Namco Bandai Blames Enslaved's Low Sales on Poor Timing


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
D_987 said:
Therumancer said:
As I've pointed out in other threads it's hard to really get a feel for an idea when you pretty much buy all the critics and reviewers that matter so that they are singing your praises.
Maybe your comments would be of more value if you could prove this wide-spread corruption...or maybe, just maybe, the critics might actually have enjoyed the game - you didn't, that's fine, but accusing people of corruption because they disagree with your opinion of a game, with no evidence, is just childish.

It's more of a common knowlege thing. The allegations of price fixing and a lack of competition are right there in front of you. All the new games coming out have the same price, despite having differant budgets. When games DO release at the same time you'll
notice they rarely compete by lowering their prices. The idea of the market in the US being for all the people producing a type of product to compete directly to deliver the highest quality product they can at the lowest possible price. You don't see that, you see coordinated efforts to avoid direct competition as much as possible (what we've seen here is the exception, usually you see games pushed up to avoid competing with other games like what happened when Modern Warfare 2 came out), and in the end we get buggier games at a consistnatly high price as a result.

This is corruption because when other businesses do it, it's a crime. Look at the investigations over gasoline in the US with the federal goverment crawling all over the oil companies due to price setting and not competing. The only reason why the game industry gets away with it is because the goverment hasn't yet had it brought ot it's attention as a big enough deal. Whether they are dancing on the edge of some kind of legal exception or whatever, this kind of thing is usually dealt with pretty quickly, with the laws being adapting if need be... but first something has to get the right kind of official attention.

It's not really disputable, unless somehow your going to tell me where you are the new games coming out vary greatly in price based on relative quality, and as a result of direct competition everyone is lowering their prices as much as they feasibly can.

As far as comments on critics and such go, I *DID* make a referance to the whole Jeff Gerstmann thing, which brought it out to the forefront. He was pretty much fired from IGN for not giving "Kane and Lynch" a high review despite the site having been paid tons of money for advertising.

This lead to a lot of examinations of the industry, and look at it this way. Game sites and periodicals make money by selling advertising. Game companies buy advertising to sell their game. A game company is not going to want to pay advertising money to a source that is going to cost them money. As a result reviews are VERY top heavy, and the strength of reviews as many people will point out oftentimes winds up being directly proportionate to the advertising budget of the game in question.

We've also seen things like the whole "Arkham Asylum" incident, where they managed to control information so only people willing to review the game with a very high number (9 or 10 if I remember) were being allowed to put up reviews so long before release. Basically giving those sources a leg up to generate hits/increase circulation for people wanting to hear about the game, but also ensuring that all of the information was positive so as not to influance sales negatively.

Now granted, the reasons for these problems are not easily addressed, but that doesn't change the fact that they exist, and amount to large scale corruption.

The point here is that "Enslaved" was pretty heavily advertised, they even had a multi-page spread talking about the game and hyping it as an article in Game Informer and things like that. With the money being paid out most (but admittedly not all) sources of reviewers/critics are going to basically bite the hand that feeds them. They do that and then they lose out on that company buying any moe advertising, and then they are out of their jobs.


New member
Jun 15, 2008
Therumancer said:
The point here is that "Enslaved" was pretty heavily advertised, they even had a multi-page spread talking about the game and hyping it as an article in Game Informer and things like that. With the money being paid out most (but admittedly not all) sources of reviewers/critics are going to basically bite the hand that feeds them. They do that and then they lose out on that company buying any moe advertising, and then they are out of their jobs.
You could have saved yourself a good while and just typed this section, I know exactly what you\re talking about, but ultimately claiming the games concept is flawed, whilst implying the publishers "bribed" reviewers is still highly insulting to the developers of the game, and still misses the key point I'm making - which is that you haven't got any evidence to support your claim. Enslaved didn't sell well for a variety of reasons, but that doesn't make it a bad game, nor a "flawed" concept. Enslaved was a good game, with an interesting premise, that was unique enough to standout, but not enough to gain the attention of those outside a certain niche - it wasn't a particularly mainstream title.


New member
Aug 29, 2010
I bought the game because it sounded good, and got some good reviews. It's BORING, with some bugs, camera, clipping, and pacing issues. Maybe it sold poor because word of mouth was how bad the game really was.

