New Smart Skin Allows Robots to Feel


New member
Feb 5, 2010
Screw robot using this!
Instead think space suits!
Currently the average astronaut has to use custom fitted gloves which reduce his/her manual dexterity to that of 3 year old.
And they still bruise the fingers.
Now imagine instead a robot hand, with feed back to real hands about 2 inches behind them.
It'll be a major step forward in EVA.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
This is probably the only news regarding robots I've ever actually liked.

Usually it's some boring announcement about how they've made AI for humanoid robots (which we don't actually need), but this could actually be used in human augments, so it's a huge step forward.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
I... am actually terrified. Not in the way that they could become self aware or anything, but FEELING...

That's just a scary concept to me.

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Do not worry that no matter what, when ever the robot's are touched by humans they get the pain.exe response and start running their "burning hatred" applications.

We are sure the programmers will find the source of these bugs soon.


New member
Mar 4, 2010
TheNaut131 said:
Josh12345 said:
Just once I'd like to read one of these articles without any references to Skynet or some sort of Robot apocalypse, after a while it gets grating.
Xiado said:
You don't have to joke about a robot apocalypse everytime an advancement in robotics is made OP. Seriously, look at all of the posts about robotics and they all end with the same damn joke.
Yeah, I get where you guys are coming from. I really wish the guys writing these articles would catch on and a be a bit more...

Oh you magnificent bastard you!

Level 7 Dragon said:
Am I the one thinking about using this in robotic prostetics.

Augmentations with feelings? Eh?!
My thaughts exactly, that could be huge for people who lost theire arms etc.

Besides, its not like they made a discovery that makes a robot rebelion any more likely than it already is, the robots choking us to death will feel that they are squeazing the life from us, thats allXP.


The Stormbringer
Dec 1, 2009
Level 7 Dragon said:
Am I the one thinking about using this in robotic prostetics.

Augmentations with feelings? Eh?!
We've already come a long way in robotic prosthetics. I believe we developed the technology to have kinesthetics(sp)? Or kine-something. Essentially, the ability to know where your prosthetic limb in question is. Combine this with more articulated controls, better software, smaller computers, longer battery life, more accurate neural interfaces, and the artificial skin that can feel and losing a limb is no longer the major set-back it once was. Admittedly it'll probably take a while before we get all of these working in conjunction... but still!


New member
Apr 19, 2009
Angry. Angry, angry, angry. Let me start with asking this; what is the purpose of creating this? If it was about prosthetics alone, then he would have mentioned that first. That really was an afterthought, wasn't it? His first, stupid thought was: "let's give a machine a sense of touch."

Vausch said:
My first thought: Wow, this means that people with robot limbs will soon be able to feel again if we manage to connect the limbs to nerves!

First comment: Sex bots!

Dammit people XD
Right?! How many times have I seen an announcement like this and thought, "this bastard is thinking about fucking it RIGHT NOW. Look at his face. He is eying those positive results like a piece of candy. If he bites his lip I'm outta here." The Facebook comments were no exception. I saw one thing that annoyed me far more than the idea of sex bots, which I didn't think was possible... an undying kitten droid. Jesus. Are we so brainlessly afraid of death that we want to make BEING ALIVE obsolete? Yeah, who needs real, beautiful love when you can make your WAIFU and her FUCKING CAT.

Is no one else enraged by this? Annoyed, even? I know every time science makes a leap forward someone uses the Frankenstein comparison, but isn't it apt here at least? This obsession with creating humanoid robots, not for any purpose (there's always weak excuses like "uhhh... less scary to the elderly?") but just to prove we can is so short-sighted and pointless. I'm far from religious and even I find it too much like playing God.

I've never understood the necessity of making a face that falls deep into the uncanny valley with a billion processes to make an eyebrow twitch when we COULD be making all kinds of useful things. The most useful robots won't look like humans... just human-like locomotion would be needlessly excessive. Look at R2-D2. Adorable with the short stature and the little whistles, but more importantly there is no wasted space on its frame. Every one of those blue lines conceals a tool that can be used. I still hold up R2-D2 as the best fictional example I've found of what we SHOULD be working on in robots.

knight steel

New member
Jul 6, 2009
Hmm interesting-but the real question is,can you fuck it?
OP:Sounds great I just wonder how long it is before it becomes common usage/available to the public-as you always hear about these amazing things and then never hear of them again.