Nintendo Fails The Green Test Again


New member
Mar 29, 2009
What was Greenpeace thinking??

Greenpeace Guy 1: "OMGZ! Did you hear that Nintendo hates the Earth?"
Greenpeace Guy 2: "OMGZ! This is way more important than our current dependence on oil, as well as the alleged release of greenhouse gases into our atmosphere that comes from those billions of cars across the globe!"

And so, we still play Nintendo stuff.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Tenmar said:
Okay this really does bother me. If having an electronic device is one of the main concerns for "saving the planet" for organizations and environmentalists then they must not have much to worry about. I'm all for saving the planet but humanity can't even take care of itself right now. Disease, war, slavery, famine and the icecapades plauge humanity much more than the planet dying by a video game console or PC.

How about have them do something more substantial and try to solve some real problems. If they are so involved with saving the planet let's see some fire from organizations like Greenpeace. How about curing cancer, or creating cheap affordable energy, or solving unemployment? Ya know just a start, then you can start talking about how energy inefficient my video game console is compared to that gas chugging SUV that is considered "going green"


The power is yours!
Actually, you'd be amazed the amount of toxic crap that goes into these electronic goods. Add to that, they tend to get shipped off to China to get 'recycled' by hand - i.e. extremely poor people melting electronic boards without even a tissue to protect their lungs whilst the ground get the toxic guk leeched into it.

As for slavery, war, and disease, they are environmental groups, so its not really their position to worry about those, given their are around 100,000+ groups against war, slavery, capitalism in general, etc, currently in London, being moody and angsty at HSBC. Although the anti-war people actually seem to want to protest peacefully rather than use the G20 as an excuse for widespread vandalism.

Whilst I understand you have things that are pretty damn pressing to solve, stopping large areas of the Earth from being rendered toxic nightmares is important. As for SUV's 'going green', I image they complain about them too, but given this is a gaming site, I don't think it would make it onto our news section.


Reportable Offender
Sep 3, 2008
Doug said:
As for slavery, war, and disease, they are environmental groups, so its not really their position to worry about those, given their are around 100,000+ groups against war, slavery, capitalism in general, etc, currently in London, being moody and angsty at HSBC. Although the anti-war people actually seem to want to protest peacefully rather than use the G20 as an excuse for widespread vandalism.

Whilst I understand you have things that are pretty damn pressing to solve, stopping large areas of the Earth from being rendered toxic nightmares is important. As for SUV's 'going green', I image they complain about them too, but given this is a gaming site, I don't think it would make it onto our news section.
Calling Greenpeace an environmental group is like calling PETA a nutritionist group.

Greenpeace is nothing but incessantly repeated complete bullshit, year to year. They do nothing for the environment, it's just politics and cash collection.

The reason why Nintendo always scores so low? Not because they're KILLING THE EARTH OMG, but because they're telling Greenpeace to fuck right off when they start whining about not being allowed to supervise every single step of their (very profitable and not very environmentally harmful) production process.

Medic Heavy

New member
Jul 4, 2008
fenixrising said:
ball in the cup?
You really wanted to use that video didn't you?

EDIT:But really people I'm pretty sure that the majority of the people who read this were probably surprised.

And I also relies that everyone's trying to say "Work on the bigger picture like how much pollution comes out of cars" I'm pretty sure everyone on this website noes that car's pollute.

What I'm trying to get at here is that theses people enlightened us by telling us how much pollution wii's really do. And if you ask me I'm pretty sure this Environmentalists are doing there jobs.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
insanelich said:
Doug said:
As for slavery, war, and disease, they are environmental groups, so its not really their position to worry about those, given their are around 100,000+ groups against war, slavery, capitalism in general, etc, currently in London, being moody and angsty at HSBC. Although the anti-war people actually seem to want to protest peacefully rather than use the G20 as an excuse for widespread vandalism.

