Nintendo of Europe Blocks Daytime 18+ eShop Content

Easton Dark

New member
Jan 2, 2011
See, now instead of playing a nice wholesome game of ZombiU, those kids are going to go searching things like "big titty heroin murder" on the internet.


New member
Jul 15, 2008
Nintendo, are you trying to sabotage yourself? That kind of policy makes absolutely no sense at all. What next, 18+ games can only be played in the middle of the night? Or maybe the Wii U controller camera should spy if it can spot any wee-ones in the room?

Shame on you Nintendo, in my eyes you have lost quite a few points.

Aaron Sylvester

New member
Jul 1, 2012
I don't see how this is that big of a deal, who on earth would buy a Wii U to play R18 games anyway? You should already own an XBox or PS3 if you're someone who's into hardcore/mature games on consoles.

munx13 said:
So much for Nintendo trying to establish the Wii U as a machine for mature gamers...
They were? I highly doubt that, if they were truly set on establishing their next console as a machine for mature gamers, then they wouldn't have CALLED it Wii U. But they did, because the goal was to appeal to the same crowd as the Wii.

As an ex-Wii owner I know I won't be buying another product starting with "Wii" ever again, I have already filed that name under "Stuff I don't like".


New member
Apr 14, 2009
As an European, (Norwegian to be precise) I would like to point out that this "european" legislation they refer to is solely German. There is, as far as I know, no EU legislation on this subject matter.

The end-time of these hours of violence, mutilation and depravity (as we all know, R18-games are all created to lure innocent children into satanic death cults) is the strangest part of this. 3AM? Why not later? How many children wake up at 03:30 in order to download restricted material on their Wii? If they have to include a watershed, then at least extend the time period to 5-6 AM.


New member
Jul 8, 2011
I am more interested in knowing how is ZombieU 18+ content, from the footage I have seen it seems milder than the original DOOM, pg 13 at most IMO. Am I missing something?


New member
Sep 21, 2010
Foolproof said:
Jorec said:
Really? I mean really? They have to lock down the eShop like that for 4 hours a day just to keep kids from accessing 18+ content? Hey Nintendo Europe, how about taking a page from Microsoft's book and making it so that child accounts can't even access the stuff in the first place until he/she is 18 or at least until an adult authorizes it. Instead of making it hard for everybody.
I'd suggerst you read that again. Its not 4 hours - its 20 hours. You can only access this stuff between 11 at night and 3 in the morning.
Was going to say the same thing, but if you read the following comments, you can see that when the article was first posted, it read 11AM - 3PM (4 hours).

Doesn't make sense either way. Parental controls should be set up to work regardless of time. It's not like, for example, a child couldn't get up in the night for downloading.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Aren't kids at school during the day? Still, gives the jobless less of a distraction


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Atmos Duality said:
Instead, I' unremarkably boring guy. Huh.
Well we figured it out, violence and porn equals unremarkably boring.

Plenty of stuff event happened in my youth that should have turned me into a lunatic, I think if you aren't predisposed to that sort of thing you just aren't ever going to manage it.

I can't for the life of me find any joy in hurting others.

Not even a moral thing, it just seems incredibly boring and pointless.


New member
Jan 12, 2012
And to think, some people actually *want* to make America more like Europe. Not on my fucking watch.

Atrocious Joystick

New member
May 5, 2011
Well shit, has there even been any complaints? I mean, if there was a horde of moraly outraged multi-lingual parents I would understand. It would still be stupid, but it would make sense.

But to just up and say "You know what, I'm feeling up for some censorship today" and to decide to do it in the continent that probably cares the least. That makes no sense at all.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Atmos Duality said:
theultimateend said:
I wonder why some adults forget what childhood was like?

I saw violent movies and porn at a pretty young age, I'm a very respectful guy [in person, the internet is weird to psychology] who abhors violence.

