Nintendo's Princess May Be In Another Castle

Lizzy Finnegan

New member
Mar 11, 2015
Nintendo's Princess May Be In Another Castle

Nintendo's Switch reveal has left many fans skeptical - and I personally believe it's time for the company to make a change.

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New member
Jul 2, 2012
Soooo much like the Wii U, its essentially gonna be rather lacking on its own but the absolutely amazing handful of exclusives and how different it is makes it a worthwhile gaming console to have alongside a PS4 or PC?

All a year or two down the line of course when it actually has those exclusives. Gosh Xenoblade is gonna be good.

Regardless I'm quite cool if it ends up excelling only as a mobile gaming device (enough to keep going too), we might actually get what the Vita always would've been then had Sony not been so useless with it.

Jacked Assassin

Nothing On TV
Jun 4, 2010
I don't understand how anyone could want 1, 2, Switch bundled with Nintendo Switch. I mean I understand wanting a free game if it were Mario. But who wants free tech demos? Especially where one said demo involves manually milking cows?
Jacked Assassin from an alternate future said:
Did hear about the new Suda 51 game!? You play a farmer / killer! And one of the minigames has you manually milking cows!
Despite that having a more creepy context to it that's still hypocritical future me.

The Jovian

New member
Dec 21, 2012
Alright, who wants to help me invest money in a company that specializes in developing inter-dimensional travel just so we can travel to this timeline:

Because sign me up for a timeline where Nintendo partnered up with Sony for the SNES-CD and didn't set themselves for a cock-up cascade that began with the Nintendo 64 using cartridges instead of CDs and culminated with the failure that was the Wii U (And it's also a home to a DC Cinematic Universe that doesn't suck).

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
I just dont know what they were aiming for, gamers who cannot pause a game while they use the can?

Ive not owned a nintendo console in nearly a decade now and there is nothing making me change my mind. It is a shame because Id loved wverything up to the SNES.


Will never say anything smart
Feb 25, 2014
I don't think that Nintendo should stop making consoles. I could try and justify my claims here, say that the handheld market would die out, that Nintendo would stop being Nintendo when they did, that PC gaming is niche in Japan at best and Nintendo is a Japanese company, but I don't really think that my logic would convince anyone who thinks so that they should continue to make consoles. At best it would just start an argument that I don't have the will to fight nor the brains to win. So I'll just say this: Nintendo will stop making consoles the day that they stop making games, and that say is rapidly approaching, given the way that people see them nowadays.


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
I knew this thing was DOA as soon as it was LOWER than the Xbone/PS4 in power.

I just don't 'get' Nintendo anymore...


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
I wish people would learn some basic economics before saying some really retarded shit like; "Nintendo should go third party."

For starters their cash ratio is higher than Sony or Microsoft's dedicated console developer divisions. By cash ratio alone, they coul continue releasing WiiU style losses each year, every year, until 2055 and still not have spent the cash reserves alone.

Secondly. The Nintendo Swith itself is priced perfectly. Anything less would be launching as far greater loss per unit, and it would force them to rely on licencing alone for returns. And that's never been Nintendo's strategy. Nintendo is a fiscallyt conservative company.

Thirdly, Nintendo is more than just games. While Sony and Microsoft are dependant on licencing, Nintendo isn't (hence why they don't need to play nice with third party) ... Nintendo R&D and products go well beyond the console market, and they're moving into things like medical technologies. Nintendo's strategy is horizontal R&D that allows their tech to have multiple purposes down the line. It uses consumers in videogaming to bank roll R&D that has little to do with gaming. By not having to pander to third party, they can devise tech to suit other purposes and manufacture new ways for technological integration of existing hardware.

Nintendo will keep releasing innovative gaming tech so long as it can find buyers willing to pay for priced unit that meets parity with the quality of what you get. If you're going to complain, the peripherals are perhaps the most expensive part ... but even then for the tech tat you're getting I feel like decreasing cost per unit would lead to problems also.

It's not in Nintendo's interests to merely copypasta what other divisions in Sony and Microsoft are doing. Namely because Sony and Microsoft are struggling to make rent with their console divisions to begin with, and have built themselves into a niche whereas Nintendo keeps expanding into other industries.

To put it bluntly, Nintendo as a company is healthier than Sony or Microsoft's gaming divisions.

