Never again


New member
Aug 31, 2008
coldfrog said:
To be fair, the plot isn't nearly as important to the film as the psychological profiling and characterization that takes place. Albeit the main story has one of my favorite alternate-universe endings, what is important are the people. Maybe explain it like this:

The film follows the lives and psyches of several out-of-work heroes in a dystopian parallel universe. It takes a deeper look at not only the individual thought process of those who would commit themselves to this type of vigilante justice, but also from the other side the mob mentality of those driven by fear who will lash out at anyone who claims a position of power. The characters are driven by their own fears and psychoses to seek out an unseen villain who is murdering the old heroes for reasons unknown, which leads them all to confront themselves and the world they live in, even at the cost of their safety and sanity.

In fact, more people should explain it like this to young kids who express an interest in it. If they still want to see it after hearing this, take them. They're PROBABLY mature enough for it.
I didn't get that from the movie. All I got from the movie was a mess of entertaining vignettes. Either the graphic novel is a masterpiece or I'd just throw them a nose breaking copy of crime and punishment.


New member
Jul 21, 2008
I will NEVER forget going to watch American Pie with my dad. Not to mention if this movie contains explicit porn.


Ken Korda

New member
Nov 21, 2008
Just as a fun fact; in the the UK your are permitted to show nudity at any classification level, provided there is no sexual connotations. So Dr. Manhattan would not have affected the rating however it still ended up as an '18'


Deus Ex-Mod
Jun 26, 2008
i watch movies with my mum at home, because i love to make fun of her when she cries at sad ones, but i never go to the cinema with my parents, i dont even like them watching my TV shows >_<

Lord George

New member
Aug 25, 2008
All my nerdish friends already went and saw it when I was too busy with juggling relationships. Now I have no one to see it with. Sad George