My GOD, the Heroes of Newerth community is so bad. SO bad. But why?


New member
Oct 7, 2009
Therumancer said:
Aircross said:
^Please stop calling Dota games MMOs. 5v5 instances != "Massively" Multiplayer.

Anyway, you'll find good people in the community and you'll find bad people.

Sticks and stones.
They are MMOs, because the community of players is absolutly huge and they all share the same matchmaking. The battles might be 5 vs 5 or whatever, but those 10 people come from a pool of tens, or hundreds of thousands of players, maybe even a few million if some hype is to be believed. That's an MMO by any definition... it's just an MMO that consists entirely of a 5 vs. 5 arena queue (of a sort) without any kind of real persistant world structure behind it.
By that definition battlefield 3 is an MMO or Diablo 2, MMOs are defined by being online persistant worlds in which hundreds of players can play together at the same time calling HoN an MMO is like calling Dawn of War 2 an rpg


Elite Member
Sep 28, 2009
I play LoL quite a bit, mostly with friends to avoid the bickering and shit I've heard about, but recently started joining random coop vs AI matches on beginner and intermediate. Not heard any bitching from people on my team, usually they've either laughed along or agreed.

Like yesterday, I was playing as Zilean on Intermediate and suddenly got gangbanged by 4 of the AI champs, and for some reason they all use their Ult at the same time, getting me dead pretty quick. So fast I couldn't use my own ult too survive. xD

I said in chat: "Geez, like a monster truck riding a bigger monster truck who's speeding at 400 kilometers an hour."
They laughed and agreed that AI bots atm, are very trigger happy with Ultimates and tend to do that after they "improved" the bot AI in LoL.

OT: I heard quite a bit about bitching and bickering and all sorts of harrasement about the LoL community before I started playing LoL, which made me not play LoL for ages, but after playing some matches, I haven't really met any of those people. So it might be the same for HoN? Not as many "idiots", to put it nicely, as it seems maybe?

Just my thoughts though, ofc, might be accurate or not.


New member
Dec 24, 2007
I play a bit of League of Legends, and there's certainly no short supply of "hardcore" players there either.
The smack talk (often hilariously garbled) might just be my primary reason for playing.

In every single game I've played, the losing team has devolved into backstabbing and accusations of incompetence in the last few minutes of the game. It's fantastic.


Pro Misinformationalist
Jun 22, 2011
TestECull said:
This, in a nutshell, is why I fucking hate multiplayer of all genres. To all competitive players, It's just a fucking game, STOP TAKING IT SERIOUSLY! If there's a noob on the team that's dragging your score down, so fucking be it. It doesn't matter. Let them have fun with a 0.5 KDR in peace.
To be fair some people like to take their gaming seriously, just as much as some people like to take driving go karts seriously. It is a competitive game, where people go wrong is ragging on people who are weaker than them no need for that really :(

Its an odd argument i guess taking something seriously or just assing around, rugby is "just a game" in theory yet when you play it you take it very seriously... but i guess this is where we begin to define what is sport? and at what point its okay to be taking something seriously.

Also taking something seriously doesn't mean its not fun, you just need to find the right group of people to play with those that take it seriously and those that don't when they cross is where problems occur i guess.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Welcome to just about every competitive community on Earth.
Its pretty much the same for CoD. I have had people message me after games where I have a +20 k/d, and tell me how absolutely bad I am.

I took the time to aim my sniper and kill them with one bullet = fucking hardscope ****** tryhard

I caught them completely out of position with my MP7 and mowed half their team down from behind = fucking rushing camper ******

They ran into a claymore I played 3 minutes ago = fucking camper mapzoner tryhard

You get these assholes that think they know more than you and are better than you in every single fucking game, and whenever you kill them, their tiny brains cannot fathom the simple fact that you were able to kill them despite their INSANE SKILLS, so they blame everything except their INSANE SKILLS.

But to be fair, I have heard how terrible the HoN community is from friends who tried it out, even one friend that still plays it despite his hate of it, lol...