No, that's not speculation. That's based purely on economic performance indices. Whatever Nintendo's problems are, lay purely in whatever problems you might have in capitalist economics.

Pokemon Go alone is almost bigger than Sony and Microsoft's console gaming divisions. And Nintendo's augmented reality prospects are bigger than anything Microsoft and Sony have up their sleeve. The Switch can tap into augmented reality market better than anything currently on the market.

Hell, Nintendo and the Switch could be a breakout hit with social gaming on these prospects alone. And I'm willing to bet this was one of the reasons why they wanted a home and portable device in one.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Addendum_Forthcoming said:
I wish people would learn some basic economics before saying some really retarded shit like; "Nintendo should go third party."

For starters their cash ratio is higher than Sony or Microsoft's dedicated console developer divisions. By cash ratio alone, they coul continue releasing WiiU style losses each year, every year, until 2055 and still not have spent the cash reserves alone.

Secondly. The Nintendo Swith itself is priced perfectly. Anything less would be launching as far greater loss per unit, and it would force them to rely on licencing alone for returns. And that's never been Nintendo's strategy. Nintendo is a fiscallyt conservative company.

Thirdly, Nintendo is more than just games. While Sony and Microsoft are dependant on licencing, Nintendo isn't (hence why they don't need to play nice with third party) ... Nintendo R&D and products go well beyond the console market, and they're moving into things like medical technologies. Nintendo's strategy is horizontal R&D that allows their tech to have multiple purposes down the line. It uses consumers in videogaming to bank roll R&D that has little to do with gaming. By not having to pander to third party, they can devise tech to suit other purposes and manufacture new ways for technological integration of existing hardware.

Nintendo will keep releasing innovative gaming tech so long as it can find buyers willing to pay for priced unit that meets parity with the quality of what you get. If you're going to complain, the peripherals are perhaps the most expensive part ... but even then for the tech tat you're getting I feel like decreasing cost per unit would lead to problems also.

It's not in Nintendo's interests to merely copypasta what other divisions in Sony and Microsoft are doing. Namely because Sony and Microsoft are struggling to make rent with their console divisions to begin with, and have built themselves into a niche whereas Nintendo keeps expanding into other industries.

To put it bluntly, Nintendo as a company is healthier than Sony or Microsoft's gaming divisions.

No, that's not speculation. That's based purely on economic performance indices. Whatever Nintendo's problems are, lay purely in whatever problems you might have in capitalist economics.
And microsoft as a company is healthier as nintendo as a company and is a bigger global player then nintendo can ever hope to be...

Youre comparing subdivisions to entire companies as if all microsoft and sony are doing is console development.

Apples and oranges mate.. apples and oranges.

A real comparison would be comparing the success of their gaming divisions and in that comparison nintendo is the big looser, doesnt matter how you want to justify it by citing stuff that has jack shit to do with gaming.

You are actually arguing in favor of having a gaming division that produces more economic failures then any other console manufacturer on the market (nintendo 64, gamecube, VR boy, Wii U) but then claim that nintendo is a economical conservativ company? I dont know about you but "conservative" doesnt mean creating products with the knowledge that they will flop bigtime. They have learned nothing from the Wii U debacle and simply produced another Wii U.. only this time the tablet is the console. Heck even the new zelda game will be released on both consoles.. theres literally no reason to get a switch at launch or to be honest throughout 2017 unless you think splatoon is a reason to buy a underpowered 300 dollar tablet

This article summed it up nicely:

Nintendo consoles are the crap we put up with to play nintendos 1st party games. Nothing more, nothing less... because no matter how much you want to justify nintendos decisions, those are the only games (worth) playing on their main consoles because no one will develop games for that piece of crap


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
Karadalis said:
Apples and oranges mate.. apples and oranges.

A real comparison would be comparing the success of their gaming divisions and in that comparison nintendo is the big looser, doesnt matter how you want to justify it by citing stuff that has jack shit to do with gaming.
And to torpedo your entire argument, Pokemon Go made Nintendo as a company bigger than Sony. This is why Nintendo will never go out of business. It doesn't need third party to make money, and it is already broaching industries that either Sony or Microsoft could never hope to.

The difference between Sony and Nintendo is that Nintendo knew it couldn't survive if it stuck with conventional gaming markets, and the fact thst Nintendo's augmented reality *project* was enough to mske it far more profitable than evrn the biggest star in gaming is more than telling Nintendo's valuation as a company would lose money if it went third party.

