New Baldur's Gate Not Coming to Wii U

Mar 5, 2011
A 40MB limit? I sneeze image files larger then that. And the 9 month certification is ridiculous. I know that they aren't doing much in that time because there are some completely shitting games on WiiWare. I loved Nintendo right up to the point I got a Wii.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
And we're surprised by this? Come on, people. Nintendo hasn't made a good third-party decision for a long time.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
T said:
Would anyone actually want to play Baldur's Gate on any console?
I would assume the people who really want to play Baldur's Gate are playing it right now on their PCs.


This just in Beamdog: All video games and, consoles and are toys. Nintendo may be a bunch of pricks but they aren't the only people making things for us to play with.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
My Reactions in Chronological Order:

Hmmm... Well, geez, that seems a little harsh to say.

*continues reading*

Wait, what? 40mb?! What the hell?! Is this serious? That can't be right. Just... Wow.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
The same twitter feed said:
The reason I say the Wii is a toy is the exceptionally low attach rate. You buy a Wii, Wii sports and never buy another game. Bad for devs
Hes saying that the Wii is a toy because there are a large portion of users who treat it as one - a wii sports toy instead of a multi-purpose gaming console. Seems pretty reasonable to me.

Baresark said:
Haha, that is a silly statement. The thing is, did anyone propose such a thing? I mean, if they aren't considering PS3 and 360, why would they consider Wii or WiiU?
It was a direct response to a question sent to him on twitter. So... yes.
And he answered the Wii question after having answered a 360 question two tweets earlier.


New member
Jun 10, 2009
Personally I cant wait for the Wii-U to bomb. Give Nintendo a kick in the ass, and get them to pull their fingers out of their butts. Crap tech, empty online support and a gaming catalog of such tiresome sequel churning.
Seriously whilst I wont touch CoD with a ten foot poll, I still find it funny when Nintendo Fans complain about other developers churning out lazy sequels.

But knowing life, it'll sell billions and Nintendo will continue to roll in the money a re-release Super Mario 64.
Who do I have to kill at Nintendo for some Original IP?


New member
Jun 13, 2011
viranimus said:
80Maxwell08 said:
viranimus said:
80Maxwell08 said:
viranimus said:
Ok, I have absolutely NO problem with this not going to the WiiU, Nintendo or honestly any console. Please do not interpret me as such.

But I think its really odd that between this, and the whole thing about "NO CONTROLLER SUPPORT" (again, dont care if it does or doesnt)it really seems like this whole project is going out of its way and bending over backwards to piss people off. I dont think anyone had envisioned it going to any console, but to proactively come out and say "NO NINTENDO TOYS!" seems like a random jab just to generate controversy and attention.
Except it wasn't on Trent's part. He was talking about his bad experience with Nintendo before and was also tired on his part. What is attention grabbing is this article that mentions it in the headline like that was the only part that mattered. Go read his twitter for yourself if you want to see the posts. I would also recommend others read it since the escapist's articles have all been absolutely horrible on Beamdog and BGEE.!/TrentOster
Ok, begrudingly (I have no use for twitter) I read the feed for the last week. Seems to me that it is making a purposeful point tell people no. He was asked about it, and instead of saying something more tactful like "Well were not doing that right now, maybe down the road" you get "No Dont like nintendo, the WiiU is a toy and a joke for developers. Its still going out of the way to proactively insult nintendo (and thus those who support nintendo). Also he dismisses the possibility of the 360 again because of the controller and implying it would be too much work, yet they went out of their way to build a completely new control structure from the ground up to support touchpads for the IOS release and implying controller support would be such a massive change.

Im sorry, the more I look into this the more it seems like this whole project is surrounded by dicks who are being dicks just to be dicks. Yeah Im really rather fine with my GoG versions, so I dont think I will be supporting this financially.
He didn't say the WiiU was a toy he said the Wii was. He was asked about Nintendo and said his whole reason to why he doesn't want to work with Nintendo. Also since they were PC exclusive the dev team didn't want to add controllers. Also touch screen devices barely take any work since how similar they are. It only really takes the porting work. Would it be playable on a console? Yes. Would be control just as well as a mouse and keyboard setup? No. That's why they don't want to.
Sorry, yes, the WiiU thing was a typo on my part. Sorry.

Buut, the point is not that they arent going to do it. I dont care if they choose not to. The point is going out of their way to say NO!!!!! Its being a dick for no good reason regardless of what the reason is. They could have handled this with more tact by leaving it up for question, but by going out of your way to categorically deny its possibility is still being a dick.
Maybe that is what will be required for Nintendo to take its head out it's ass for once


New member
Aug 20, 2009
How 'bout this guy stops talking about all the systems he is or isn't going to release it on, and also about all the other games they want to "enhance" in the future and releases some concrete stuff on the game he actually is working on(video, screenshot, anything...)