Wow really?
Okay first, why the fuck? You've aimed this game toward girls, who don't play as many games as guys do anyway, let alone obscure, fantasy MMO's games like this.
And you've alienated just over half of your market right off the bat by saying they will have to pay more thanks to a difference in a fucking chromosome. Do you realize the lengths people go to, to avoid paying for stuff that probably won't be that good anyway!? It's usually piracy, but in this case, I'm sure they'll just find a better MMO.
And how the shit is that even enforceable!? Sign up screen? Are you a girl? "Erm..." You pay less if you're a girl! "Oh? Really? SURE THEN, FUCK YEAAAH TAMPONS."
What are they gonna do!? Request video evidence of your gender!?
I'm all for more girl gamers, I think they're a glimmer of hope in a fairly dredgy past time, but god... Captcha: 'that hurts'