It makes consoles solely so it can dominate the cross demographics of gaming and capitalise on having sole access to its biggest names.

Even this article missed that point, yet reaffirms its ethos. Nintendo gsmes are great and *omnipresent* as a market share. But games go beyond merely consoles now. By Nintendo keeping up with technologies present in such like the Joycon, whatever idiots consider a 'gimmick' are technologies that define things like augmented reality.

Suddenly Nintendo isn't being "weird" ... merely getting started on future hurdles to what gaming will look like in 5 to 10 years.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Addendum_Forthcoming said:
Even this article missed that point, yet reaffirms its ethos. Nontendo gsmes are great. But games go beyond merely consoles now. By Nintendo keeping up with technologies present in suvj like the Joycon, whatever idiots consider a 'gimmick' are technologies that define things like augmented reality.

And Nintendo is winning.
Augmented reality has been pretty much shown to be a gimmick. And a console is defined by the games it has to offer, that's what attracts gamers. Hate to say it, but Nintendo is losing. Every time they have made an announcement, their stock has taken a hit. That's not love. Nintendo need to realise that if they want to play the big kid's game (home consoles), then they need to step up and give their home consoles some balls.

And yeah, you might trot out that Nintendo will do well in Japan, here's the thing; If the Japanese market was all they cared about, they'd stop releasing product globally.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
008Zulu said:
Augmented reality has been pretty much shown to be a gimmick. And a console is defined by the games it has to offer, that's what attracts gamers. Hate to say it, but Nintendo is losing. Every time they have made an announcement, their stock has taken a hit. That's not love. Nintendo need to realise that if they want to play the big kid's game (home consoles), then they need to step up and give their home consoles some balls.

And yeah, you might trot out that Nintendo will do well in Japan, here's the thing; If the Japanese market was all they cared about, they'd stop releasing product globally.
Of course stocks take a hit whenever Nintendo announces a console. It's a massive injection of volatility. Nonetheless it's something they have to do occasionally. The Wii took a company stock hit when they announced it, the ridiculous popularity of the device then made their stock value soar. But if it wants to bankroll tech and potentially replicate thd duccess of the DS and the Wii it will continue to release consoles and price them marginal within cost of production.

Regardless Nintendo's share price is still growing well in line with general market trends.

And clearly games are whst Nintendo are delivering. It's already dominated mobile gaming even on smartphones. With one ridiculously buggy app. The difference is whether you release an expensive console and rely on third party licencing to make do, which means you inevitably have to compromise on design and R&D. Or you can release a home console at price of production, and not be beholden to what third party wants.

Ultimately Nintendo was never going to release the Switch for more than, or less than, 300. That's never been their corporate model to drastically increase volatility or price themselves out of competition.

And Nintendo's market share makes it singularly the largest gaming tech company in the world. Home consoles for a long time now haven't been seen as the 'big kids hame'. Pokemon Go is proof enough of that. One of the biggest disappointments for Nintendo at the moment is 3DS and New 3DS sales. And despite that both Sony and Microsoft would be envious of just how much naked profit Nintendo finds on average with each of it platforms.

The WiiU was their attempt at producing a console with far more expensive tech thsn the buy in price. They weren't going to replicate that again. All Nintendo reslly want is their console to sell enough that estsblished first party products each find significant profit. And as long as that continues, they will continue selling tech at marginal loss, but compensate by having games guaranteed to make a profit.

But this is merely subsidised R&D in terms of other things they want to do with the tech they develop. Moreover, with their cash reserves alone, they are more than willing to release two WiiUs if they eventuslly hit on another runaway success like the DS or the Wii.

It's a business model that works because the Switch doesn't need to sell that many units to guarantee naked profit on the console regardless of other things like game sales.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
For me the WiiU was a good console as I hadn't owned the launchtitles on other consoles (due to not having PS/Xbox) so my launchtitle buylist was up in 7 or 8 games. That lasted long and by the time I had finished those there had been new releases (I don't game that much so those titles took me about a year to finish). But then after that, appart from the indietitles from the eshop, Nintendo only realeased one or two "big" games a year. I would've liked 3 or 4, and the amount of smaller titles from the Eshop I only found the occassional one interesting.

