox 360. And I was worried about not being able to fast travel, I was somewhat lucky that there wasn't any enemies about.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Fallout: NV, It's quite similar to the OP's fail really. In Vault 21 the one where you need to blow up the bottom floor to destroy all the zombie plants.

So being the colossal dramatist that I am, I thought the game was going for a lob dynamite, run for the door while being chased by a wall of fire, barely make it, feel like a badass scenerio

In actuality you're meant to seal yourself in a sideroom 2 feet to your left. /facepalm

After getting instakilled by the fire far before I got to the door I thought of using the Long-Fuse Dynamite to give me more time. Clicked on the door just in time (not) loaded the next area and dropped dead a milisecond later. Fuck fire, man.

Of course it autosaved so I was tried to bring up the menu and outheal the fire a few times (it didn't work) had to say "Fuck it!" and restart that quest from the beginning... I hate Vault quests just because the map is rubbish 99% of the time in those sections so I end up running in circles looking for the exit door and never fahking find the bitchcunting thing!

From now on I always get my Repair skill up to 50 on all playthroughs just to repair the lift down to the bottom floor, grab the data and get out. Quest complete in 30 seconds. Convienience beats morality on this occasion my dear hostage/alternate option giver type person. Sorry about that

Oh and in Oblivion i once ate the Poison Apple by accident and it autosaved. 3 hours out the window. It was hilarious thinking about it now, confusing the drop button with the use button can have srs consequences it seems...


Plushy wrangler, die-curious
Sep 9, 2009
Been (re-)playing heroes 3 lately and in the campaign you usually insta-lose when your main hero dies. The enemy usually also gets a crazy head start in terms of resources/army size and suspiciously good info on your heroes' whereabouts. So sometimes you're happily trodding along when suddenly, out of effin nowhere, an enemy hero with an army ten times the size of yours comes out of the unscouted area of the map and goes straight for your main hero. Battle starts, 3 seconds later it ends. Game over.
And if by coincidence you saved just before it happens, there's often nothing you can do to stop it from happening again after you reload the save. It's a complete checkmate. Which means your only option left is to replay the entire campaign up to that point and hope you don't screw up again.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
Final fantasy 4 ds, I saved after the first boss fight with the sisters with almost no health and no potions not thinking that there would be another boss fight, needless to say there was another boss fight after the cutscene and had no way to defeat it. I tried running down the 8 floors of the tower without entering a battle but in the end I had start the game over.


Bans for the Ban God~
Jun 10, 2010
My first real soiree into video games, the first one that led to many others.
Pokemon Crystal.
I had just caught Raikou, the last legendary dog that was still eluding me, I decided to save and quit, and upon loading it up the next day it said the game save had been corrupted.
I was four Pokemon away from completing the Pokedex.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
I wouldn't say a game has ever screwed me over, but I did manage to lose a side quest NPC in Oblivion. I travelled to the quest area, turned around and she was gone, never could find her at the quest start, quest area, or where the arrow was directly pointing. And obviously because she was the essential NPC for that quest I never could finish it so it just sat there in my quest list, tormenting me.


Pointy Object Enthusiast
Sep 20, 2008
Screamarie said:
ArchBlade said:
This wasn't my mistake, but it trumps every thing I've ever been screwed by in a video game.

My friend was playing Fallout New Vegas around the same time that the rest of us were, but he's the only one of us who never played it all the way to the end. Not because it wasn't a good game, oh no.

He was exploring a vault(Forgive me for not remembering which one) that was heavily irradiated, with the radiation getting more intense as you went down through the vault. Now, I should mention that my friend doesn't save like he should. Which is to say, he doesn't save at all and relies only on autosaves. You can see where this is going.

Getting to the bottom of the vault had robbed him of all of his rad-away and rad-x, so due to a personal error on his part, I'd imagine, he was almost completely un-supplied on the lowest, most dangerously irradiated level of the vault. Basically, he walked through the door and died two seconds later. And then the game reloaded him. Exactly where he was two seconds ago. To die again. And he had no other saves.

He promptly traded New Vegas in and to this day refuses to acknowledge his obvious chain of mistakes.
Woooooowwwww...that's....yeah. I don't know your friend so I don't want to say he's stupid but...yeah that was...ill-advised? That's like ignoring the flashing red lights and the female computer voice going "emergency, emergency."