New member
Sep 2, 2011
Rastien said:

Sounds interesting, thanks for the summary. I will probably stick with LoL then since im not sure i'd like the changes in HoN as much, I can see why the community would be worse though. Seeing as PvP would be more difficult, players are probably get even more annoyed than on LoL, something I thought was impossible.

therandombear said:
That is because you are doing matches against the AI. It's much more competitive in PvP, there are still plenty of nice people on there though but it's so easy to find the annoying ****s than it is to find people who are fun to play with.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
We're friendlyer down in the 1200 - 1400 mmr range. The n00b area.

See I suck and therefore don't blame others when shit goes wrong, so I (and other people who suck but like the game) tend to be more helpful to n00bs.

But as you've played LoL and it sounds like you do ok, chances are you'll be stuck in the 1500 range with the elitist arses.

Just play with friends, it's better that way.


Pro Misinformationalist
Jun 22, 2011
Tricky part with the 1500 range is you get people who have been climbing getting the odd 1 or 2 players on their team which have just recently started playing match making which can cause choas.

Also fully agree with what you have said about people feeling they should be higher, if your good enough at HON you can carry your team relativley easily (Flintbeast wood & Pudge(the butcher maybe in hon??)) at the 1200-1400 level compared to legue where carrys are good but nothing compared to a good HON carry...


New member
Jan 23, 2012
MOBA communities are like that. HONs seems to be worse for some reason though. personally, I think it's because the game's dying and the refuse that was once on the bottom has risen and contaminated the last of the player base.
It's incredibly sad. MOBA games are so much fun, but the player bases have a lot of absolutely disgusting have to be IMMUNE to insult or self-doubt to play one of them for a year or two with your emotions intact.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
If you can try DOTA 2. I play LoL quite a bit, but I got the dota 2 beta a couple days ago and I will say its a lot different. The game moves faster, and you won't often sit there farming till like 150+ CS, and the harass seems more effective.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Welcome to the MOBA communities ("DotA-clones" if you prefer), some of the absolute worst among all gaming communities.
The elitism is rampant, griefing and trolling are commonplace either as revenge tactics or exploitation; take your pick.

Problem 1: Teamwork is absolutely critical to success. But when shit goes south, it's rarely "my fault" it's "everyone of my scrub teammates".
Problem 2: MOBA games have a high learning curve to begin with. And most players will never reach beyond mediocre either due to a lack of talent or willingness to drop pretenses and learn.
Problem 3: Time commitment. MOBA Games are an endurance test. To LOSE after such an endurance run can be soul-crushing, and that's when we return to problem 1 and the finger pointing begins.

This results in otherwise unremarkable players turning into "Meta-parrots" and self-titled "pros" when they really don't have a goddamn clue why something works.

This isn't unique to MOBAs today (such as HoN or LoL).
I played DotA since the beginning, and the community was NEVER particularly civil on average. On rare occasion, I'd find the other random sensible dude just looking to have some fun and compete, and we'd steamroll the uncoordinated and disorganized masses using simple tactics.
And that's honestly all that kept me playing. Tight/interesting gameplay is only worth playing when it isn't ruined by whiny elitist assholes and griefers.

Citizen Box

New member
Feb 24, 2011
I feel your pain.

I play League of Legends quite frequently and to be honest, it's probably the worst community I have had the displeasure being in. But there is a reason why a lot of MOBA players are elitist, the fact that it is a high skill game, most of the time people are caring more about their K/D or their "epeen" rather than strategic encounters, and games can take up in to an hour to complete. So, if you have a bad team that is the longest hour of your life. Also taking into an account of rankings at L30 and not get stuck in the proverbial ELO hell makes people start raging even harder. If you still want to do 5v5, try to find a fixed 5v5 team around your skill level because "friends don't let friends solo queue".

