I saw the movie and honestly, yea, its not "great" but its still pretty damn good! Ya, its more fancy colors and effects (even more so with the 3D viewing) then it is with actual script and execution but overal, it does give you a little comfy vibe (that is, if you've seen the 1982 Tron). The 3D option was worth it rather, it was very well orchestrated. The only downfall to that was they only had 3D when our characters were in the grid, and none while in the actual world. When he's on the bike, a 3D viewing would of been nice, or even when he jumps ....spoilers are starting to come out. -end line-
Being a fan of the first one, I loved it and recommend it to others.
Some points that keep getting brought up was how some people watched the first Tron and say its a bad movie. Well yea, Tron isn't for everyone by anymeans. Back in the 1982 area, the movie really didn't even spark interest in the popular media. The only real talk of it was how it was one of the first movies completely shot on a green screen. The people who really got into the movie back then were the nerds and geeks. Whether or not thats changed today is your own opinion.
Just to leave off on a quote, "It's the grandfather of the geek cult movies" - Widgett Walls