"Next-Gen" version of Freespace?


New member
Apr 6, 2009
I was looking around for a game that takes place in space... simulation elements would be good, though what I really want is large detailed graphics and a large mix of almost unrealistic weaponry.

Civilization V has me in this mood, as well as a convo I just had with a friend about Interplay...


New member
Mar 8, 2010
'X3: Terran Conflict' is the closest thing I can recommend. It's $20 on Steam.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Keep an eye out for Jumpgate Evolution, from what I've seen that really fits the bill of being a Freespace-like game.

X3 is a good choice as well, but I have yet to check that out.


New member
Jun 28, 2008
This brings back memories, used to love Freespace. One of those genres which seemed to just die out unfortunately.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
X3-Terran Conflict...

It's pretty damn boring. Despite all of its complexity, the most interesting thing I did was manage a fleet of trading ships, and trust me, that's not even half as cool as it sounds.

Buying my first station turned out to being a ho-hum experience, since all it ever did was generate more money so I could continue my single-minded bacterial-infection takeover of the sector.

The worst part is that there is absolutely no character to the game at all.
Not one NPC has a personality, and this is made worse by the fact that every single NPC is a clone of someone else in both dialogue and mission. The only differences being what random Enemy/Destination/Cargo is involved, and the Prefix-Suffix-generated name.

Very few sectors are distinct-looking or feeling, despite having dazzling graphics and amazing detail. I never thought I'd miss planets in a space-combat sim, but there you go.
I'd gladly trim down the size of the galaxy to even a quarter of its original size if it meant getting access to planets, or being able to interact in some other fashion than via my ship.

X3 looks fantastic, and there is the skeleton of a potentially amazing game in place.
But getting around to doing anything in it takes forever.

OT: If they made a "Freespace 3", they really should adopt a GTA/"Sandbox" model to the game.
You start out small, play through the story and build up your faction. Switch up the gameplay between research, upgrades and combat. Maybe add in some planetary attack/defense missions.
Emphasize the exploration part of the game without drowning the player in the constant mire of grind (like how X3 does).

If that isn't feasible, even episodic/mission oriented gameplay would work as long as it was good enough, and not terribly repetitive.


New member
Sep 25, 2010
I have never played freespace, but i will now try it since you mentioned it.

since you mentioned space and civ 5 i am required to mention Sid Meier's Apha Centauri, though i dont think that is what you are looking for