The interesting part in the Switch for me is to play "bigger" games like Zelda and Skyrim on the go, being able to play couchmultiplayer at home on the TV with friends. But I'd like some confirmation that there actually are games coming for the system with a steady pace, which for me would mean titles like Skyrim, Xenoblade and Zelda, 3 or 4 of these a year and then I would of course find a gem or two in the Eshop in between. But I would like to play this still in 5 years time looking back and thinking that this one wasn't gathering dust after 3 years, but even if I don't use it for a couple a weeks, there will always be that next game to look forward to.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Addendum_Forthcoming said:
It's already dominated mobile gaming even on smartphones. With one ridiculously buggy app.
Nintendo didn't make Pokemon Go, Niantic did.

But if the console doesn't sell, and thus far nothing beyond hardcore Nintendophiles indicates that anyone else will, then where is the profit going to come from? Nintendo may not want to admit it, but 3rd party support makes or breaks a console.


Sep 4, 2008
Jacked Assassin said:
I don't understand how anyone could want 1, 2, Switch bundled with Nintendo Switch. I mean I understand wanting a free game if it were Mario. But who wants free tech demos? Especially where one said demo involves manually milking cows?
Something is better than nothing. You know someone is going to buy it for their kids, and then realize it doesn't have anything they can do with it.

bjj hero said:
Ive not owned a nintendo console in nearly a decade now and there is nothing making me change my mind. It is a shame because Id loved wverything up to the SNES.
It's been almost two decades for me. I bought a Nintendo 64 and only had 2-3 games for the thing. They release on launch was so slow and the number of good games were actually pretty low. You could rent them a few times or borrow them from a friend. I often wished I had gone with the Playstation that had a lot more content for it (such as Metal Gear Solid and many RPGs). Actually, I take that back I bought a Wii for my kids - but it was such a pain with the remotes not shutting off, the kids pressing buttons on them or being crammed in a drawer constantly pressing a button. Every time they would go to play it would require fresh batteries. I was initially excited about the Switch, as it seems like a great concept - but it's not for me. I don't know how they can justify pushing game releases back to not "flood the market" with their few games. That says to me they don't have much planned down the road and need to space out their "really good stuff" (what you want the console for) in order to build hype and excitement before each release. I see it as a novelty, and we're probably going to see a lot of complaints and problems about broken pieces and replacement costs or battery life. That's a shame too - I really want to see Nintendo back to the glory days of the SNES with so many awesome game experiences.

There are people that are going to defend it and buy it out of brand loyalty, but unless Nintendo can really improve on how they do things those loyalists are likely to look back and regret their purchase. It's one thing when it's a gift, another when you have to make choices in what to buy. Then again, even the price of the Switch isn't that high - but I fear that the additional controllers and replacements are going to be a pain. It's Nintendo. You're going to have Mario, Mario Karts, Zelda, Smash, and whatever other bone they decide to throw your way. They're very innovative in hardware and experiences (not always for good), but not so much in how their games play out.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
It ultimately comes down to the games, and it is in this area that Nintendo needs to make a (no pun intended) switch. They need to come out with new and fresh games. And I don't mean Mario now being in the city, or Zelda characters now having voices, I mean new characters in new worlds. This idea of 'if it's a platformer it should be Mario', and 'if it's an action adventure it should be Zelda' is a slow gradual slide into stagnation, and Nintendo is already down up to their shoulders. Splatoon is a small step in the right direction, but they need more.

I've heard the 'it's actually a succesor to the 3DS' argument before, but to me it doesn't hold much water. The battery life is terrible, and Reggie stated that it'll exist seperately from the 3DS. If they'd open up the 3DS library to the Switch they might actually have something here, but as it stands it just looks like another Wii-U.


New member
Feb 17, 2015
I'd say the Switch will fail but Nintendo already knows how they're going to move these suckas. WHat device do you think the next pokemon game is gonna be exclusive to?


New member
Jun 7, 2010
bjj hero said:
I just dont know what they were aiming for, gamers who cannot pause a game while they use the can?
More like, gamers who only has time to play while on the can...

Like me, sold!

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
Sealpower said:
bjj hero said:
I just dont know what they were aiming for, gamers who cannot pause a game while they use the can?
More like, gamers who only has time to play while on the can...

Like me, sold!
Stimulate mind and body. I can respect that.