Trivun said:
bue519 said:
Well, atleast the new Microsoft and Sony motion peripherals will actually do something this time. Unlike that Wii motion plus bull crap.
There, fixed. See, Natal looks good. Sony have a wand. A freaking wand, for God's sake. You wave it around, how is that any better than the Wiimote?
Well first realize that when it comes to interactive cameras Sony has already gone over that ground with the Sony Eye toy back during the PS2 days and it is still used today as a peripheral. So a wand would be the next step to increase interactivity.
Natal could be considered Microsoft's eye toy in it's most basic form. A camera that lets the user be the controller. Sony has done that.
Also for the wii, Nintendo actually created something new and old at the same time with the wiimote. A simple concept where the basic action or gesture allows players to experience the motion when playing a game. It enables people to be able to play a game without having to learn 12 different buttons and what each of them do. That was the power of the Sony eye toy and that is the power of the wiimote. It seems that more people would rather hold a controller than nothing at all.