Well, there's that. But mostly I meant that the service was so sub-par in terms of stage selection (always chosen because the stage looks like Mega Man, or a Bob-Omb, or a Wiimote, never on the stage's own merits) that nobody I know actually bothered to download them. Mark my words, Nintendo are cancelling this, not because of any kind of hacking, but because of the total lack of usage the service gets.WrongSprite said:Lonko said:To be honest, I'm wondering who's going to care.Thats probably his point.Tales of Golden Sun said:The people that uploaded them will, duh.
Thats not a lot of people.
Oh, I've never gotten to play that game before. I really should try, people tells me it's good stuff. Is it really worth the money?Mr. Fister said:It's Saki from Sin & Punishment.Cucumber said:It's a charecter from an assist trophy. Don't know the name of it.Izzil said:Who's the character under Samus in the picture? I don't own Brawl and don't remember seeing that one during the hype.
Hey I play melee nowadays though brawl really messed up my yoshi skillz *tear* The sad thing is I never even heard of this option or service though knowing of it's existence now I'm not one to bother with such things.fix-the-spade said:Because the kind of players that would have made use of it played for a couple of months then went back to playing Melee.The_Oracle said:Wait, what the hell? Wasn't making your own stages an important part of Brawl? Didn't the fans want it? Why in the name of the Hypnotoad would they take something like that away?
Also people posting hacked maps might have something to do with it...