Natural Doctrine: Is it any good?


New member
Jul 8, 2011
So there's this game that I've seen sitting all by its lonesome on the shelves of my local EB Games: Natural Doctrine, a JRPG for the PS4. The fact that it's a JRPG for the PS4 is literally everything I know about it; I wanted to ask you guys if it's worth picking up.
Oh, I should probably point out that I'm quite the JRPG fan; I pre-ordered all three Operation Rainfall games and I actually enjoyed most of Final Fantasy XIII. Is it the kind of game I might enjoy? Discuss.

[small]I'd consult a review site or something similar, but I kinda-sorta don't trust those things any more. [/small]


New member
Oct 27, 2011
if you are a DIE HARD fan of turn based rpgs its worth checking out. otherwise stay away from this

its an alright turn based rpg with very steep learning curve and frustrating difficulty. it even plays more like a puzzle game instead of strategy game as all/most of the level require player to do specific actions and any deviation usually results in death. and restart. There are no in mission saving and missions take a while some 30+ minutes.

If you are willing to overlook all of the above it has some fun moments in it.