My Irony Meter Just Disintergrated

Sep 9, 2010
Dirty Hipsters said:
Dansen said:
You have to admit those Nazis knew how to dress, even that white supremacist moron looks classy. To be honest I would probably wear one at least once if it weren't for the social stigma. What I find weird is that a woman fell for him in the first place, cause the wife is in on this whole nazi thing too. Still really silly.
Well the Nazi uniforms were made by Hugo Boss, so yeah, they're classy as hell. Say what you want about the Nazis, but they really had the best military uniforms ever.

It's actually kind of funny that Hugo Boss isn't stigmatized at all for making Nazi uniforms.
Ohhhhh there was some sort of routine about them having skulls on their uniforms....

"Hans, are we the baddies?" seriously who thought the skulls were a sign of the goodguys.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
SaneAmongInsane said:
Dirty Hipsters said:
Dansen said:
You have to admit those Nazis knew how to dress, even that white supremacist moron looks classy. To be honest I would probably wear one at least once if it weren't for the social stigma. What I find weird is that a woman fell for him in the first place, cause the wife is in on this whole nazi thing too. Still really silly.
Well the Nazi uniforms were made by Hugo Boss, so yeah, they're classy as hell. Say what you want about the Nazis, but they really had the best military uniforms ever.

It's actually kind of funny that Hugo Boss isn't stigmatized at all for making Nazi uniforms.
Ohhhhh there was some sort of routine about them having skulls on their uniforms....

"Hans, are we the baddies?" seriously who thought the skulls were a sign of the goodguys.
Because there aren't any good guys who have skulls on their uniforms.

But seriously, they're there for intimidation, and isn't that half the reason any country has a military in the first place?

Sep 9, 2010
Dirty Hipsters said:
SaneAmongInsane said:
Dirty Hipsters said:
Dansen said:
You have to admit those Nazis knew how to dress, even that white supremacist moron looks classy. To be honest I would probably wear one at least once if it weren't for the social stigma. What I find weird is that a woman fell for him in the first place, cause the wife is in on this whole nazi thing too. Still really silly.
Well the Nazi uniforms were made by Hugo Boss, so yeah, they're classy as hell. Say what you want about the Nazis, but they really had the best military uniforms ever.

It's actually kind of funny that Hugo Boss isn't stigmatized at all for making Nazi uniforms.
Ohhhhh there was some sort of routine about them having skulls on their uniforms....

"Hans, are we the baddies?" seriously who thought the skulls were a sign of the goodguys.
Because there aren't any good guys who have skulls on their uniforms.

But seriously, they're there for intimidation, and isn't that half the reason any country has a military in the first place?
I don't think Punisher really counts as a good guy. He'd just as easily murder a guy selling weed as he would a human trafficer.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Yes, well...your fucked up inside told your idotic outside to wear a the Nazi symbol of hate. So yes I'm sure the judge will judge both.


New member
Apr 11, 2011
God damn it Daystar you just had to bring some bullshit like this. Damn you. I want to support his freedom of speech, yet at the same time I have an extreme distaste for his personal belief.

Fuck it as long as he's a good father let him have his kids.

Curse you Daystar... Bring this polarizing bullshit here.


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
Racecarlock said:
Jew gotta be kidding me. I did Nazi this coming.
Pun meter went over nein thousand.

OT: I would be focused on how the whole Nazi image, symbolism and stigmatism thingy, but I have an overriding question...

How the hell do these people find partners to breed with? I'm sorry for being petty, but women will let guys like him procreate...and I'm not getting laid? You know? I don't mean to sound cold or cruel or vicious...but I am, so that's the way it comes out.

Basement Cat

Keeping the Peace is Relaxing
Jul 26, 2012
Even if the guy gets his way his kids--especially the one named Adolf Hitler--are in for a rough road in life with names like that.

OTOH: Let's play Devil's Advocate in the truest sense: Religious freedom permits folks to be devil worshipers and Satanists but the legal system is outlawing Nazism (outside of Germany where it's long been a major no-no)?

