Kakashi on crack said:
I got a better idea...
Lets get a giant group of hackers together to create an Xbox360 or PS3 emulator, and then use that to play em on the PC?
Already happened brah. Also, some people want to support a company without having to use a emulator. Which is essentially piracy since the PS3 and Xbox are still within copyright contract.
veloper said:
TheKasp said:
poiumty said:
Much more than 70.000. The world isn't so small, and not everyone has heard of the petition, bothered to sign it or will even care until they see it on Steam.
This won't be a first-day blockbuster. But over the years, the sales will eventually come to compete with console sales just because games have so much more longevity on the PC.
They will not only compete, they will be higher. Simply because in 10 years the PC version will still be sold first hand while the console gamers have to live with second hand sales. The few console gamers that are willing to get themselfes an old console for this.
Ofcourse even after a few months, PC games are usually sold at a discount and that means less money. I don't think companies get excited about $5 sales trickling in years after release.
Let's not get too optimistic about sales. For triple-A blockbusters, PC sales are significant but usually behind the 360 and behind the PS3.
The biggest consideration here is that with a non-exclusive 360 game already made and on the market for quite a while, aslong as the port isn't of terrible quality, it will always make an extra profit, because it's cheap.
Even with less money, all of that money goes back to the developer. Lets face it here, eventually, no money from the game will come back from consoles. On a PC it will always come back, granted it will drop in price something like 20 years from now, but it will still drop in price. But in those 20 years, all of that money will be first hand, not second hand.
We go back to the fact that PC sales usually happen in a category of years, not on the first day. Consoles always need to have a large chunk of sales on the first day because, otherwise they don't make up the money.
Matt King said:
If pc gamers get a dark souls port, console gamers should get a witcher 2 port (if there's been some news about this that we're geting one then sorry)
You are getting it. But you need to understand, dark souls, AT MOST has 16 or so buttons. Witcher 2 can have up to 71 buttons which you can use, granted, only about 30 or so are being used, but still, that is almost twice as much as a regular controller can handle.