It's not that simple and kids aren't that easily "tainted" :/...
Well, if the "Save the childrens" movement were remotely correct, I should have become a raving violent sex-obsessed lunatic rapist who murders everyone long ago. The kind of monster that causes shit like Columbine, or starts a cult of counter-cultural anarchists bent on destruction (so they claim).

Instead, I' unremarkably boring guy. Huh.

I forget who (I think it was Seanbaby), who made this brilliant quote that went something like:

"OK, lets suppose you get what you want, and shield your little girl from all the evils of the world throughout her childhood to keep her from turning into a freak.
You can lock your daughter in a mausoleum for 12 years, but she is still going to be a freak when you let her out."
I'll just second this. Should save me some time writing the exact same thing.

Honestly: last generation caused and experienced massive social turmoil. The two before that went through the two most devastating wars this world has ever seen. And yet they insist on banning anything remotely "adult" from anyone who might possibly be a minor.
Not saying the world isn't fucked up, but can we please at least have our internet porn in peace? We're hardly likely to instantaneously solve hunger, disease and conflict when we're unable to fap to anything but sweet fantasies about our hot neighbour.

... I'm 21, but that I am legally able to watch and play whatever I want doesn't mean I don't consider these kind of measures to be stupid beyond belief.


New member
Mar 21, 2008
Seriously? That's a move that is just incredibly foolish. For god's sake, isn't this what the parental controls are for, to lock out access to M-Rated content for minors?

Formica Archonis

Anonymous Source
Nov 13, 2009
I sincerely hope I'm not the only one who, as a teenager, would wake up at 2 AM and sneak downstairs to watch Skinemax while everyone else was asleep.

I guess Nintendo doesn't realize that the wee hours have always been a great time for kids to get up to stuff because parents are all asleep.

D Moness

Left the building
Sep 16, 2010
what people seem to read over(or most probably only read the topic).

This is due to german legislation. German law prohibits the viewing of 18+ material at night. This means after midnight. Due to the fact that N.O.E. headquarters is in germany they have to hold to those laws. It is fucked up but not entirely nintendo's fault


Nightingale Assassin
May 20, 2009
Why do developers think being dicks is going to get them fans?

People will just have to adjust clock settings now, why can't they just use a simple password system?


New member
Apr 5, 2011
I was angry about this for a minute and then I remembered that I effectively gave up on Nintendo years ago. Guess I'll have to make do with Steam, Xbox live and PSN. (sorry I'll stop now.)

Still though, it sucks for for people who have bought a wii u (should have called it the super wii hd) and expect to be able to use it like say... an adult. Its rather upsetting when you think of it, Nintendo have such great ideas but such unbelievably shit methods of implementation.

Wait is this an obsolescence scheme? Are Nintendo actually trying to be shit? Are they sick of money and their devoted (sometimes delusional) fanbase?

Hopefully they get it together and soon, I would hate to see them exit the games industry.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Couldn't they have simply locked the shop behind a password (which coincidentally would be a far more effective way to restrict the 18+ content, considering that a kid can simply stay up late)?

D Moness said:
what people seem to read over(or most probably only read the topic).

This is due to german legislation. German law prohibits the viewing of 18+ material at night. This means after midnight. Due to the fact that N.O.E. headquarters is in germany they have to hold to those laws. It is fucked up but not entirely nintendo's fault
If this is true then why is there no such restriction on any other digital shop?

D Moness

Left the building
Sep 16, 2010
Smertnik said:
Couldn't they have simply locked the shop behind a password (which coincidentally would be a far more effective way to restrict the 18+ content, considering that a kid can simply stay up late)?

D Moness said:
what people seem to read over(or most probably only read the topic).

This is due to german legislation. German law prohibits the viewing of 18+ material at night. This means after midnight. Due to the fact that N.O.E. headquarters is in germany they have to hold to those laws. It is fucked up but not entirely nintendo's fault
If this is true then why is there no such restriction on any other digital shop?
Because their european headquarters is NOT in germany.

X-box is in england
sony playstation is also england.

England has other laws then germany. Why else.

edit : made a small mistake