Nine Comedic ESRB Rating Improvements

Logan Frederick

New member
Aug 19, 2006
Nine Comedic ESRB Rating Improvements

Those little letter ratings for parents might do a decent job identifying age groups for games, however some people are pushing for more demographically-driven ratings.

The Slobs of Gaming [] are fans of the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB). However, when Mass Effect received a Mature rating for a small sex scene while Call of Duty 4 escaped with a Teen label despite realistic, historically accurate violence, the staff realized the system required a serious upgrade.

Instead of pursuing additional age rankings, the Slobs based their nine new ideas on original descriptors, the phrases usually left next to the letter ranking, examples being "Cartoon Violence" for a Zelda title or "Mature Humor" for Conker's Bad Fur Day.

Their humorous ratings and recommended games for each are:
[li]OD (Obvious Drunk): Recommended for Singstar, Dance Dance Revolution and Bust A Groove for their deceivingly welcoming appearance, only to make anyone who attempts to play look like he/she stepped off a roller coaster, dazed and confused but all too eager to try again. Therefore, one must be intoxicated and "be in a party setting with at least five people drunker than you are."[/li]
[li]P (Pervert): If you've seen the jugs on the girls in Dead or Alive or Rumble Roses XX, you understand.[/li]
[li]FS (Future Slut): Any game based on the Bratz toys deserves this rating because they train our youthful girls to skip around in varying stages of undress just to get a rise out of boys. Not to mention that "the Bratz series is why terrorists hate America."[/li]
[li]FD (Frat Douchebag): When you're on a college campus, the only games you'll hear are the swearing from drunken frat guys playing Halo 3, the clanks of missed Guitar Hero notes and perhaps someone puking into a public toilet.[/li]
[li]SP (Stupid Parents): You might think adults could censor their toddlers from seeing God of War's Kratos bang both two chicks and a guys head into cement at the same time, but that would mean you'd have faith in good parenting.[/li]
[li]J (Japanophile): Stop buying the Gundam Wing and Naruto games. Most likely, you aren't living in Japan, have never been to Japan, don't speak the language and only hope you'll one day meet a programming, kung-fu marksman Asian girl who will teach you the culture's secrets of hentai and Hello Kitty.[/li]
[li]NL (No Life): If you are simultaneously reading this article while running both any Blizzard game or another MMOG, shut down the machine when this sentence ends. If you're still reading, reread what I just said and walk outside where the sun can crisp your pale skin.[/li]
[li]GD (Giant Dork): Wii Fit might qualify for an "Obvious Drunk" rating if its demographic wasn't too young or too balding for such inebriated behavior.[/li]
[li]50 (For 50 Cent Only): The only individual who should buy this game has his name on the front cover.[/li]

If you aren't getting the first tan of your life outside right now, try to think of some other clever ratings captions the ESRB could use to prevent another "Mature Mass Effect" incident.


Lvl 64 Klutz

Apr 8, 2008
BG(Baby Geniuses): For games such as Dragon Quest Monsters designed for a demographic younger than would normally understand the games' complexities.

PW(Paperweight): Self-explanatory, games that are just plain broken from the moment they hit store shelves.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
50 (For 50 Cent Only): Buyer of this game should be shot nine times.

IF (Iron Fingers): Game with so many Quick Time Events you're going to need a pair of...

COQS (Characters Of Questionable Sexuality) : Protagonists are either clearly gay or you struggle to determine what their gender is in the first place, thereby making determining their sexual orientation impossible. May cause insecurity in teens.

Johnn Johnston

New member
May 4, 2008
M.A.T.U.R.E: May Actually Terminate Your Remaining (self-)Esteem. Applies to any game: with the word 'Horse' and 'Adventures' in the name; with a name replacing the letter 's' with the letter 'z'.


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
BYB Break Your Brain, for games that absolutely require you to read the manual and play through all the tutorials plus probably five or six test games and a trip to either the dev's forum or GameFAQs before you can even consider yourself a proper n00b. (examples: Victoria, AGEod's American Civil War)

$B $erious Business. Nonviolent games where the goal is (to quote Lone Starr:) "We're not just doin' this for money. We're doin' it for a SHITLOAD of money!" (e.g. Capitalism II, [fill-in-the-blank] Tycoon)

NSBM No Skill Button Masher. Where practice makes perfect but button mashing makes pwnage. (e.g. Smash Bros./Melee/Brawl)

CT Controller Throwing. Games that will cost you $60 for the game and at least another $200 for new controllers. (e.g. Ninja Gaiden, Mega Man 9)

BCI Blatant Cash-In. For a remake, indirect sequel, or anything else shoved out the door because the franchise prints money. (e.g. Crisis Core, FF4 on the DS, FFX-2, most of Square Enix's release schedule really)


New member
Jul 7, 2008
GTD: Glorified Tech Demo. Essentially any game in developmental hell that, when released, doesn't deliver on even half the promises the developers made 2+ years ago when development started and it was supposed to be out a year earlier which makes you wonder what the delays were for.


New member
Dec 12, 2007
CGR: Classic Game Ripoff. Any game that tries to ride on a classic game's name to stardom, while being a blatant and utterly bad ripoff. (eg: Battlefield 2142, Gothic 3, Bioshock, Diablo 3, CS: Source, Red Alert 3...etc)


New member
Feb 21, 2008
Playbahnosh post=7.73893.815334 said:
CGR: Classic Game Ripoff. Any game that tries to ride on a classic game's name to stardom, while being a blatant and utterly bad ripoff. (eg: Battlefield 2142, Gothic 3, Bioshock, Diablo 3, CS: Source, Red Alert 3...etc)

Most of those are sequels. Two aren't even out yet, so how would you know they suck?


New member
Sep 8, 2008
S: complete shit, the developers should be skinned alive, forced to watch everyone they have ever loved die horribly, and then ripped into little peices (with several steps omitted because they are icky and very very mean, too mean for this forum i think) anyone who plays the game should be placed in a mass grave and burned alive

EA: yeah, it SAYS your getting a game for 60 dollars, but its a lie. your renting half a game for 80


New member
Sep 24, 2008
aug: awsome underground gem; games such as sniper elite, stubbs the zombie, monster melee, moter mayham.
unable to be found anywhere.
f: footballl you know of what i speak of


New member
Nov 6, 2007
EC: Emotional Crippler, a game that is so soul destroyingly difficult the player ends up curled into the foetal position sucking their thumb (Ninja Gaiden games and almost anything from the NES era).
Feb 13, 2008
Z18 : ZOMG! 18-rated : A game that is released only to wind up the moral minority in selling large amounts for something that was rushed off to meet a deadline. See : Postal, Postal 2, DOA: Beach Volleyball.


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
harhol post=7.73893.815672 said:
SimuLord post=7.73893.815105 said:
NSBM No Skill Button Masher.
Given what NSBM already stands for, I don't think too many publishers would want that particular acronym on their game...

My suggestion is PBG: Praised by Gamespot. A special subcategory could also exist, PBVO: Praised by VanOrd.

Buyers beware!
/me goes to urbandictionary

Well, hot damn on a stick, learn somethin' new every day.

I'm with you on Van Ord. Dude's practically got "For Sale" tattooed on his forehead. I remember when Gamespot had editorial independence and integrity under Joe Fielder and Greg Kasavin. Sadly, those days are long over.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
BDIBBlizzard Did It Better. Age Of Reckoning.

SOISPSellling On Imagined Social Pressure. Wii Fit.

BBBRIBuy Before Boll Ruins It. Dungeon Siege.