New Halo 3 Maps Coming In April

L.B. Jeffries

New member
Nov 29, 2007
If I have to play Construct one more time, I will f***ing shoot myself. It's about time. When is ODST coming out and I can just get all this bundled onto one disc?


New member
Feb 2, 2009
NoMoreSanity said:
oliveira8 said:
NoMoreSanity said:
oliveira8 said:
NoMoreSanity said:
oliveira8 said:
NoMoreSanity said:
oliveira8 said:
NoMoreSanity said:
oliveira8 said:
NoMoreSanity said:
Who really thinks 10$ US is a good price for 3 maps?
No one.

Then again I'm spoiled by Valve giving me free content.
You lucky cockney bas- (Think Sanity, don't get in another off-topic war with this guy).
But last time you learned so much! Think of the things you could learn today!
*Cries and goes in fetal position*
Being in fetal position for too long can give you some nasty back injuries!
*Grab gun and goes on rampage*
You going to show up tomorow in the news with the headline "Young teenager shoots people in a wild rampage cause of [insert violent game/shooter here]."
*Kills oliveira first*
But you have to find me first oh oh!

Will NoMoreSanity find Oliveira8 to kill him and put an end to his off topicness!?

Or will NoMoreSanity commit suicide and leave Oliveira8 to off topic alone?

Or will Oliveira8 Pm useless stuff to NoMoreSanity so NoMoreSanity will commit suicide?


(this is getting stupid...)

Will oliveira be destroyed by NoMoreSanity's dances?!?!?

Or will he have super-fun time with Mr. Cookies?

Or will Keane ban both of us for our insanity?

Find out in the next episode of, ESCAPOST BATTLES!!!!!!!!!
Oh you on!!!

Will NoMoreSanity lose this battle cause of Oliveira awesomeness off-topic powers?

Or will both go live to the sewers and teach 4 turtles the way of the Ninja?

Or will Canttakethefunk ban them before Keane?


(If anyone asks it was you who started!)


New member
Feb 2, 2009
NoMoreSanity said:
Who really thinks 10$ US is a good price for 3 maps?
Seems to be the trend these days to charge you a 1/4 of what the game costs just to play 3 new maps online. If they really want people to play the game again, dont charge them so much for new content.

Anyone else see the COD:WAW map packs. Cost about £8 for 3 new maps and a DAYTIME VERSION of an existing map. Personally I think they should just charge an extra 2 quid at release and put ALL the maps on the disc.


New member
Mar 22, 2009
I cant remember how i did it (this was before the huge xbox update), but it was something like that, and they didnt ask for a credict card, either, but viewing those options is a good idea. Thanks!


New member
Sep 27, 2008
Before the next generation of systems, Halo 3 will have 1000+ maps with a total gamerscore of 20,000G+.
If you cannot tell, I am not saying this in a positive light.

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
NoMoreSanity said:
Who really thinks 10$ US is a good price for 3 maps?
Quite a few people [] according to Bungie's own figures. And, frankly, given how much detail is in those maps I do think they're worth the $10. (I must've stood there motionless for a good three-four minutes just watching the Scarab animations on Assembly.)

-- Steve


New member
Dec 12, 2007
You know, if I gave a damn about either of these games, and they were on the PC, I'd point and laugh at how people, having already spent $10 more on the games themselves than they would have on the PC version, are then being forced to shell out more, whilst the glorious PC gaming Master Race gets the downloads for free. However, neither of these games havePC versions, so I'll be happy knowing I don't have to pay a thing for The Pitt.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Eldritch Warlord said:
Keane Ng said:
If you're still playing Halo 3, you either really love the game or have nothing else to play.
That line bothers me, seems like subconscious Halo-bashing. After all the game isn't even two years old and is widely regarded one of the best multiplayer shooters ever made (on consoles at least). I guess I'll just write it off as a poor joke (no offense Keane) and move on with my life.
I kind of felt the same way. It's still consistently in the top two positions on the Xbox Live Activity list (seems to trade off the #1 spot with Call of Duty 4 or WaW, depending on the week). *shrug*

Eldritch Warlord said:
Anyway, I really like these maps. Sandbox's default layout is one of the game's best maps (second only to Valhalla in my opinion) and there's already a few variants in matchmaking. Orbital is great for one-bomb and one-flag, and I'm sure the hardcore crowd is drooling over Assembly (I've never been much of a hardcore guy, but I know I'll like it after I have the map memorized).

I'd buy them as soon as they come out but being a bum of a college student I genuinely lack the funds. Luckily I'll be able to mooch off my Halo Wars LCE owning brother readily enough until I get ODST.
I'm not that keen on Sandbox's default layout, but I'm looking forward to what those with a lot more talent and free time than I ever hope to have will "Forge" with it. (I recently downloaded a pretty decent recreation of the old Unreal Tournament '99 map "CTF Facing Worlds".) Orbital's not bad for straight-up gameplay. Assembly is absolutely beautiful; the detail in the environment looks like something that could've come right out of the campaign.

The achievement list mentions three more maps. I thought those would be part of "Mythic", since there's no mention in the rest of the achievements of any other map packs, but I guess we have to wait until ODST this fall.