When you start saying "No" because something represents "evil" then you start down a dangerous path. It's like Voltaire's classic saying: "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." The reason America permits KKK and Neo-Nazi parades stems from the recognition that we need to suffer even hate groups in order to maintain the power of Freedom of Speech.

Don't flame me for this, folks. It's important to remember the foundations that our greatly valued rights are based on. :)


New member
May 22, 2010
So, uh, what exactly has this guy done wrong? Don't get me wrong, he sounds like a horrible human being, but preaching a racist ideology is not the same thing as abusing your own children, nor is giving them silly or offensive names. If there /is/ abuse going on, which is entirely possible, seems like the Nazi thing is more of a side show.

Captcha: seems legit.

See? Even Captcha agrees that this sounds silly.

Edit: Also, I think we can all agree that forever ruining "Adolph" as a name is one of Hitler's many crimes against humanity. Don't know why, but I kind of like it as a boy's name, or rather I would if it wasn't the name of one of history's worst mass murderers.


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
CrazyCapnMorgan said:
Racecarlock said:
Jew gotta be kidding me. I did Nazi this coming.
Pun meter went over nein thousand.
Can we stop with the Nazi jokes? Seriously, you guys are bringing me out of mein kampfort zone.

OT: I really hope these kids get their names changed and get moved to a better family. This guy is obviously unable to take care of his own children without making himself look like a fool and a racist.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
It sounds like the worst thing he's done so far is name his child something silly.

Not grounds for taking his children away. I don't know what else happens at home, but naming a child a silly, or even insensitive thing, is a mild travesty, not a crime. Same with wearing a Nazi uniform to the hearing. I don't know why it's me who somehow places the importance of children living with their parents if there is no serious reason to do otherwise above the need to punish somoneone for being silly, but it could be a real cause of distress for the children. As could the names, but not as much, and they can change them later.

If I wanted to give the guy credit, I would say he's worn the uniform precisely to show his point: That being a Nazi is not illegal and he hasn't done anything illegal besides.

If he abuses the kids or teaches them to hate Jews, yeah, take the children, but I don't know that.

Ftaghn To You Too

New member
Nov 25, 2009
Owyn_Merrilin said:
So, uh, what exactly has this guy done wrong? Don't get me wrong, he sounds like a horrible human being, but preaching a racist ideology is not the same thing as abusing your own children, nor is giving them silly or offensive names. If there /is/ abuse going on, which is entirely possible, seems like the Nazi thing is more of a side show.

Captcha: seems legit.

See? Even Captcha agrees that this sounds silly.

Edit: Also, I think we can all agree that forever ruining "Adolph" as a name is one of Hitler's many crimes against humanity. Don't know why, but I kind of like it as a boy's name, or rather I would if it wasn't the name of one of history's worst mass murderers.
MeChaNiZ3D said:
It sounds like the worst thing he's done so far is name his child something silly.

Not grounds for taking his children away. I don't know what else happens at home, but naming a child a silly, or even insensitive thing, is a mild travesty, not a crime. Same with wearing a Nazi uniform to the hearing. I don't know why it's me who somehow places the importance of children living with their parents if there is no serious reason to do otherwise above the need to punish somoneone for being silly, but it could be a real cause of distress for the children. As could the names, but not as much, and they can change them later.

If I wanted to give the guy credit, I would say he's worn the uniform precisely to show his point: That being a Nazi is not illegal and he hasn't done anything illegal besides.

If he abuses the kids or teaches them to hate Jews, yeah, take the children, but I don't know that.
Well, they're also abusive, the father is illiterate, and they both suffer from psychological disorders. Other than that, they're fine people, I'm sure.


