No he is not. Netflix is a company that is in the business to make money. With new regulations on net streaming, as well as licensing fees to Netflix, costs are going to go up. You recognize that right? When people fucking charge netflex more money, costs go up? We both agree this is fucking obvious? Alright.
They are raising the price while dropping features. To me, the service is no longer worth it. I don't give a fuck about their financial issues. I care about what I am paying for and whether or not I am satisfied. THAT should be fucking obvious.
You have the right to free speech, which is recognized by others. In return, you recognize others' right to free speech. And if something you are saying, within your rights, happens to be illogical, ill-conceived, or think-headed, you have the right to have what you said questioned. Others have the right to say that you're being irrational. Because they have -exactly- the same right of free speech you do. And having the freedom of free speech does not in any way give you immunity to criticism... otherwise you're being a hypocrite for crticizing something Netflix has said that you disagree with, but not that it's okay for others to criticize you.
He comes here to complain about people complaining. It's idiotic on top of the irony. He can criticize all he wants, but I have a right to call him out on being a complete asshole to people who are genuinely expressing discontent about something. His posts were the equivalent of "shut up crybabies lol".
And he has the right to complain about something he reads that is ill-informed and reactionary. Do you see how that works? How is his right to free speech magically less important than yours? It isn't. You both have the same right to free speech. If you don't want others to have free speech, stop using yours. It's common sense, lad.
Ill informed? Sorry, I got the facts, I just don't like the outcome.
Yes, it costs more. That's because it costs them more. The alternative is to lose money. Do you want a company with services you like to lose money? No, you don't, because if they do... either they raise prices, or they go away.
They are charging MORE money and giving customers LESS in return for said money. The service is gradually degrading and they expect the customer to pay more.