But it makes for a humorous story. XD
Oh no, don't worry. Calling him stupid was my immediate reaction to hearing this news. And many things after that. >.>


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Dirty Hipsters said:
In Half-Life 2 episode 1 I saved my game after a pretty intense gunfight, which left me with 8 health, and then promptly died to a sniper bullet. When I reloaded the save I found that I had actually saved a mere moment before the sniper fires, and that because I had saved in the open it was basically impossible for the sniper to miss, meaning that every time I loaded the game I would die within approximately 1 second. At least the previous save wasn't too far back.
Not really the games fault is it?

I had a very similar problem in Tomb Raider 2 in the opera house, one bullet away from death my dad decides to climb a ledge with a guy on and save as Lara does the animation. This was on our shared file, I don't blame the game.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
Not the game screwing me over, but my own mistake.

I started a Metal Gear Solid 4 no alerts no kills game. The first enemy I came across saw through my box disguise instantly and flipped it over. He went into alert mode, I snapped his neck. 10 minutes of planning, down the drain.


New member
Apr 5, 2008
It's probably happened to me at some point playing Fallout or Skyrim, but I can't honestly recall any specific moments. This did however remind me of a Tobuscus video that is both appropiate and hilarious.



New member
Jul 20, 2011
The Gaming Gods have been good to me, so I only have one such story. I was playing Star Fox Adventures (yeah, remember that game?) and was stuck at the "Test of Fear" or whatever it was called. I used to love the game as a kid, but for the life of me I could never beat that part. Then, one day, through a combination of practice and luck, I got that motherf*cking Krazoa Spirit only to have my Gamecube crap out on me (for the first and only time ever).

I later beat the game, but seriously? :/

Brown Cap

New member
Jan 6, 2009
You kidding me? I've tried three times over the course of some years (or however long it's been since it came out) to 100% Fallout New Vegas. Except Every Time I reach level 28 (or whatever) on my way with every companion's story filled out, Every faction completed completely (Brotherhood, Boomers, Clubs, etc...) to the final mission I get the PS3's "Yellow Light of Death" and get my hard drive wiped. Three Times. Yup. So much for THAT aspiration...


New member
Mar 27, 2012
Anyone who's played Final fantasy tactics knows about Riovanes castle. You get there and its a three part battle with saving allowed between fights. You get there and curbstomp the first battle since the only special character on the opposing side is Malak, who sucks so hard in that game, and you win easily enough. Then you save and go onto the next battle which has you facing a one on one fight with Wiegraf who can kill you with about 2-3 hits without massive power leveling. So if your main character is kinda wimpy your SOL. Stuck in a battle with no real way of winning unless your lucky with job points and equipment.

If that wasn't enough and you manage to beat THAT part of the mission you get to go onto the third part of the battle, saving since it was such a hard fight, and you find yourself on the rooftop playing escort mission with a crap character who seems to enjoy throwing herself into the middle of a vampire lord and his lovely one hit kill lady assassins. If you don't have someone with a high enough speed you'll never even get to act before they kill the person your supposed to protect.


Dec 1, 2011
The game Chromehounds had a bad habit of freezing on me after the mission complete screen before it would save. This became a particularly bad problem on the last mission when I had managed to beat the mission with the default Hound on my second try and it froze. This lead to about a week of rage-inducing trial and error before I managed to beat the thing again and another two weeks before I managed to get top rank on it.

Just today on Saints the Third I was using the Gatmobile glitch to customize the ASP and ballsed it up when I made the front wheels as small as possible and the back wheels as big as possible and accidentally exited the customization menu while trying to fix it. I then spent the next half hour trying to get out of the garage so that I could get out of the tank with no success at all.(it just would not let me get out even though I had just done it)After that half hour I just said fuck it and stopped playing games for the day.

Justyn Stahll

New member
Jul 22, 2010
The original Max Payne, in I think the second nightmare where you have to walk on the thin red line. I was going along halfway through it and I have been quicksaving periodically (every 2 steps)and then for some reason I got distracted, I fell and then out of pure habit of quicksaveing, saved. Gotta LOVE QUICKSAVING!


New member
Jun 9, 2011
The Wykydtron said:
So being the colossal dramatist that I am, I thought the game was going for a lob dynamite, run for the door while being chased by a wall of fire, barely make it, feel like a badass scenerio
I did that! I ran through the vault into the tunnel on the other side. Surviving only because I lucky jump out of the vault room. The fire ball followed me out just long enough to make my jump look cool. Jeezy C, I'm great.
Captcha: Got my mojo. Yes, I do.