oliveira8 said:
ZiggyApplepie said:
oliveira8 said:
But the events in Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Last Crusade happen before WW2....Of course it aint going to be a WW2 movie cause its not set during WW2...
(I think...)
Correct, they were set before the war, in the 30's.
Yeah I was right! Ah so suck on that Indiana Jones and Wolfenstein comparison!!
Even so, I don't think we should be so quick to dismiss the game. I've played the first two, and they don't really feel like WW2 games. I think they just use Nazis because
they're a great thing to shoot at without causing anyone to be offended. By the same rule you can make them into secret devil worshipers tapping into the power of the undead, etc. without anyone so much as coughing. Your character isn't a gung-ho American impaling each Nazi corpse with a miniature American flag (in fact, I don't believe he's ever given a nationality that I can remember.