Netflix cancelled Iron Fist and Luke Cage

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
trunkage said:
Wasn't the other player in that deal, who were trying to outbid Disney, Comcast? Possibly creating a bigger studio than Disney? Never were good options, both leading to some form of monopoly/duopoly
Disney may have been the better result/lesser of two evils in this scenario.

It's hard to tell, really.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
trunkage said:
Wasn't the other player in that deal, who were trying to outbid Disney, Comcast? Possibly creating a bigger studio than Disney? Never were good options, both leading to some form of monopoly/duopoly
Comcast? Yeah.

I can't comment too much - maybe Amyss is right about the idea of "lesser of two evils" - but again, I'd rather not it be an issue at all. Issues of monopoly and all that.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Saelune said:
immortalfrieza said:
Saelune said:
From my understanding, these might just be to get the Marvel shows off Netflex and brought to Disney's upcoming streaming service.
Most likely. Everybody, their mother, and their little dog too are making streaming services that are cordoning off a few movies and shows specifically to try to force people to buy them. Now here is Disney taking movies and shows off of the one decent and already established streaming service.

Disney atleast I feel is justified, since they own like half of all entertainment. Netflix used to be good when it had ALL the movies, now it never has that movie I want to watch.

But a streaming service that should hopefully always have all Disney owned stuff? From Marvel, to Star Wars to well...Disney? Might actually be worth it.

Long as it is better than Hulu, fuck Hulu.
Netflix never had anywhere close to ?all? movies IIRC. I always had to head to Family Video or Blockbuster back when renting physical copies was still practical.

Anyways Disney is out of line. They have no business claiming a monopoly on these IPs? distribution just because they bought them out after the fact. I sure as hell won?t be paying the exorbitant monthly fee they?ll likely be charging to watch any of them. I?d rather buy an overpriced movie ticket locally.

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
Something Amyss said:
What sort of BTS stuff?
Apparently, the Marvel and Netflix had some differences about what to do for a third season.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Agent_Z said:
Something Amyss said:
What sort of BTS stuff?
Apparently, the Marvel and Netflix had some differences about what to do for a third season.
Well, that blows.

I've heard theories they want to push mnore Millarworld stuff since they own it now.

It also seems like they're promoting their Marvel shows significantly less, which makes me wonder if they're intentionally trying to tank the shows. Nobody I know who likes the shows got ads for JJ S2, iF S2, or DD S3. Not sure about Lujke Cage, because I think I got notification for that one.


New member
Sep 13, 2008
Something Amyss said:
Agent_Z said:
Something Amyss said:
What sort of BTS stuff?
Apparently, the Marvel and Netflix had some differences about what to do for a third season.
Well, that blows.

I've heard theories they want to push mnore Millarworld stuff since they own it now.

It also seems like they're promoting their Marvel shows significantly less, which makes me wonder if they're intentionally trying to tank the shows. Nobody I know who likes the shows got ads for JJ S2, iF S2, or DD S3. Not sure about Lujke Cage, because I think I got notification for that one.
Yeah, it was odd as I got very little advertising about JJ2 (which was really upsettingly bad in my eyes - just shows how good tennant really was) IF2 and DD3.

I am gutted, not going to lie. Both series ended on interesting notes, the iron fist looked poised to launch into one of my favourite arcs and Luke Cage's twist was.... excellent.

That said, Iron fist's casting (especially Danny Rand and Davos... how the hell is the dude meant to be intimidating), writing choices (the hand need to go away, they made everything terrible) and general lack of respect to the source material were probably more than enough to do it in after s1

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
rosac said:
Yeah, it was odd as I got very little advertising about JJ2 (which was really upsettingly bad in my eyes - just shows how good tennant really was) IF2 and DD3.

I am gutted, not going to lie. Both series ended on interesting notes, the iron fist looked poised to launch into one of my favourite arcs and Luke Cage's twist was.... excellent.

That said, Iron fist's casting (especially Danny Rand and Davos... how the hell is the dude meant to be intimidating), writing choices (the hand need to go away, they made everything terrible) and general lack of respect to the source material were probably more than enough to do it in after s1
I'm not sure JJ2 was about Kilgrave or Tennant, but an overall lack of a strong narrative or theme, and also in general the lack of an overall villain. no direction and no real big bad can be life sometimes, but it doesn't make for compelling TV. Jessica Jones was hard for me to watch because I've been raped before and dealt with the associated trauma and found myself hyperventilating at many points in S1, but at least the narrative was compelling.

I'm not sure what S2 had. I mean, other than more snarky Jessica. I could watch her be misanthropic all day.

I still haven't finished Iron Fist season 2, because I just don't like the lead. Almost everyone in the show outshines him and is more likable, which is a problem. I know what they're setting up and it could be good, but I found myself watching the Flash instead, nd then Daredevil came out.

Luke Cage does bum me out because that was a bad place to end the entire show. I wanted to see where that went.

Mr Sunday Movies covered this on one of the Weekly Planet Poidcasts, and possibly made it more depressing by noting that rather than doing a whole season of carious shows, they could be doing miniseries team-ups, and I'd really like to see that. Danny was most interesting when teamed up with Luke, and we already know a lot of people wanted Heroes for Hire. But it didnb't really have to stop there, either.


New member
May 28, 2016
That's a shame. I rather liked Luke Cage. Iron Fist was kinda dull, though I've never really seen him work as a character outside of being Cage's sidekick in the Defenders or Heroes for Hire.