Never Mind The Polygons video

Andrew Armstrong

New member
Aug 21, 2007
I don't know if this is more applicable to Off-Topic, but in any case... Since The Escapist has some good developer insights, and industry commentary etc. etc. this isn't a typical gaming site. Therefore, it's worth letting people know that I've finally got Never Mind The Polygons #8 online [].

It's a game developer panel "game", or more a chat [], about various things. It was filmed in early October so perhaps a bit dates for the news parts, but it's quite fun and lively, and not too long. It was done in Derby, UK, so is a more UK slant to it (including all the horrors of visual video game puns).

Still, as things go this site is probably one of the best to discuss the show on. I'll be filming the next one in December and hope to get it out sooner, if people are interested I'll post when that's done too.

(Hopefully this isn't deemed an avert either, since it's just something I was able to film for free ;) ).