Nintendo: Wii U Price Will be "Reasonable"


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Still not fixing the issue of a gaming platform without games. That's what will really help you recover.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
my gut says that if the wii u has a good bit more muscle then the ps3 then at least $350. But, if it is only a match power wise, anything over $300 is business suicide.


New member
Mar 21, 2011
Grenge Di Origin said:
Okay, I seriously want to start a mini-site and petition based on this alone.

It's a piece of shit with last-generation technology with a shitty gimmick slapped on the box that 3rd party devs aren't going to give two fucks about as soon as the new tech of the PS4/Xbox Next or even the constantly ongoing PC releases.

Oh yeah, because the Wii wasn't just shitty gimmicks and shoddy technology.. Wait, it was!?
Hahaha, stupid Nintendo, why you so stupid?

Wait.. What's that? As of March 31, 2012, the Wii total sales were at 95.85 million units?!

Huh, I guess numbers don't lie.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
tokae said:
Oh yeah, because the Wii wasn't just shitty gimmicks and shoddy technology.. Wait, it was!?
Hahaha, stupid Nintendo, why you so stupid?

Wait.. What's that? As of March 31, 2012, the Wii total sales were at 95.85 million units?!

Huh, I guess numbers don't lie.
That's true in the same sense as "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." Numbers may not lie, but they are oh so easily used to manipulate the truth.

In other words, yea, the Wii sold a metric ton of units early on, but much like the Hare, it stopped running and collapsed on its face. Nintendo lost a lot of money last year, not the least of which is because they did NOTHING to adapt to the market. It cost, what, half as much as a PS360 the past few years. With a decent group at the helm, it should have sold WAY MORE.

Of the people I know who bought a Wii, most of them only bought it for parties, barely touch it, most likely wouldn't buy one if they could go back in time, and I'll be shocked if any of them buy a WiiU. They don't even know what a WiiU is. And thus the problem with marketing to casuals. They are like sheep, and you absolutely cannot rely on them for repeat business.

In other words, Nintendo has a LOT of reasons to be concerned, despite major success 2+ years ago. Lifetime Wii sales mean zip to them at this point. If they outprice the casuals, then they have to rely on the hardcore market. And word on the street is this thing is gonna be low end tech in a year. The hardcore don't exactly flock to that sort of thing. Nintendo could easily bleed a lot more money next year.

Clearing the Eye

New member
Jun 6, 2012
The.Bard said:
tokae said:
Oh yeah, because the Wii wasn't just shitty gimmicks and shoddy technology.. Wait, it was!?
Hahaha, stupid Nintendo, why you so stupid?

Wait.. What's that? As of March 31, 2012, the Wii total sales were at 95.85 million units?!

Huh, I guess numbers don't lie.
That's true in the same sense as "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." Numbers may not lie, but they are oh so easily used to manipulate the truth.

In other words, yea, the Wii sold a metric ton of units early on, but much like the Hare, it stopped running and collapsed on its face. Nintendo lost a lot of money last year, not the least of which is because they did NOTHING to adapt to the market. It cost, what, half as much as a PS360 the past few years. With a decent group at the helm, it should have sold WAY MORE.

Of the people I know who bought a Wii, most of them only bought it for parties, barely touch it, most likely wouldn't buy one if they could go back in time, and I'll be shocked if any of them buy a WiiU. They don't even know what a WiiU is. And thus the problem with marketing to casuals. They are like sheep, and you absolutely cannot rely on them for repeat business.

In other words, Nintendo has a LOT of reasons to be concerned, despite major success 2+ years ago. Lifetime Wii sales mean zip to them at this point. If they outprice the casuals, then they have to rely on the hardcore market. And word on the street is this thing is gonna be low end tech in a year. The hardcore don't exactly flock to that sort of thing. Nintendo could easily bleed a lot more money next year.
I love how Nintendo is trying to use ports as a selling point. "You know all those old games that already came out years ago on other consoles and not the Wii? Well, now you can get them... again!" Perfect marketing. While everyone else is looking to the next generation, increasingly amazing PC hardware, portable devices and the iOS market, Nintendo is trying to catch up to this generation--the seven years old one that's about over.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
If the WiiU sells for about 100$ USD, I'll consider buying one, otherwise, no thanks.

I bought the Wii, and I have barely used it. I have spent maybe 30 hours playing various party style games, and about 12 hours using the Wii Fit system. From what I understand, the majority of Wii owners have spent roughly the same amount of time using theirs.

This is in contrast to my 360, that I spent 100 hours just playing Oblivion, not counting the massive amounts of time I put into other games.

If you add the gimmick that the WiiU is attempting to exploit, and the games that we have been told to expect ( last years games, and eventually Mario/Zelda/Metroid rehash 35 or whatever) it doesn't make financial or entertainment quality sense to invest in their system.


One day, we'll wake the zombies
Mar 29, 2010
Who cares?[footnote]Rhetorical question, honest.[/footnote]

I remember watching the E3 Nintendo conference when they announced the Wii U. I also remember being genuinely confused as to whether it was a console or handheld. The confusion lasted the entire conference. And that's about all I remember and care to know about the Wii U.