need opinions on a band's music

Wounded Melody

New member
Jan 19, 2009
If anyone has a few minutes, would you listen to the two songs on this page and let me know what you think of the music? I am helping to promote them, so any feedback is a big help, constructive criticism is welcome as long as it is helpful please.

Iron Lightning

Lightweight Extreme
Oct 19, 2009
Ehhhhhh they're okay. I listened to both tracks referenced and to be honest I find their music to be a bit repetitive, I like my music with some textural variety which has become quite rare nowadays. I just find their music to be much too simple. They just need to write more complex songs, the best part of progressive metal is the evolving score which I don't really hear all that much of in their music. I don't mean to say that they're incompetent, but they definitely need to improve.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
I could listen to this; I've heard worse from more 'established' acts.

My suggestion is for this band to get a good sound engineer. Some areas on their tracks sound a little off and sloppy. Also, a good sound engineeer could give them unbiased and constructive critique.

I find the drummer's rhythm very off. It makes it very hard to listen to a song when he keeps changing tempo for no good reason. A drummer's job is to help the rest of the band keep a steady and progressive rhythm. Actually, the more I listen to these two tracks, the more I find that it seems like these are a gang of guys who got together and just want to do their own thing without trying to be inclusive of the rest of the band.

Lyrics, well, I won't go into that. I like a lot of songs with rubbish lyrics. Sometimes in the end; it doesn't matter what you are saying, but how you say it.


Music Industry Corporate Whore
Nov 14, 2007
For a band calling themselves "progressive rock" it's odd that the music doesn't really progress anywhere. Maybe they don't understand the terminology.

I liked the first song better than the second simply because Leonard Cohen has been copied less times than Angsty Hard Rock Guy 101. Those two styles don't really work well together though, and if I had to choose a direction for the band to go in I'd pick the first one, but even the second one is better than both at once. It's all very well being a mish-mash of different styles, but if you get all of the colours of the rainbow and pour them into a big bucket, then mix them around, the result you get is grey. That's how this sounds to me. Grey. Functional but uninspiring. Absolutely competent without ever being exceptional.

Illesdan said:
My suggestion is for this band to get a good sound engineer. Some areas on their tracks sound a little off and sloppy. Also, a good sound engineeer could give them unbiased and constructive critique.

I find the drummer's rhythm very off. It makes it very hard to listen to a song when he keeps changing tempo for no good reason.
I am supposedly a "good sound engineer" (well, I get paid, so...) and I didn't think there was anything wrong with the sound. It's not super-polished but then it doesn't have to be. Over-glossing it can kill this type of music anyway. I also think the drums are fine, in fact they're probably the most eclectic and interesting thing happening here. I don't think the band's problems are in the sonic engineering department, I think they're more stylistic. I think what will potentially hold this band back is that it's just not different enough music to anything else out there currently to get noticed on a large scale.


New member
Oct 11, 2009
Thanks for posting the songs.

The first song reminds me a little of Jeff Martin of The Tea Party and The Armada fame. It's dark without being angsty and I like the deep rumble of the songs rhythm.

The second song is completely left field compared to the first - which makes me wonder about the whole progressive rock description. I won't say it's bad - cause it's not - however they sound like two completly different bands. Where as the first sounded like hard ass blues band this song sounds more like a metal band like Corrosion of Conformity.

It would actually be interesting to hear the Sugarglass with the same musical style as The Fergal and vice versa just to see which musical style suits the band in the long run.


New member
Sep 17, 2010
They have a song named "Shitpool." I think that sums up the band pretty well.