Whilst I understand you have things that are pretty damn pressing to solve, stopping large areas of the Earth from being rendered toxic nightmares is important. As for SUV's 'going green', I image they complain about them too, but given this is a gaming site, I don't think it would make it onto our news section.
Calling Greenpeace an environmental group is like calling PETA a nutritionist group.

Greenpeace is nothing but incessantly repeated complete bullshit, year to year. They do nothing for the environment, it's just politics and cash collection.

The reason why Nintendo always scores so low? Not because they're KILLING THE EARTH OMG, but because they're telling Greenpeace to fuck right off when they start whining about not being allowed to supervise every single step of their (very profitable and not very environmentally harmful) production process.
Oh, my bad, I didn't see it was Greenpeace. Yeah, PETA of the environmental lobby groups.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
Green peace = fail

Nintendo = Win

you know, instead of "earth hour" i decided to do "human achievement hour" now im REALLY glad i kept my wii on and shining proud of its evil, earth hating ways.

this has now gotten me so excited, i think ill go shoot exhaust straight into the sky!


New member
Mar 12, 2009
insanelich said:
H.R.Shovenstuff said:
I believe Nokia are doing best since they long ago realised the n-gage was never going to sell and stopped producing them.
Seeing N-Gage has been dead as a gaming device for literally years, I guess it's exactly what Greenpeace wants.

Also, Greenpeace. They've been caught *shamelessly* lying for their own ass-backward no-good-for-nature idiotic politic goals over and over again. Anyone who takes Greenpeace seriously is the level of a moron that never deserves any respect, and I dump them in the same mental category with Scientologists - even considering their point is considered treachery towards having a brain.
It's not just Greenpeace, Same can be said for the entirety of "going green" movement. *points to Al-gore...facepalm*

And so I'm sure this will hurt Nintendo. Eco-friendliness isn't the first thing you think about when buying your gaming machine. Honestly Mother nature can take care of herself; stop using her to blame the corporations for shit they're not doing, and pushing a political agenda.
*shakes fist at Communistpeace I mean...Greenpeace*


Reportable Offender
Sep 3, 2008
Durahan2 said:
insanelich said:
H.R.Shovenstuff said:
I believe Nokia are doing best since they long ago realised the n-gage was never going to sell and stopped producing them.
Seeing N-Gage has been dead as a gaming device for literally years, I guess it's exactly what Greenpeace wants.

Also, Greenpeace. They've been caught *shamelessly* lying for their own ass-backward no-good-for-nature idiotic politic goals over and over again. Anyone who takes Greenpeace seriously is the level of a moron that never deserves any respect, and I dump them in the same mental category with Scientologists - even considering their point is considered treachery towards having a brain.
It's not just Greenpeace, Same can be said for the entirety of "going green" movement. *points to Al-gore...facepalm*

And so I'm sure this will hurt Nintendo. Eco-friendliness isn't the first thing you think about when buying your gaming machine. Honestly Mother nature can take care of herself; stop using her to blame the corporations for shit they're not doing, and pushing a political agenda.
*shakes fist at Communistpeace I mean...Greenpeace*
And you're the other half of the parade of morons.

There are genuine problems regarding sustainable energy sources and biosphere stability.

NEITHER side here is doing anything against the problem. Other side fabricates amazingly complex utter lies to rally support and money against the most incredible goddamn unrelated subjects (think nuclear energy (anyone who's against nuclear energy is a moron, plain and simple)), other side favors financial structures that were outdated in the 1800s and thinks there's no problem whatsoever that we've shot up to about fifty times the population we know the local biosphere can support (note: does not mean that our local biosphere cannot support current population; merely that we have no idea if it can) and that we're extracting limited resources about as fast as we possibly can.

In the end, both sides are part of a parade of morons, and both sides would prove extremely harmful to human society very, very quickly if left unchecked. We can only thank whatever higher power we thank that they hate each other - they're both stupid but in opposite ways.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Tenmar said:
Okay this really does bother me. If having an electronic device is one of the main concerns for "saving the planet" for organizations and environmentalists then they must not have much to worry about. I'm all for saving the planet but humanity can't even take care of itself right now. Disease, war, slavery, famine and the icecapades plauge humanity much more than the planet dying by a video game console or PC.

