My New Hobby (XKCD Style)


New member
Jun 16, 2011
One thing I used to do at University for shits'n'giggles was set that rick-roll site that you can't close (until it plays the entire song or you task manager kill it) to launch on start up on the computer science course computers.

It's always a joy when the impatient nong who's been hovering over you trying to force you off of your computer for the past half an hour logs in.

You haven't felt like a boss until you've left a room while 'Never Gonna Give You Up' plays at full volume, much to the dismay of some hapless git.


New member
Feb 2, 2010
That was entertaining! Sadly my sister and brother-in-law have a mac. Maybe when they need a new one, I'll send them that poster.

Fanta Grape

New member
Aug 17, 2010
Mr.Numbers said:
Fanta Grape said:
How... immature.

I on the other hand love making penis jokes.
just figure I'd put your first and last sentences next to each other. Also what I posted covers all aspects of your post, which in itself a derailment as this is not what is being discussed. Please read other posts than just the first one.

I personally loved the Subway person :D


It was a joke?


New member
Nov 18, 2009
When I say something someone doesn't understand right away, I have to fight the urge to fuck with their heads. I once tried explaining the theory I heard on why vampires/werewolves were thought to exist:
Me: "It's supposedly because of pophyria, a hereditary disease that causes in a lack of heme, part of hemoglobin, a major component in blood. This can result in receeded gums which make teeth look like fangs, sunlight causing pain, hair all over the body, insane, desperate attempts to get the heme they don't have by ingesting blood of people/animals, (I think) and-"
Him: "They'll try to bite me?"
Me: "What...? well, I guess if-"
Him: "Are there a lot of pofeery people?"
Me: "...Yes. There are so many, they've formed a secret government that determines who gets dragged off each night to feed their hunger. It's usually people who talk about pophyria."
Him: (in a quiet voice) "Then won't they come for us?"
Me: (trying as hard as I can to suppress laughter, thus smiling) " Us? "
He turned and walked away, I'm not sure if he figured out I was joking. Never saw him again.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
and still I prefer my Macbook to my gaming pc for pretty much everything besides gaming.

Say all you want about them, those Multitouch pads are amazing.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
LaughingAtlas said:
When I say something someone doesn't understand right away, I have to fight the urge to fuck with their heads. I once tried explaining the theory I heard on why vampires/werewolves were thought to exist:
Me: "It's supposedly because of pophyria, a hereditary disease that causes in a lack of heme, part of hemoglobin, a major component in blood. This can result in receeded gums which make teeth look like fangs, sunlight causing pain, hair all over the body, insane, desperate attempts to get the heme they don't have by ingesting blood of people/animals, (I think) and-"
Him: "They'll try to bite me?"
Me: "What...? well, I guess if-"
Him: "Are there a lot of pofeery people?"
Me: "...Yes. There are so many, they've formed a secret government that determines who gets dragged off each night to feed their hunger. It's usually people who talk about pophyria."
Him: (in a quiet voice) "Then won't they come for us?"
Me: (trying as hard as I can to suppress laughter, thus smiling) " Us? "
He turned and walked away, I'm not sure if he figured out I was joking. Never saw him again.
Did the secret government take him?

I do something similar too. I say pretty much everything with a straight face, even if I'm joking. I like to leave it to the listener to figure out if I was being serious. This does cause some problems from time to time.


New member
Apr 24, 2011
I agree that Mac computers are extremely overpriced, underpowered, and hard to upgrade. And with my new-found confidence in building PC's (it's not hard really) I would not get manufactured PC's again, either. I will say this for Apple, they make a mean iPod. I willingly shell out hundreds of dollars for a new iPod and I consume hundreds more dollars on iTunes. That being said, I would never get an iPhone and more than likely not get an iPad either. Sorry, no unusual hobbies for me; just your usual geekiness.


Sep 9, 2010
My Hobby: I make lots of Excel tables. I mean a LOT. Seriously. I've got tables to show loan schedules, a table of a collection, a table of collections of collections, a puzzle generating spreadsheet, a puzzle solving spreadsheet, I've even got an Excel spreadsheet that encrypts and decrypts messages using monoalphabetic ciphers, Viginere ciphers and, wait for it, the Enigma cipher. I've made an entirely working Enigma machine in Excel. Anyone think that's sad? Well how about logic problems? I love logic and so I'm often interested to do puzzles such as Sudoku and Kakuro but I also like more abstract ones. I'm currently in the middle of Euclid's "The Elements", one of the most incredible, logical and amazingly dry books on geometry ever published. Anyone wish to join me?

Your Hobby: I love it. I loved the picture and I'm going to send it to all my friends who profess their want for a Mac. That is also one of my favourite XKCD comics. :)


New member
Jan 15, 2011

Related in all aspects to this thread, I saw it posted today and thought I'd bring it up.

Thank you to the person who sent it to me :)