What shovelware?Dr_Horrible said:This is exactly what I would expect from a decades-old developer whose only real innovations in the past 5 years have been 2 console gimmicks.
Not that I dislike Nintendo, but the innovation from all these 'garage' programmers has, even hidden by all the worthless stuff, been far more beneficial to the gaming industry than the shovelware by Nintendo in the past few years.
Gilla lägetOptimystic said:...How do you say "suck it" in Swedish?...
Seem to be? When is the last time Nintendo put out a truly original game?IndianaJonny said:their own in-house titles seem to be stangnating.
Holy shit did you read the article.Lilani said:He problem is he's assuming that low-budget and low-quality go hand in hand. He's not even open to the idea of something like Minecraft, where the main focus is the gameplay and player engagement rather than graphics, franchises, or convoluted narration. It is truly disheartening to see someone so high in the games industry taking such a large dump on the kinds of artists and developers that brought games and computers to life in the first place--back when the only place to make code was your garage, and the only place to learn more was other hobbiests.
Exactly. At first, I was annoyed by what they said in this article...but then I checked out the source, which explained what they were saying a lot better. What he was saying is they just aren't getting into buisness with garage developers...but anyone can read this and see they aren't picking on them.Sonic Doctor said:This whole rehash titles thing needs to stop because it isn't true. I haven't seen anything that can be called a rehash. Yes they re-released Mario All-Stars without changing it, but that can easily be let go because it was a 25th anniversary thing. Other than that no rehashes here. Every Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc, etc, game I have played and seen has been unique. Just because they have the same main character or have some of the same mechanics or usable items, doesn't make the game a rehash. A rehash would be a clone copy of a game that is exactly the same as the original in every detail except the graphics have been updated. Every detail, if a bit of story is changed or there is a new usable item or new playable levels, the game isn't a rehash.Kevlar Eater said:Nintendo is just as badly hurting the industry by allowing so much shovelware to come to the Wii as well as slinging rehashed titles.
I agree with Nintendo.
"Look at the music industry," he says. "There are certainly highly talented people who work other jobs and have a passion to be in the music industry. They work at it. There are reality TV shows that revolve around this concept. ? I love it when there's a game that's found that captures people's imagination, just like that ? singer toiling in a factory."
Eh I was referring to the Seal of Quality in the NES days where companies could only publish like 5 games a year(Which led to shell companies like Ultra games) can't publish on another companies system for like a year after doing it on nintendo and had to pay for all the carts or something along those lines. They changed it when the wii came out, so yes the seal doesn't do anything...now, just back then it was to try and helpUltratwinkie said:Actually according to statistics, no it didn't. Actually the number of good games on the Wii is the lowest in the generation.Arehexes said:It did prevent a flooding of games like in the atari 2600 eraLenriak said:Wasn't the Seal of Quality nothing but a self imposed censorship program? I mean, even fine examples of gaming greatness such as Rise of the Robots and Shaq Fu earned the Seal of So-Called-Quality.Arehexes said:Oh yeah and Nintendo changes it's policy about what is a game worth the Seal of Quality lately.
Games over 70% at metacritic:
Wii: 242 (out of 649)
better! it was a clone of another game originallyJames Raynor said:Wasn't minecraft originally just a hobby project?
Is that what they meant by garage developers? Cause i know two very good games that were developed by a single person, obviously the Minecraft Alpha version is one. The other is Atom Zombie Smasher. (Your goal is to rescue civilians from zombie infested cities. It's a top down strategy game and you get a few units with which to do your job, you get a small infantry squad, snipers, artillery, barricades, bait, mines, demo charges... oh and a helicopter)Bad Neighbour said:Pretty much this.craddoke said:Independent developers are garage developers who have sold a game.
What's he saying there?... 'we're only interested in supporting developers who are already making a tonne of money, and we're too scared to take a chance with anyone else?' Jesus Christ...
Depends on whether you mean original in a good way or in a bad way. Wii Music was a pretty original take on the Music genre, but if you want an original AND good way, then it is probably Pikmin, from back in 2001.Frostbite3789 said:Seem to be? When is the last time Nintendo put out a truly original game?IndianaJonny said:their own in-house titles seem to be stangnating.