New School Tries Swapping Games for Books

Nov 28, 2007
Darth_Dude said:
ElephantGuts said:
In light of recent attacks on videogames by people such as Ron Jeremy and that "Frumpy ***** Mom", I'm willing to call this good news.
Isn't Ron Jeremy an old pornstar or something?
Yes...but he said violent videogames are worse for your kids than porn.


New member
Aug 14, 2008
That's not fair. I tried to get a petition together to allow something like this in my old school, it failed miserably. One of our teachers looked into it though which was awesome. The point of this is that games can be educational and some in the oddest ways. At least this way they're making kids want to learn and they'll find the information on their own. I really wish that we had something like this in my old school.