Okysho said:
In defense of Rare, they hold the rights to King K. Rool (remember him?) probably the best (and only at the time) D.K Villain. Rare tried to re-release Conker's and tried a perfect Dark Sequel and now a Bnajo-Kazooi sequel (again). Conker's was great so was the Banjo series (Perfect Dark overall seems full of cliches and the story is a bit incomprehensible, but it's not horrid). Rare's wacky fun humour goes hand in hand with Nintendo's colourful outlook. This is one of the reasons they did so well together.
Really? Had no idea they actually held the K.Rool rights. Probably for the best...the series needed more villains anyway.
I actually did like other M. The writing was crap, but that's Nintendo's own fault (They wrote it) gameplay was flawless and it was the new 3-D take on the metroid series we were all waiting for (but I'm also one of those people who thought the Matrix Revolutions had good philosophical points).
Whenever I get around to playing it, I'll probably have a similar opinion of the game. I have no problem with delving into psychological trauma after all Samus has been through. However, if the naration really does go on as long as people say...it will be annoying.
To be completely honest, I didn't play DK or Epic Yarn, (call me hypocrite if you must) but it feels like they're regressing in style here. The whole point of a home console is so we DON'T regress to the 2-D side scrollers (unless it fits into gameplay like Paper Mario) and while they may be fine as platformers, it's still feels like a step backwards.
I'll disagree with this one. It's not regression; it's a different style, and it brings more variety to the market.
Now Mario Brother's Wii is the biggest lie of them all. Look closely at it, then pick up your DS and look at "New Super Mario Brothers" The 3-D models are identical! Nintendo put almost NO effort into this game. They took what worked on the DS LITERALLY ported it to the Wii and made it 4 player.
I was actually refering to Mario Galaxy 2 in my post. However, I have no problem with models being re-used. New levels, new power ups, new bosses. It's a different game, and re-using the models does not change this.
This being another reason why I like Other M the best. It was the most innovative and the best display of "New" Nintendo could have ever done. And ALL that was done by the 3rd party license, Team Ninja.
3 of the 4 games you mentioned were side scrollers, two of which were 3rd party titles (HAL Labs is 3rd party as of 2008).
As I mentioned earlier, I don't consider sidescroller to be a flaw, and it was only 2 out of the 4 (NSMBW was released late '09, if I'm not mistaken)
Thanks for sharing that about Hal Labs. I was trying to figure out if they were first or third party...that explains why the information I found as contradictory. Still, Nintendo had some connection to both third parties...the writting for Other M, and they were able to get Hal to turn "Fluff's Yarn" into "Kirby's Yarn" (probably for the best...many would have ignored it without Kirby drawing our attention. Maybe Fluff can get his own spin off series now?) So it was more than just saying "Here's our intellectual property...do somethign with it."
I also want to point this out. That's 4 games compared to.... How many came out for PS3/360? (6 games if you count Red Steel 2, No More Heroes 2 and Mario Galaxy 2, of which the latter two were the only ones that actually sold)
Four Nintendo games...not four games. There was also NBA Jam, Golden Eye, Epic Mickey, Sonic Colors, Monster Hunter Tri, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, and no doubt many others that I missed. The only 360 exclusive I got last year was Halo: Reach (I'm sure there were some other great exclusives. I just didn't take note of them).
I want to make it clear right now. I LOVE Nintendo and still do. I just don't think they know how to handle the section of their property geared towards the older-Wii audience anymore.
Problem with that is that many of their most devoted fans are in their 20s or 30s, and a lot of middle aged and older adults became fans through Wii Sports. They've got pretty much every age group covered...the people they don't have are the ones who demand a huge story...some people can enjoy a game for the game's sake alone.