Nintendo Says Network Downtime Caused by One-Time Surge


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Dragonbums said:
A few more people? Really? Let's try that again. How about millions of new users, plus millions of existing ones (Pokebank and discounted gift cards are really popular) all bombarding the servers at the same time.
For online services that handles tens of millions consequitive connections few million of new users are few. You shouldnt talk millions, you sohuld talk percentages.

It's really damn easy to predict server load for consoles on Day 1.
Its easier to predict server load for a machine that was never properly tested in mass scale with unknown sale amounts beyond pre-orders than a yearly consistent sale that they knew the dates off (since they set them). Interesting.

And what about the Holiday season? Wii U's worked fine for everyone on day one as well. And if I recall they made some update and due to bandwidth caps of some customers it took a while. Then some apparently broke the golden rule of NOT turning your console off during an update and bricked the thing.

Every year we have many stories of servers going down due to traffic. Please stop acting like Nintendo is the only one with an online infrastructure with this problem.
problems for PSN have started before holiday season. WiiUs didnt really work fine at launch. while the service wasnt down, the download of mandatory update took forever due to very slow response from the servers.

Nintendo isnt the only one, its only one of the big players though, and even if it wasnt that does not make it acceptable action.

And unlike SimCity, the playing games on the Wii U isn't hinged on whether or not you have online connection.
Only if you bought and updated the games before this started.

Are you kidding me? The amount of Facebook posts I get from my gamer friends pointing out how Steam is once again down on their end due to heavy traffic during sales is enough to call out that particular comment as total bollucks.
And high internet download speeds? For who? Not me! And certainly not for a good chunk of the US!
Well i dont know how your US friends handle steam but i never had problems running steam during sale times with the already mentioned exception of L4D2 going free that crashed everything, and even then for time that can be counted in minutes, not days. Then again, your in US so your download speeds are low sale or no sale.

Seems to me that your talking out of pure privilage and luxury of having near flawless internet.
stable high speed internet is neither priviledge nor luxury, its basic commodity.

No better than those Microsoft reps who called everyone who didn't have good enough internet to deal with Xbones' online requirement back water hicks because they can't fathom the fact that there are people outside of cities that have shit ass internet and can't do a damn thing about it.
Bullshit. they can do a thing about it. its just that they are not willing to actually kick their ISP in the butt. i heard your internet contracts dont even have minimum uptime specified....

I notice how you skim over the whole fact that I'm talking about Holiday sales, and not launch, or weekly sales in general. Of course Xbone and PS4 sold equal at launch. I'm talking about Holiday sales. Which coincidentially is when Nintendo servers went down for the first time. During holiday sales
I said that launch was higher load than holiday season and you disagreed, hence i tried to reinforce my position for which you are now blaming me. According to what little metrics we had, holiday sales were dominated by Xbone (in US at least).

It's also easy to pour 700 million dollars into server infastructure when you are a multi billion dollar company that has assets in computer and software technology AND has the most expensive online subscription service of the big three gaming companies- in Sony's case, music, TV, Blu-ray, hardware, etc. Sony recently made it mandatory to have PS+ to even use online multiplayer in games, while Nintendo is still a free service. So excuse them for deciding to not slam down nearly 1 billion dollars on an online infastructure that for the most part isn't going to be used nearly as much as Microsoft's and Sony's with the amount of games on their system using online services, and multiplayer.
Nintendo does not have that many users and this does not need that many servers, however if their servers are clearly incapable to the point of crashing, they should invest whatever is necessary to handle their service. And we are talking shop here, im pretty sure you can buy games on PS4 without paying for subscription (thought i heard you need gold to buy stuff on Xbox, but im not certain). Just because they dont colelct a toll when entering a shop does not mean they do it out of kindness of thier heart. they do it to sell us stuff. and we cant buy it if its down.
and nintendo can afford it, they are sitting on more liquid capital than sony and smicrosoft put together, they manufacture their own hardware which is more than Microsoft does and they manufacture thier own software (which sony tries to do, but they still are primarity a hardware thing when it comes to games).