Meh, it's not just Nintendo; the entire industry seems to have a problem with Europe. Just look at the European PSN compared to NA or Japan. Lord knows why. Maybe they hate European accents or something?
I'm pretty sure US pirate just as much as Europe does.Jeronus said:With all the pirating going on down there, I am not surprised. They probably don't want any pirates getting their hands on that 3DS goodness.
not as far as ds games go.Drejer43 said:Why do you hate us Nintendo, it wasn't us that nuked you.
I'm pretty sure US pirate just as much as Europe does.Jeronus said:With all the pirating going on down there, I am not surprised. They probably don't want any pirates getting their hands on that 3DS goodness.
"Goddamn bastards! Since they already have an absolute crowd-puller, and now they don't want to show anyone. How stupid can you get? Idiots! Assholes!"Frybird said:Gottverdammte Dreckssäcke! Da haben die schonmal einen absoluten Publikumsmagneten, und dann wollen sie die niemanden zeigen. Wie dumm kann man sein? Vollidioten! Arschlöcher!
Maybe they figure some wiley customs official will confiscate it, or maybe the stewards think it will make them crash and wont allow it on the plane.Jaded Scribe said:While I don't understand it, I'm sure Nintendo has it's reasons. There are hundreds of reasons they might not want or be able to bring them.
This actually wouldn't be the first time that they've held their secret weapons back from Europe. I believe (do correct me if I'm wrong) Nintendo changed the Revolution into the Wii mnot too long before a gaming convention in Europe, and the "Re devellopment" Made the Wii skip tat convention.Susan Arendt said:What an odd decision on Nintendo's part. If Nintendo wasn't planning on going at all, fine, but to go but NOT bring its most attention-grabbing thing? Odd. Just odd.