Essentially, what I ended up doing is avoiding Summoner's Rift (regular MOBA 5v5) altogether and opt for the Dominion (5v5 control point). Since it's a faster game (Only about 15 minutes) and faster paced, it really cuts down on how much people can complain and troll each other.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
On my 5-6th game ever in HoN, I was playing as Moon Queen, I was at about level 15 while everyone else on my team was no higher than 10, and I was the only one with any hero kills, and when I got ganked by a tank and an agility char, I accidentally focused the tank and ended up dying. My team, which was entirely dead at this point, and therefore had a great view of the fight, instantly started calling me a retard for focusing the wrong char... needless to say, we lost. .-.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Therumancer said:
Aircross said:
^Please stop calling Dota games MMOs. 5v5 instances != "Massively" Multiplayer.

Anyway, you'll find good people in the community and you'll find bad people.

Sticks and stones.
They are MMOs, because the community of players is absolutly huge and they all share the same matchmaking. The battles might be 5 vs 5 or whatever, but those 10 people come from a pool of tens, or hundreds of thousands of players, maybe even a few million if some hype is to be believed. That's an MMO by any definition... it's just an MMO that consists entirely of a 5 vs. 5 arena queue (of a sort) without any kind of real persistant world structure behind it.
no there not
in the same way Battfield 1942, Starcraft, or that online checkers game that Windows has are not MMOs
MMO are defined by there interaction and the players choices in game having lasting consqeunces. MOBA games do not have this.


New member
Jan 23, 2012
NightHawk21 said:
If you can try DOTA 2. I play LoL quite a bit, but I got the dota 2 beta a couple days ago and I will say its a lot different. The game moves faster, and you won't often sit there farming till like 150+ CS, and the harass seems more effective.
yeah. I've actually found that the community in DOTA 2 beta is 100 times nicer than the one in LoL. I've only had ONE guy who started going "Fuck you nb ******. Kill yourself" in 40 games instead of one of him every two or three games.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Verzin said:
NightHawk21 said:
If you can try DOTA 2. I play LoL quite a bit, but I got the dota 2 beta a couple days ago and I will say its a lot different. The game moves faster, and you won't often sit there farming till like 150+ CS, and the harass seems more effective.
yeah. I've actually found that the community in DOTA 2 beta is 100 times nicer than the one in LoL. I've only had ONE guy who started going "Fuck you nb ******. Kill yourself" in 40 games instead of one of him every two or three games.
I haven't had much time to play since I got a lot of labs to work through at school now, but the 3 games I played the people have been pretty nice, or rather they're were normal, but with scores I was posting (they were bad) I would've been chewed out in any normal LoL game.

Adeptus Aspartem

New member
Jul 25, 2011
Uhm, this "phenomenon" isn't unique to the MOBAs. Starcraft 2 / Warcraft 3 aren't / weren't better.
Neither are practially 100% of all FPS communities.

Also the Guildwars, WoW and EvE community i've met were as bollocks.

The only really good community i've met so far was the Freelancer and Diablo 2 community. But maybe because in D2 you were rushing / farming most of the time anyway and if someone went on my balls i could just join the next game in a few seconds.

Betas dont count. I was in the closed Beta of LoL and it was like hanging out with a few hundred good friends.
Look at it now.
Usually if something is succsesful it get's ruined by douchebags automatically. 15y old OG has to show his homies how awsum his skillz are.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
I get the same experience with most online games, really. Especially MW3, which I play at my friend's house. I have never been insulted more than that, even back in the days of Halo 2. I found many people were nice, and helpful, really. Of course, they were in a minority, but they were a vocal minority. I can't really say anything about MMO's in general, as I don't really play them, except the slightly MMO-like Company of Heroes Online, which died after a while, and the community there had a lot of dicks, but also a lot of nice people. If you find the right part of a community, everything will go well for you.


Pro Misinformationalist
Jun 22, 2011
To get good at any MOBA you are gonna need a thick skin alot of patience and put some time into reading guides.The thing that does irk me abit is that it is a massive team game therefore communication is key, i find it very frustrating to have people not speaking a stitch of english until the end where its garbled english with swear words and caps.

But yeah to get good at and continue to enjoy a MOBA a thick skin is needed, i used to think the old counter strike community was bad (it was terrible for those that remember) but Legue and HON take the cake and run with it.