How about have them do something more substantial and try to solve some real problems. If they are so involved with saving the planet let's see some fire from organizations like Greenpeace. How about curing cancer, or creating cheap affordable energy, or solving unemployment? Ya know just a start, then you can start talking about how energy inefficient my video game console is compared to that gas chugging SUV that is considered "going green"


The power is yours!
Alot of crap goes into making the consoles as well as making it work. What do you expect from a group that specifys in environmental protection and making sure that everyone goes green and stops pumping so much pollutin in the Earth without any regard of what could backfire? Sure, cancer and unemployment is important, but they're not a group for that just like how an alcoholics-anonymous group isnt meant for crack addicts. That's like yelling at a cat for not eating dog food. Video Games are just another part in making things greener.

I say this for all orginization, though apparantly Greenpeace is crap and the PETA of environmentalists. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that Greenpeace is full of crap, but my point still stands.

EDIT: And directed to everyone, I don't care if you believe in this Global-Warming or whatever, but you cannot be fine with polluting the Earth no matter how miniscule the actual carbon dioxide level is. To say that it's perfectly fine to buy a care with 10 miles to the gallon, and that it'll be fine "mother nature can take care of herself", and that polluting the earth with a bunch of carbon is fine, then you're being an idiot.

I'm not saying that those things actually happen, who knows, maybe the CO2 level is fine, maybe 10 miles a gallon is perfectly okay, but you cannot say that we can continue living like this. We're sucking down gasoline like 15 hookers at once, we can't continue living like this.


New member
Mar 17, 2008
Environmentalists against gamers; what a cute pairing. It's like the long-haired stoner in the basement who got his ass whipped out of college is fighting for basement space with his fat-ass brother who leaves high-cellulose sugar snacks lying about his console. And dad is still telling both of them to get their tits over to the gym and get out of his damn house. Seriously, you all enrage me. Being proud of buying something that is not living to a standard that is having a negative effect for the nursery on whose teat thousands of generations before you have been sucking on? If you want to be such a fucking rebel, go get AIDs. Yeah, not a lot of people have that, you'll be sure to stand out; and I'm sure the amount of sex you'll get won't change in the least. I'm not defending Greenpeace, because they are a bunch of lazy-ass hippies, but man.

Get haircuts. All of you.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Hah, well time for me to upgrade my 1200w PSU to 1600w so I can squeeze out 400w of wasted power for these hippies. Lets just completely remove the power saving option on this bad boy...



New member
Jan 17, 2009
Global warming is a natural cycle. All we're doing is speeding up, and hell, if we get warmer summers, lets all go out and buy a Wii =P

How'd you like that Greenpeace?!


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Is it me or is that graph not balanced?

And they lowered Nintendo's score for not making things public.
Since when does Nintendo answer to anyone?


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Last time it happened Greenpeace was apparently too lazy to do actual research and just checked the website of each company, I wonder if they've done more work this time (though I doubt it).


New member
Dec 29, 2007
dekkarax said:
Go away, Greenpeace.
Hankage said:
...and because it's Greenpeace nobody cares.

And yeah, Nintendo failed because Greenpeace didn't have all the data, but greenpeace put them last anyway? Someones gonna get sued


New member
Dec 19, 2008
So, Nintendo produces a last-gen console with a gimmicky waggle-sensor-controller and creates more waste than Sony with the latest in technology? Hm...

PayNSprayBandit said:
And they lowered Nintendo's score for not making things public.
Since when does Nintendo answer to anyone?
Since every major corporation does? Oh no, Nintendo is special, they gave us Mario and Zelda so they get a free ride for everything. Call me paranoid but when a large corporation doesn't publish some numbers in context with sustainability or environment it's usually because they have something to hide.