My Inner Bad Guy

Drake the Dragonheart

The All-American Dragon.
Aug 14, 2008
Good article, and it was a very interesting read for sure. However, I get the sense that you lean more so toward a bit of an anti-hero motivation. Now it is entirely possible I am misinterpreting, but that does sound more anti-hero to me than true villian, even if the said character is only out for them self. A sort of Machaivalian approach where the end justifies the means. Though I probably would be pissed two in Alex's situation
I get the feeling that with the option to be evil in many games, often the motivation is evil for the sake of evil. Well no that isn't entirely true. When I tried out evil in Fable, I found out I could become evil just by stealing alot of stuff, and I didn't have to commit mass murder, though I did kill a few characters (Whisper and Thunder learned quite painfully why they shouldn't call me farmboy!) but other than that maybe I was being more mischevious than truly evil.


New member
Jan 23, 2008
Fine line between narratology and ludology, babe. There is rarely such a thing as over analyzing: it behooves us all as trendy, chic, edgy gamers to inspect and criticize games; and to decide whether or not we want to engage in a cliche so we can play a cliche, or whether we want something different-- like being able to dropkick a helicopter WHILE questioning the ethics of murdering innocent, albeit, non existent people.


New member
Jan 23, 2008
Drake the Dragonheart said:
Good article, and it was a very interesting read for sure. However, I get the sense that you lean more so toward a bit of an anti-hero motivation. Now it is entirely possible I am misinterpreting, but that does sound more anti-hero to me than true villian, even if the said character is only out for them self. A sort of Machaivalian approach where the end justifies the means. Though I probably would be pissed two in Alex's situation
I get the feeling that with the option to be evil in many games, often the motivation is evil for the sake of evil. Well no that isn't entirely true. When I tried out evil in Fable, I found out I could become evil just by stealing alot of stuff, and I didn't have to commit mass murder, though I did kill a few characters (Whisper and Thunder learned quite painfully why they shouldn't call me farmboy!) but other than that maybe I was being more mischevious than truly evil.
Oh thank GOD. I was waiting for someone to point out moral ambiguity is cool while rough-quoting the prince.


New member
May 30, 2009
I pretty much agree with the review, I also tried to avoid civilian casualties and collateral damage... until I found out that
I wasn't human, and I wasn't playing Mercer, but the Blacklight virus

from that point on I started killing every single thing between me and my objective :p

For me it was a turning point in the game. I was no longer bound by
human morals!


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Erm..I think it was Yahtzee who pointed out that civilians you slaughtered in that game probably had sisters too.
And were about as confused Alex by the whole situation.