New member
May 22, 2010
Ftaghn To You Too said:
Owyn_Merrilin said:
So, uh, what exactly has this guy done wrong? Don't get me wrong, he sounds like a horrible human being, but preaching a racist ideology is not the same thing as abusing your own children, nor is giving them silly or offensive names. If there /is/ abuse going on, which is entirely possible, seems like the Nazi thing is more of a side show.

Captcha: seems legit.

See? Even Captcha agrees that this sounds silly.

Edit: Also, I think we can all agree that forever ruining "Adolph" as a name is one of Hitler's many crimes against humanity. Don't know why, but I kind of like it as a boy's name, or rather I would if it wasn't the name of one of history's worst mass murderers.
MeChaNiZ3D said:
It sounds like the worst thing he's done so far is name his child something silly.

Not grounds for taking his children away. I don't know what else happens at home, but naming a child a silly, or even insensitive thing, is a mild travesty, not a crime. Same with wearing a Nazi uniform to the hearing. I don't know why it's me who somehow places the importance of children living with their parents if there is no serious reason to do otherwise above the need to punish somoneone for being silly, but it could be a real cause of distress for the children. As could the names, but not as much, and they can change them later.

If I wanted to give the guy credit, I would say he's worn the uniform precisely to show his point: That being a Nazi is not illegal and he hasn't done anything illegal besides.

If he abuses the kids or teaches them to hate Jews, yeah, take the children, but I don't know that.
Well, they're also abusive, the father is illiterate, and they both suffer from psychological disorders. Other than that, they're fine people, I'm sure.
See, abusive and certifiably crazy is significantly different from "lol this guy's a racist." That was crucial information that got left out of the OP.

Edit: And before anyone jumps on me, yes, I know not everyone with mental disorders can be termed crazy. In fact, not most people. But I draw the line at disorders that cause child abuse, let alone cartoonish racism.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Johnny Novgorod said:
"JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell"

Oh for the love of fucking GOD.

I'm guessing the kids will soon be in counselling, if they aren't already there.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
thaluikhain said:
Oh, that guy again. I remember hearing about when they took his kids away.
There was also the birthday cake incident. Some store refused to ice a cake for Adolph Hitler. They even said they'd make the cake and provide the icing, but the father threw a hissyfit and thought people would rally behind him or something.

FalloutJack said:
I think we broke Godwin's Law on this one.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
lacktheknack said:

I'm guessing the kids will soon be in counselling, if they aren't already there.
Or they'll be like Prussian Blue, and only learn the error of their ways when they try weed in college.


New member
May 22, 2010
Zachary Amaranth said:
thaluikhain said:
Oh, that guy again. I remember hearing about when they took his kids away.
There was also the birthday cake incident. Some store refused to ice a cake for Adolph Hitler. They even said they'd make the cake and provide the icing, but the father threw a hissyfit and thought people would rally behind him or something.

FalloutJack said:
I think we broke Godwin's Law on this one.
Godwin's law only applies when Nazi's aren't immediately relevant to the topic[footnote]so World War II: Okay. Modern politics: generally not, although if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...[/footnote]. When the topic involves a neo-nazi involved in a custody dispute, it /definitely/ doesn't apply.

Kind of like how rules 1 and 2 of the internet only apply on raids, and then only on raids organized and launched on /b/.

Alternatively, while an infinitely long topic would theoretically have a nazi mention probability of 1, it doesn't necessarily follow that the probability starts out at zero. Low, yes, but not zero. Meaning the random number god may have just pulled something crazy on us.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Ftaghn To You Too said:
MeChaNiZ3D said:
Well, they're also abusive, the father is illiterate, and they both suffer from psychological disorders. Other than that, they're fine people, I'm sure.
Yeah, but it took me looking up two other articles to find that. The source doesn't say anything about mental disorders, doesn't give any evidence of abuse, and doesn't say his wife was afraid of him. In light of that, yeah, that's probably a decent reason. But what I'm responding to is posters who would have his children taken on the fact that he is a Nazi and his horrible taste in names alone, which is all I got from the OP or the linked article.