That's hilarious. Know what Wii games have been/are being released this year?
Ben 10,
Epic Mickey 2,
Disney Princess,
Dragon Quest X Online apparently (but not in the US or Europe),
Everyone Sing,
FIFA 13,
Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition,
Harley Pasternak's Hollywood Workout,
Ice Age: Arctic Games,
Just Dance 4/Disney Party/Best Of,
Kirby's Dream Collection (all old games being re-released),
Lego Batman 2,
Lego Lord of the Rings,
Madagascar 3: The Game,
Madden '13,
Major League Baseball 2k12,
Mario Party 9,
MIB: Alien Crisis,
NASCAR The Game,
NBA 2k13,
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013,
Project Zero 2: Wii Edition,
Rhythm Heaven Fever,
Rise of the Guardians: The Game,
Skylanders: Giants,
Amazing Spider-Man: Wii Edition,
Hip-Hop Dance Experience,
Transformers Prime: The Game,
Wipeout 3: The Game,
WWE '13 and WWE Brawl,
and Zumba Fitness Core.
Let's just beat down the doors while racing to get all of those wonderful, amazing titles that just can't be missed as Nintendo races to try and keep the system relevant when even their in-house development teams have abandoned it.
EDIT: Regardless of all that previous nonsense, it would be ridiculous for them to stop selling Wiis. Think how stupid it would've been if Sony had just pulled every single PS2 on the market when the PS3 hit stores, that would've just been a monumentally terrible business decision.