Nintendo Halts Wii Manufacturing

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Spygon said:
Well finally that experiment is over can we now move on please...
...To a big touch screen in the middle of the controller, and another hardware skewing console.



Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
Well that's quite sad, but it's fitting how the winner of the 7th Gen bows out just as the 7th Gen comes to an end. Nintendo took a major risk and it's obvious why; to get us to buy the Wii U.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I kind of thought The Wii would have been last gen's PS2 in that it would still be in production to a certain extent for years upon years into the new generation. I can't say I'm sad to see it go though, considering how massively successful the Wii turned out to be. Now the Big N can focus on their next console and hopefully turn it into a success.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Nah, I'm not ashamed at all. In fact, it's a fairly common problem from what I have heard.

I'm a life long gamer...but....I've been an adult (over 18) for longer then I was a kid at this point (almost 41). In my 20's I still had lots of time to play games though...up until about 12 years ago when I got married. The Ps3/xbox 360 and Wii all were not out yet at that point...and since then my gaming time has been reduced...and I often try to play games my wife enjoys as well if possible.

Then there is the whole MMO explosions and my Ipad which has tons of games on it etc. I just have not been able to keep up with the good games on so many systems. I still want to support good games though, so I buy them. I still plan on playing them eventually....but that eventually is going to have to be REALLy long pretty soon as the shear number of unplayed games I have keeps getting larger.

I have still played many games though....finishing them and spending over 100 hours on many. Which is part of the problem. If I start a game, I usually like to play it all the way through (super mario galaxy withstanding)....or I just play a few minutes/hour and toss it into the (eventually) pile (dragons dogma for instance was like that).

Just on steam along I have a about 150 games and about half of them I have never even loaded on my computer...but when dragons crown came out, I put the other games on hold, bought it...and played it for a few weeks.

I have a wide range of games that I enjoy, but a few specific types (action RPGS mainly) that I'll jump on right away. The problem is that recently more and more games of the type I put to the front of the list have been coming out...which has drastically reduced the time I spend on other types of games. I've totally stopped buying tactical RPG type game (FF tactics type)...and while I'll still pick up a good traditional RPG...I have probably almost 100 of them to play between all my systems already. I'll never get through them all.

The next gen systems hold no interest for me at all.....until Kingdom hearts 3 comes out. At which point I will probably purchase a Ps4 to play it on. I don't see myself getting the Wii U...or Next Xbox anytime soon...if ever. I guess...if they are sold used in a few years with a decent selection of games that can only be played on their system....I'll pick one up then (at least the Wii U....doubt the Xbox will actually have any exclusives I want).

You'd be amazed at how many people have a huge stockpile of unplayed games though. It's quite common now.

Even being married/working, having a masters degree, white water rafting/hiking etc.....and being an avid reader (of sci-fi/fantasy mostly) I have spent more hours playing video games then probably almost anyone (especially if you count MMO's since I had a few years there before I got married where I played muds 17.5 hours a day on avarage). I have ...sadly.....spent the most hours in my life sleeping, followed by playing video games of one type or another (including MMOs'), then reading, then working...then watching TV...and then all the stuff I could actually feel proud of lol.

Just one 1 game I had 2 1/2 YEARS of actual in game type (with over a 95% in combat rate). Total years of my life...spent (not wasted since I enjoyed it) playing video games?....almost impossible to calculate but it's over 7 years for sure (possibly 25% of my life even).

Scary when you look back at it.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
That's sad, the end of an era of Nintendo dominance like we hadn't seen since the NES/SNES. I'd thought that the Wii was going to surpass the PS1 (102 million) before its end. But the sales really dropped off the face of the earth recently which surprises me with the WiiU's limited sales. The ps2 sold like hotcakes when the ps3 was floundering but the ps2 had a HUGE library of first/second/third party titles so I guess that was slightly different.

VondeVon said:
(Is suddenly terrified of her Wii dying)
Consider buying a backup. Unbox it, install patches, make sure it works then seal it away for that day. Or just wait until that day and buy one from the store. I can purchase a functioning NES within 25 minutes of where I am right now for cheap. I won my first date with my now wife by betting her I could find a copy of Super Smash Bros for the N64 in 30 minutes from where I was in town while we were talking on the phone. Drove across town and the receipt still showed the win.

As many Wiis as there are, they may always be around. If not, we'll see those emulator consoles like the ones that currently play both NES and SNES cartridges. Though I suspect Nintendo will continue to sell old games now that digital distribution is a thing. However, that won't help us until they're available on x86 environments or until they're married to a Nintendo account rather than a console (a lost console means you're screwed).

Terramax said:
it really is the end of an era.
Thank bloody God. Lets return to real innovative gaming please.
The Wii drastically changed the console peripheral market. Made the idea of peripherals actually profitable rather than gimmicky as they'd been for generations before. The Kinect, the Move, these have their moments of fun and likely wouldn't have existed so soon without the WiiMote. I wonder if things like the Occulus Rift were also considered because of this. No telling what kind of snow ball effect they had by making a peripheral so innovative that it pratically threw money out of consumers' wallets.

This also greatly broadened the gamer consumer base for awhile. Casual gamers and elderly gamers who never would have owned a system before purchased and enjoyed this one.

Give Nintendo the credit they deserve. They took a real risk and have always been innovative. No matter how their WiiU is faring, you can't take their innovation away from them. Gaming tech itself can't innovate that much. At the end of the day, it's just story telling. It's just the hardware that really changes now.