Therumancer said:
I am not sure if game developers, both in hardware and software, live on earth anymore.
The DS2 looks good, don't get me wrong. But let me be honest, the economy is in trouble. People don't have as much money to be spending on games. Big companies are losing tons of money and laying people off. Out comes Nintendo who pretty much *just* released the DSI and says "Oh yes, this looks like a grrreat time to release the DS-2".
For all I know the thing could be the handheld equivilent of the holy grail, but it doesn't matter because I doubt they will be giving them away for free. I'd expect the price to be $150-$200. What makes them think that people are going to be running out to buy this thing?
I mean I might be wrong, but it just seems rather ridiculous. It's extremely greedy, and also seems very badly timed.
My concern is largely based around the fact that I would like to see a DS-2 released, but this seems like a ridiculous time to be doing it.
What's more I ironically look at companies like EA who were criticized for producing deritive shovelware and sequels endlessly, and decided to change their track at the same time as a massive economic slump. Innovation and new properties probably taking the blame to the people in charge rather than timing.
I'm sure Nintendo has "Done their research" but I think they are getting cocky (as they have done in the past) and right now I suspect this has a good chance of being a failure of truely epic proportions.
Haven't game sales been good, however? Sure, people are getting laid off, but it isn't like we are seeing a drastic cut in games coming out, or at least I know I never have a shortage of titles to play through. The DS did really good, and Nintendo wants to capitalize on the success, it makes total sense. People will buy it, I'm sure they'll come up with good marketing and all that.
Sure, they could take the "ungreedy" route and wait for the economy to clear up, but they are also a business, and realize if they release this and keep supporting it, it will probably catch on a year or two after release and pick up steam when they get some really good titles on there to entic people to buy the handheld, especially after the initial price drop.
Hey man, I know it sucks having these things coming out left and right, but Nintendo has been good to us. Look how long they have supported the DS, and it doesn't look like they are stopping. Let them release it, so when the price drops people like us will go snag it and catch up on the good release titles it will have. Imagine, an F-Zero game using the tilt, or another Uniracers game. Mama's cooking, where you get to sprinkle the salt, it's great!