Cursed Frogurt

New member
Aug 17, 2010
The demo had me pretty interested in the story and characters, but as pathetic as it sounds I just can't support or trust the company that made *shudders* Heavenly Sword.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
D_987 said:
Therumancer said:
The point here is that "Enslaved" was pretty heavily advertised, they even had a multi-page spread talking about the game and hyping it as an article in Game Informer and things like that. With the money being paid out most (but admittedly not all) sources of reviewers/critics are going to basically bite the hand that feeds them. They do that and then they lose out on that company buying any moe advertising, and then they are out of their jobs.
You could have saved yourself a good while and just typed this section, I know exactly what you\re talking about, but ultimately claiming the games concept is flawed, whilst implying the publishers "bribed" reviewers is still highly insulting to the developers of the game, and still misses the key point I'm making - which is that you haven't got any evidence to support your claim. Enslaved didn't sell well for a variety of reasons, but that doesn't make it a bad game, nor a "flawed" concept. Enslaved was a good game, with an interesting premise, that was unique enough to standout, but not enough to gain the attention of those outside a certain niche - it wasn't a particularly mainstream title.
What I was saying was not intended to be flattering. I'm flat out saying there is a problem here, and I'm not mincing words. Nobody is going to get their act together if nobody calls them on it, and I think they brought a lot of their problems on themselves.

I say a lot of good things about the industry at times, and a lot of bad things as well when talking about it from a business perspective. Overall I think I'm pretty balanced.

As far as proof goes, the point of my long response is that this is a matter of public record. It's not like some off the wall accusation that would require an investigation to uncover. I mean the games are right there on the shelves of your local gamestop, you CAN read the labels. You flip through the magazines and you see those ads, looking right at you. You go to the websites, yep more ads. Then you look at situations where someone bucked the system like Gerstmann (seriously look him up) and yep, he got fired. In questioning the legality of this all you have to do is look at other industries setting prices, and yep there is a federal investigation attached to things like gas/oil companies doing it.

I mean what kind of proof do you want, some kind of recording of a bunch of people sitting around going "muhwahahaha!"? Truthfully if the authorities were so inclined I think there is already enough evidence just by walking into a gamestop, or reading about how the industry announced a $10 price hike a few years ago as a whole (as opposed to one company or whatever) to at least begin an investigation.

Even if not illegal on some kind of technicality that doesn't make it play by the rules of other businesses that have wound up under investigation, it's definatly shady.

The point of this current rant is that I can very much defend the accusations I'm making based on these sources (and I'm quite clear about where I get it from). It's not baseless slander, as I am explaining myself. Other people trying to answer based on industry observation have never come up with any answer I felt was credible or appropriate, and I've generally notice that the gaming industry tends to dance around these issues when other people bring them up, and tends to hold it's books, operations, and finances a lot closer to it's chest than a lot of other businesses do.

I generally only care when it affects me, or in cases like this where I think it falls under what I see as constructive criticism. My point here is that I think Namco-Bandai shot themseves in the foot due to the business model the industry has been coordinating, in this case it backfired and cost them money. I could be wrong, but that's how it looks to me. All of this is my opinion and I think I can defend it pretty well.

Tigerlily Warrior

New member
Jan 22, 2010
I love ZP but tt really wasn't as bad as he said it was. I really enjoyed the story and the platforming was pretty good. The only real flaw after playing through it a few times was that the 3rd act felted trucated, like there was supppose to be a chapter that was removed due to timing as their deadlined loomed. I'm a big Bioware fan, so I'm far more interested in story and character development. If the game had alternate endings or the gameplay lasted longer, I would've bought instead of renting it.


New member
Dec 6, 2009
Good game. Why dont they re-release it a a bargain price with the DLC included at a more opportune time.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Every time a publisher can't take critical consensus on something that was not liked and instead announces that it was awesome and people are just doing it wrong...I rage a little bit. See also,

Bioware re: planet scanning
Sqeenix re: FFXIII

Help me out here guys. We can get a comprehensive list together easy.

I really did enjoy enslaved...until the last hour. And then until the very end. And then it felt like Namco Bandai had given me a big wet cock-slap in the face, and I stuffed the game in a dark corner and never looked at it again.


New member
Oct 18, 2010
I blame it on lack of publicity, usually, with a new IP such as this, it tends to get advertised a lot, but when I first saw the review on Yahtzee's page, and my friend is in the same boat with me in this respect, I was all like, "What the fuck is Enslaved: Odyssey to the West?"


Boyz! Boyz! Boyz!
Dec 3, 2008
Eh, played the demo, wanted to like it, and there was a lot I DID like about it, but I didn't like Dragons Lair back in the day, and maybe the rest of the world is also tired of movies with quick-time events.

Sure, if it were the last game in the world, I would play it.

But gameplay matters.


New member
Jul 5, 2010
Really I think anyone who played this game liked was really rigid in where you could go but the art style of the environments and enemies were really visionary...its was a post-apocalyptic game that didn't look like shit, plus the soundtrack was AMAZING


New member
May 22, 2009
lows sales = poor timing

more like crap controls, extremely basic combat, a sperm jacker (i know she's isnt but if she was in the real world she probably would be)for a side kick and linear level design i could go on but it was a really shit game and chapter 12 got a glitch within it that doesnt let u jump!! i had to restart the level 4 times just to get it to work