New Study, Same Results: Violence Is Bad


New member
Jun 26, 2008
If I was their lab rat I would be wondering why someone was getting beat up in the first place. Sorry I can think freely unlike those tools.


The Count of Monte Cristo
Dec 22, 2008
Why do we have this discussion with every new study? Wait it out and in a few years something else will come along to be demonized, and we can go back to playing our games in peace. Same thing happened with rap music. Computer games came along and THAT became the new baddie.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Has anyone else come to the conclusion that the participants may have just doubted that the fight was real having just previously been asked to play a violent video game for a set time. Knowing that whoever asked you to play the game is looking for some kind of result, presumably
they were asked to wait somewhere in order to hear the fight? The fact that the fight coincides with their being asked to wait in an area and them having played a violent video game may have caused a delay in their reaction time. These were students after all they tend to be brighter than a randomly sampled test group.

Its not as if the link between violence and video-games isn't a hot topic and not likely to come to their minds if prompted by these conditions in a study.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Aardvark said:
After a lifetime of violent videogames, I still feel for one group of people's suffering. Cancer victims. Because there's no cure. There's still no cure. Periodically, we get a new report, compiled by very smart men, telling us how good/evil exposure to the youth's media preference of the day is, yet nobody has invented a sure fire pill that beats those rogue cells back into line.

The longer I live in a world where the greatest minds are dedicated to such banal, useless research, the more I hate my fellow man and enjoy his suffering.
Agreed. However, they've decided that we're better off trying to find ways to detect cancer before it even begins, so it can be completely prevented, as opposed to trying to cure it once it's there.

Also, I'm trying to find a hole in this study they conducted... but it seems to make sense. Fortunately I DO care about my fellow human. And if I ever choose not to help someone in distress, it's because I'm lazy, not because I'm desensitized.


After reading some other people's posts, I now see some major holes. Thanks folks. I feel better now.

Sixties Spidey

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2008
Congratulations! You've just won the gold medal at the obvious olympics! This is what we need! Another "study" that says that violence in any form of media is bad. I don't know what rock they've been living under, but they really need to get a clue. Violence is, has, and always will be around in anyway, shape or form as long as people roam the earth.

And they call this "Science". I spit on them.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
I was inhuman in that way from the start so i can not see the problem here. Well only inhuman to some extent.

Noone From Nowhere

New member
Feb 20, 2009
That study is the polar opposite of my reaction to violent videogames. I tend to be more civic-minded after being particularly nasty in a videogame. Maybe it's a sub-conscious way of making real amends for imaginary crimes?